1) football game

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It was the beginning of the first semester in college and I am really excited to start!

(I found this girl on Pinterest to be the girl character, Bella just an FYI so please if this is you please do t attack me, I just found you on the internet)

(I found this girl on Pinterest to be the girl character, Bella just an FYI so please if this is you please do t attack me, I just found you on the internet)

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I was walking towards the lounge, and I run into a girl the same age as me. She had long brown hair, glasses that were over her beautiful blue eyes just like mine, and she wore a white sleeved shirt tucked in her baggy jeans.

"Oh. My. God I-I am so sorry I w-wasn't looking where I was going" she stutters, I giggle and leaned down to pick my things up while she did the same. "I'm Bella" I say, offering my hand for a shake. "I'm Jenna" she replied, shaking my hand.

"I see your new around here, I would love to show you a round if you want." She asked, offering me a tour, I nod and we walk together.

As me and Jenna walked around outside, we talked about how we were in 4 classes together and how we planned to sit next to each other in all of them. We bonded so quickly and became friends instantly.


While we were walking to biology together
Jenna talked about how there was a football game tonight and that I should come. I nod and we sit down next each other in class.

The day went by very quickly and I had assignments to finish up back at my dorm.

As I wrapped up my work, I get a text from Jenna as we exchanged numbers earlier.

~Hay Bella, are you coming to the football game?~

~yeah I'm coming right now, let me just dress up and I'll be there in 10 minutes~

I put my phone down as I get up to put on an oversized tee and some high waisted shorts, I kept my hair down and I grabbed my phone to get to the fields before the game started.

I got there just in time, I see Jenna from a distance waving her hands around to get my attention.

I walk over to her and give her a hug, we sit down at the bleachers so we could watch the game.

Jenna was super into it as for me, I was quite bored. I looked around at the crowd, a lot of people were sitting on the grass and not so much on the bleachers.

I look behind me to see the faces that sit upon there, I see a boy sitting at the very top of the bleachers with his legs spread apart and his hands in his pockets.

His eyes meet with mine, I look away with embarrassment. "That's Harry" I hear Jenna say, "but don't get fooled by his charms, he's got quite a story" my eyes get curious to what she meant.

"What do you mean?" I ask, she turns her body towards me. "He hasn't had a girlfriend nor a friend every sense he was moved here to Chicago, no one knows why he was transferred here. But people heard it's bad. And he doesn't like anyone touching him, especially girls. He doesn't even reach eye contact with them, he prefers to be alone." my eyes widened by her telling.

I look up once more at him, his deep green eyes sparkle by the light, he didn't look pleased by anything and everyone by him.

A few moments later he walks down the bleachers and down to the floor, me and Jenna were at the last bleacher. He glared down at me and spoke, "your in my way" he said, I immediately stood up and moved out of his way.

He stands in-front of me for a few seconds before walking away. "He hasn't looked at any girl like that before" Jenna says with her eyebrows furrowing with a smirk on her face.

I shrugged my shoulders, sat back down and kept watching the game, once the game was over I walked to my single dorm to get some rest.

I hug Jenna a goodnight as she walks to her dorm that is 6 dorms away from mine, she had a roommate though. I took a quick shower and got dressed into some sweat pants and a tank top.

I went on my computer to make sure I had nothing else to do before I hit the hay.

After that, I hopped into bed trying to fall asleep, I kept turning and tossing no able to rest. I couldn't get Harry out of my head, he's very intimating and scary... but also hot.

I shake the thought of him out of my head and I finally get some shuteye, as I have class 7 in the morning the next day.


The next morning has arrived and I put an alarm for 6, so I had an hour to spare me some time to get ready.

I put on some leggings and a crop top, I put a little makeup on and headed out the door. I see Jenna walking towards me as we had class together.

While we walked out of the building and into campus grounds, we talked about last nights game.

While we were talking, we didn't pay attention to where we were going so we had no idea who or what was in-front of us. I get nudged by someone really hardly, "HAY what's your prob-" I yell before noticing who it is.

It was Harry and he looked upset by my words, "I'm sorry what?!" He says, with an angry tone. My heart starts to pound as his eyebrows go further down. "I-I-I didn't mean t-to say that, I uhh." I stutter, backing up as I grab Jenna's hand to get out of there.

"Holy shit, I almost died" I say laughing at how Jenna Facial expression looked like. "W-what's so funny Bella, you would've gotten your ass kicked if you didn't run." She spits out giggling.

Once that was over we headed to our class and sat next to each other, but what I didn't know is that Harry was in the same class as us. The doors slam open as the whole class looked towards the tall green eyed boy walking towards me and Jenna.

Everyone who was sitting around us got up to change there seats, "up" he told Jenna. I look at him up and down as I speak up for her while she was picking her things up. "No, she's sitting here." I say holding her down.

Everyone in the room gasped and started to whisper, "what did you just say to me" he blabbers out. Jenna looks up at Harry than me, "I-it's fine Bella, I'll see you after class so we can work together on our assignments." She said, packing her things up and sitting all the way in the front row as we were in the middle.

Harry sits beside me leaning against the chair staring at me. As I was working Harry would Scooch his chair near mine, but I would move farther away.

While I was writing notes down he were to look over my shoulder to see my work.  I tilted my head slightly up to look at his eyes as I push him away with my hand so he wouldn't be as close as me. He looked angry by my action but I didn't care.

Once class was over I pack my things up to go back into my dorm, meet up with Jenna and work on our essays the professor has assigned. I felt Harry's presence behind me the whole time until I stop to turn around.

He was extremely close to me, I back up and I start to speak. "Ok I don't know what your problem is with me but you need to stop." I say before walking away, I was terrified of what he would say back so I rushed to my dorm.

Once We finished our essays an hour later and hanging out the rest of the day, Jenna waves a goodbye and leaves. After I brushed my teeth, I go straight to sleep so I would wake up fresh and early to get some coffee with Jenna in the morning as it was the weekend.

Hay luvs Stacy here
First chapter of my new book!!
Super excited to start
Hope you enjoyed bye

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