chapter 2

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She entered the class and saw all the heterogeneous groups sitting on top of the tables,  some of the girls had arms around boys and all the students were making a lot of noise and creating a chaos. All eyes turned to her as she entered the classroom.

     'Yes? ' a girl with braided hair and long nails stood in front of her.

'12B?New student,' Nandini said.

'Ohh',  she looked at her, her eyes travelling from nandini's hair to shoes, and walked away.

She felt naked. Even though she was the most dressed up girl in that room, she felt bare. Everybody looked at her as if she was an alien and came from some other planet. She walked through the rows of benches and looked for an empty seat. Whenever she saw an empty place and tried to sit there,  the students said that the place was not vacant for her and she wasn't meant to sit there. After searching for the place to sit she finally found one, only last bench was empty. The last bench.

She put her bag down and looked her watch. There were still a few minutes to go. She could hear whispers around her. But as the minutes passed, people stopped looking at her and went about their own business.

The first twenty minutes in her new school had been very unsettling, to say the least. Beautiful, pretty. girls and short skirts. Guys with hair all over the place and low hanging school trousers in sneakers. She had anticipated that she would notice something like this but what she didn't know was that this would be the norm here.

Just then, the teacher entered the class. She was both their physics teacher as well as the class teacher. And she was a far cry from the teachers she used to in her school back home. Ms.Ahmed was young, thin and she looked only a shade older than a college girl. There was a buzz in the class as she entered the class. The boys gave each other sneaky looks. She was the darling teacher of the school. Ms.Ahmed was extremely pretty and friendly with the students. A lot of guys in school had a crush on her.

'Neha? Namanpreet?' she started taking names of the students and marking the attendance.

Nandini waited for her name. The whole list was read aloud without a pause. Ms.Ahmed had to shout a few times to get the class in order.

'Nandini? ' Ms.Ahmed finally said her name.

'Yes ma'am! 'she said.

Ms.Ahmed had a good look at her before asking, 'New student? '

'Yes ma'am ' she said and stood up.

'No no keep sitting '. Ms.Ahmed stood up. 'So which school are you from? '

'st.Mary's Convent. Kanpur ', she said.

There were faces in the class. No one had ever heard of the school.

'Welcome to the Elite School ',she said. 'After this class I'll assign you a buddy who'll help you in adjusting with the surroundings ', she smiled at Nandini.

'Thank you ma'am ',Nandini said and immediately liked her.

Then, she started teaching. Many of the topics she was teaching were quite different from her previous school one.

' Did you all go through the chapter of thermodynamics', the teacher asked.

' No ', all the students replied in unison.

'Mam are you kidding me?  We were busy watching the Victoria secrets fashion show yesterday. ',another voice said.

'..... we were busy ma'am ',said another voice.

And then there was a lot of noise Ms.Ahmed looked on helplessly at the students when they were creating a ruckus in the class. Nandini realized that this was the daily routine of the school. Every kid was a brat. And every kid had a rich family and powerful parents. No teacher wanted to be on anyone's bad side. For one, this school was run by the students and not by the teachers.

All this was new to Nandini. In her previous school the students were still slapped by the teachers.

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