Everything I Didn't Say [Prologue]

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Third Person POV

Why the hell am I doing this again? Ashton thought to himself. He was terrified, the thought of meeting one of the BIGGEST boy band in Australia was horrifying let alone becoming one of the member itself was just utterly frightening. He didn't want to be here. This was one of the most regretful decisions he must've ever made. Oh well, too late to back out now, he already signed a contract that was sent by Adam, 5 Second Of Summer's manager. His thoughts were interrupted by the driver's voice.

"We have arrived Mr Irwin, I will take your bags to the front porch."

He stepped out the car. The cold October air sending chills through his honey brown coat. The realisation that he was actually joining this band sent another jolt of uneasiness in his stomach. He wanted to throw up from the discomfort if his nerves. Who wouldn't be nervous? He glanced around the foreign area of Holmes Chapel, eyes wide open when it landed on the mansion that stood perfectly in front of him. A man came out if the front door which he recognised immediately.

"Ah Mr Irwin. I see you've made it just in time. C'mon follow me I'll show you around."

Ashton isn't really a person who was at a lost of words but this case was different. Not trusting his voice he simply nodded.

"Not so talkative are we?" Adam asked.

" I'm just a bit ..."

" Nervous?" Adam finished for him

Once again, Ashton simply nodded. People walking by the street were just giving him odd looks. It's not everyday you see someone casually having a conversation with the manager of the biggest Australian boy band. Ashton knew he was extremely lucky to have been offered a one in a life time chance but he can't help but to regret this huge life decision. He knew it was a time to have a change in his life, but this was a bit too confronting it him.

He followed Adam into the house. Mesmerised of his luxurious and big it was.

"You'll be sharing this house with a boy named Luke Hemmings. He seems to be have been on some kind of man period for the past seven months. Your bedroom is the one on the right of that white door just there. We have put you're suitcases and prepared everything for you. I will be leaving first, be sure to ask me for any help." Adam explained.

As Adam left with a soft slam of the door, Ashton plopped himself against the soft fabric of the white couch, a soft happy sigh escaping from his slightly tinted pink thin lips.

" Who the fuck are you?! Get out of my house you bloody twat!" A voice yelled from behind.

Ashton snapped his head around and was immediately drowned into those beautiful pair of deep blue eyes that were furiously staring into his pair of hazel coloured eyes. He presumed this was Luke Hemmings

" You twat. Answer me when I'm talking to you!" The voice yelled again snapping Ashton out of his daydream, he opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. Once again he was at a loss of words. He finally managed to speak.

"I-I'm the n-new m-member o-of 5 S-Seconds O-of S-summer. A-Adam t-told me to c-come l-live w-with y-you in y-your f-flat." He stuttered out


Ashton frowned. Great he's probably a homophobic, he thought to himself. He could feel the tears threatening to spill as he recalled the past memories in Doncaster, his old home town. Blinking away the useless tears he spoke out.

"I have no where to go if I leave..." Ashton managed to speak confidently. Surprising himself greatly.

With an angry look visible on Luke's face, he sighed loudly clearly annoyed.

Everything I Didn't Say [ Lashton AU]Where stories live. Discover now