Chapter 1

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Ashton's POV
Slowly walking upstairs I heard broken sobs and whimpers that seem to be coming from Luke's room. Curious on what was happening I stood outside his door debating on whether I should go in or not

Sighing, I entered my new room and started to unpack only to be greeted by more whimpers which I tried my best to ignore by blasting my music into my headphones.


I could feel something heavy jabbing me in the stomach, ignoring it I let out a groan and covered myself deeper in the warm blankets.

"Get your fat arse up, you wanker! We have a interview in half a hour, if you're not downstairs in 10 minutes in leaving and I won't give a fuck!" A certain deep voice grumbled.

Hearing the door slam I immediately sat up.
Interview? 30 minutes? SHIT. Throwing on a black nirvana shirt  and my black jeans I rushed downstairs only to find Luke with a smirk on his face.

"That was fast, for a wimp."

"Fuck off Luke!" I grumbled I jut wasn't in the mood to fight with him so early in the morning

" Someone's has their monthly period" He replied in a smug voice

Ignoring him, I made myself some w tea and a piece of toast.

"C'mon you twat, we have to go" Luke yelled from the door.

Grumbling under my breath I grabbed my phone and wallet before rushing out the door to Luke's car.

Driving at approximately 150km/s, I was scared shitless.

"Jesus fuck, drive slower you idiot. Are you trying to die?"

"Don't tell me what to do you pathetic twat." He spat angrily.

As the studio came into view I literally wanted to run out of the car not wanting to experience something like that ever again.

I walked/ran in only to be greeted by two smiling idiots. Calum and Michael.

"Welcome to the band man. Heard you were a great drummer. Don't bang them to hard, you might make a certain person hard. How is it living with Luke?" Calum joked.

"Thank you Calum. Living with Luke is like a nightmare come true only ten times worse"

"Ashton, you've got to know something about Luke. His dad was in a car accident and on that night it really broke him, he was extremely close to his dad they were like best friends you know? Starting from that day onwards he just wasn't himself, he blames himself for his dad's death. But that's not even half the story as to why he's acting like he is now. He just completely shut everyone out before we could even ask what happened. So what I'm saying here is just don't be too surprised if he snaps at you.He's actually harmless, but he's attitude is what annoys the management here" Calum explained.

"Thank you for telling me this, never excepted this. I thought his dad was still alive..." I mumbled more to myself than to Calum. Luckily he didn't hear.

30 minutes later
"Alright I want everyone to here to sing a bit of their solo, I want to know which parts will suit you the best.

( A/N the solos here will be fake for this story)
Adam handed us each a lyric sheet, I glanced down. I knew I wasn't the best singer but I somehow wanted to show everyone that Ashton Irwin could sing.

"Alright Luke you start singing all your solos first, than we will move to Calum, Ashton and lastly Michael" Adam explained

Luke stood up without a second glance and put he headphones while starting to him the tune.

She sleeps alone.
My heart wants to come home.
I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.
She lies awake.
I'm trying to find the words to say.
I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

Another day and I'm somewhere new.
I made a promise that I'll come home soon.
Bring me back, bring me back to you.

When we both wake up underneath the same sun.
Time stops, I wish that I could rewind.
So close but so far away.

There are pieces of us both
Under every city light
And they're shining as we fade into the night

I found myself staring into those mesmerising blue eyes of his, those jeans made him look so hot and cu-
Snap out of it Irwin! Just because your go you can't go crushing on a boy especially someone like Luke. I scolded myself for even thinking like that.

When it was my turn to sing, I took a deep breath before shakily putting on my headphones. Closing my eyes I started singing hoping I would sound so good.

Within a minute I was all packed up
I've got a ticket to another world
I don't wanna go
I don't wanna go
The silent words are hard to speak
When your thoughts are all I see
"Don't ever leave," she said to me

When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky.
To the beat of our hearts at the same time.
So close but so far away.

When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky.
To the beat of our hearts at the same time.
So close but so far away.
(Can you hear me?)

Wow. I didn't realise how long my solo actually was. I thought I'll only have one line. I stepped outside the room only to be greeted by an awkward silence hanging loose in the air. I can't even begin to think how horrible I was. I drifted my eyes towards a certain blonde haired boy, he sat there with a smug look. Both Calum and Michael has their jaw dropped open.

Michael was the first to speak up with Calum agreeing after.

"Words can't even explain how good you were. Are you sure you weren't in a choir or something?! Damn Ashton you were amazing!" Michael spoke excitedly

" Yes you were absolutely amazing, I can't believe you weren't in our band before" Calum exclaimed happily

I heard a loud scoff, guess who it belonged to? Luke fucking Hemmings. Okay what's his problem? I'm beginning to have my doubts for him...

" Amazing? Really Michael? Did you really have to say that Calum? Obviously this boy can't sing. He's horrible listen to him, carefully." Luke exasperated as he emphasised his short 'speech' on how horrible I was.

I frowned, singing is the only thing that makes me happy. I feel almost powerless without it.

Luke stormed out with a slam.

" WHO THE FUCK LET HIM IN THIS BAND" hearing Luke say that stabbed me deep inside. I knew i wasn't good but did he really have to state the obvious?

I felt tears glazing my eyelids, furiously blinking them away, trying not to let  them fall.

" Guys I'll be going back to the at first. Text me if you need me" I said to Mike and Calum, faking a smile.

I ran to my room as soon as soon as I arrived at the flat. Once again, I could hear whimpers and sons of a broken boy. Only this time it sounded a lot worse than I first heard it.

Deciding to ignore it I closed my eyes drifting of to a soundless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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