The Bonding Ceremony Part 2

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Jackson's POV

After school, I was a little hesitant to go to this so-called bracelet party. It was clearly a trap, not sure why but they were clearly up to something. Against my better judgment, I decided to go. I thought it might be worth the effort and who knows maybe I could teach those punks a lesson. I had just been dumped by my recent girlfriend because I decided to come out to her as bi. 

She claimed and I quote," Ew you are utterly disgusting. Like what the hell, you totally deceived me. We're over!" What the hell! I come out to you and you claimed I deceived you. How did I deceive you by being bi? The whole thing pissed me off and I may have almost destroyed half the school. I didn't mean to do it but the whole thing was so stupid it made me pissed. In case you didn't realize I'm one-third titan the rest being a royal werewolf.  I got dressed and packed a bracelet to change into, on the off chance this wasn't a trap. I looked through my closet and stared at all the black and blue outfits.

I quickly caught a cab and headed to the address she gave me. It was pretty clear her dad, head of the supernatural council put them up to this. So I was gonna show them all that I was no easy target. Or so I thought. As I arrived at the exact place, a bright light went off and my bracelet glowed. The light was so bright that it blinded me and I began to feel faint. Soon my world started to go black. The next thing I heard was Aurora saying it had worked.

                                                                3rd Person POV

When Jackson awoke he was in a beautiful canopy bed surrounded by pillows. He was laying under a very thick comforter and spotted a few adorable stuffed animals around the room. On the far wall was a vanity mirror and to the left of the bed was a walk-in closet. Jackson sat up and looked around when he noticed Leo standing in a corner smiling at him. "Look who's finally awake."He said with a smirk. 

"You are probably confused, so let me explain"He began. He walked closer and a collar manifested on Jackson's neck. "That light you saw was a binding spell. The council has deemed you too dangerous to let you roam free. So instead of locking you up, they assigned me to take you as my slave.  You seemed interested so I took them up on their offer."As Leo finished explaining angry tears rolled down Jackson's face. "Ok, yea probably not the best way to explain things," Leo said feeling a bit guilty.  Jackson wiped his tears, "No, I knew it was a trap. I didn't care. The fact is that the bracelet I was wearing caused this. It was a gift from my mother before she died."Jackson explained angrily.  The room fell silent as Jackson wiped his tears.

 Aurora burst into the room now breaking the silence. "So is the trouble maker awake?"She asked as if she was in a bad mood.  Leo glared at her and dragged her out angrily. "Can you be a little more considerate?"He exclaimed. Leo began to explain what had happened, and Aurora's heart sank. She immediately ran into the room and began apologizing. She had lost her mom as well to some hunters when she was younger. After things had calmed down they all headed downstairs, where Evelyn was waiting. Turns out the house was a gift that Leo received from his parents on his sweet sixteen. Leo explained that Jackson was to live with him from now on. The room he woke up in would be his. Jackson honestly didn't care, he had lived alone and was about to lose his apartment. "I'll be getting you new clothes of course. "Leo told him. "What's wrong with my outfit? Are my clothes not good enough for you rich snobs" Jackson asked glaring at Leo and his friends. Leo laughed it off and smiled."No, it's not that. Your clothes seem too big for you. Also, they don't seem like they're your taste"He told him. Leo was right, all of Jackson's clothes were donations from shelters. Despite being a werewolf prince, he had nothing because his inheritance was frozen. He couldn't use it at all until certain conditions were met. So having a rich master would be really helpful right now.

A/N:I unexpeectedly had to babysit my cousin. So I'm posting what I have and gonna add more when I get access to a laptop.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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