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I wake and see that Druig is not in bed with me. I quickly go to my room and throw on some clothes. I frown as i hear Druig laughing. I go into the kitchen and see Makarri and immediately i can feel the jelousy rising.
"Oh good morning princess did we wake?" Druig said smiling at me.
"No" I mutter looking away from him. I make myself a coffee and sit down on the sofa and put the TV on. I stay silent as i watch the news. Once I've finish my coffee i put my cup in the sink i decide to go out and interact with the village people. I put my shoes on and head to the door. Before i got there Druig grabbed my arm and turned me so i face him.
"Are you alright and where are you going?" Druig asks me frowning at my behaviour.
"I'm fine and I'm going to talk with the village people" I say shrugging his arm off and walking outside. I see childeren playing and smile wildley at them. They all come running up to me making me laugh.
"Hello my name is Oceana" A little girl said making me smile at her.
"Hello Oceana I'm Dionysus" I say smiling at her.
"You have magic hands right" She says making me chuckle.
"Yes I do" I say curiously.
"My mummy is sick do you think that you could help her" She says her voice full of hope.
"I can try my lovely" I say and stand up. She grabs my hand and pulls me along. I follow her to one of the cabins. She opens the door and i see a male sat next to a female holding her hand.
"Oceana is that you" The male said.
"Yes daddy it's me and i brought the women with magic hands who said she can try and help" She said making him stand up quickly and turn around.
"Oceana i told you not to ask her to do that, it drains her" The man said frustrated.
"Don't worry sir I'm happy to help" I say with a smile on face.
"I'm Mustafa and are you sure" He asks worried for me.
"I'm Dionysus and of course it's my pleasure" I say and walk towards the woman. I kneel down next to her.
"Dear are you sure you can do this my husband said it draines you" The woman said coughing. I quickly hover my hands over her hoping that my magic will work.

"Dionysus where are you" I hear Druig say in my head

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"Dionysus where are you" I hear Druig say in my head. I immediately shut him out to focus. After a good five minutes i stop my magic. I look at her and her eyes widen.
"Oh my god Mustafa I'm healed the pain it's no longer there" She said in pure joy to her husband. I smile knowing that I've made her family happy.
"Oh thats wonderful" He said picking her up and spinning her around making me and Oceana laugh. Oceana runs and jumps at them. They laugh and pick her up.
"Thank you so much I'm Afra and we're forever in debt to you" She said hugging me.
"Don't worry about it I'm glad your feeling better" I say hiding how weak i feel.
"Well enjoy the rest of your day i must be going now" I say smiling sweetly.
"Ok your welcome here any time" She said and they all waved goodbye and thanked me. As soon as i getb outside i hear Druig.
"Where is she Makkari she blocked me out" He shouts frustrated.
"Druig?" I say hesitantly. His eyes snaps to mine and i see him relax. He runs over to me and pulls me into the tightest hug.
"God don't ever do that again i need you to answer me. Do you understand me?" He asks and i can hear the worry in his voice.
"Yes i was healing a women and i knew if i answered back it would distract me" I say with a smile but he saw right through it. He picks me up bridal style again.
"Druig put me down" I say trying to wriggle out of his hold.
"Not a chance your weak i can tell" He said refusing to put me down. I huff and let him carry me. He takes us back to our cabin and puts me on the sofa and he and Makkari join us.
"Oh also you wanna tell us why you were acting like that in the morning" Druig said raising his eyesbrowns.
"Acting like what" I say shrugging my shoulders.
"Ok you don't have to tell me but I'll get it out of you at some point" He said narrowing his eyes at me making me stick my tonue out at him. Makarri taps me and starts signing.
(She signs that she has a boyfriend and was telling Druig this morning) I smile and at the same time curse myself for my reaction.
"Oh that is wonderful whats his name" I ask back making sure that she can read my lips.
(His name is Mason) She signs back.
"Well i hope he treats you well and i hope that i find someone someday so we can go on double dates" I say wiggling my eyes brows. She mock glares me.
(Well i best get going) She signs and me and Druig hug her goodbye.
"You wanna tell me what went on this morning" He asks putting his arm around me.
"No" I mutter looking down.
"Thats ok" He said lifting my chin up. We stare into each others eyes until i see him glance down at my lips and lean in. I quickly put my head down panicking about kissing him. I hear his breath hitch.
"Sorry, stay here I'm going out for a bit" He said not looking at me. He grabs his jacket and walks straight out of the front door. I try to get up but fall to the floor due to how weak i am. All of a sudden Thena appears out of a portal and looks at me sadly.
"Whats wrong" I ask her confused as she helped me up.
"Druig doesn't want you here anymore" She said. My face drops.
"Let me talk to him please" I say desperately. She shakes her head.
"He said he won't come back until your gone" She said gently. I wave my hand making myself even weaker. I grab my things and walk back through the portal. I see all the others giving me a sad look but i ignore them.
"Phastos could you create me a portal to my appartment in New York" I say with no emotions.
"Dion.." Thena starts.#
" I'm sorry but i can't Thena he won't let me explain" I say with tears forming in my eyes. Phastos creates the portal and i walk through without hesitation, it closes behind me. I just leave mt things where it is. I go into my room and start crying.

I climb into bed not even bothering changing out of my clothes

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I climb into bed not even bothering changing out of my clothes. I try to reach out to Druig in my mind but i hit a shield making me cry harder. I go to sleep crying and thinking about how much I'm gonna miss Druig.

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