6) Confession

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I woke up to my alarm going off, I wake up extra happy this morning. Probably from yesterday, but still.

I wore a white tank top with a flannel long sleeve over it and some skinny jeans. I put my hair in a bun, put my shoes on and headed out the door while I packed up my things for class.

I pull out my phone to see a text from Jenna, I opened it to find this text.


J: hay Bella I'm not coming to class today, I don't feel good. Don't bother to come I'll just get you sick and I don't want that. Love you bye have a good day.

B: oh okay, well I hope you feel better❤️

I put my phone back in my pocket while I walk to biology, once I went in I see Harry as always, sitting in the back of the room.

I decided to sit next to him this time, he gives me a little smile, "hay dimples where's your friend?" He asked, I pulled out my computer, "she's sick and can't come today, She also doesn't want anyone visiting her." I say, his head nodes.

While the class started Harry put his hand on my thigh, I freak out and I immediately move his hand still a little frightened by him.

He looks at me as I have fear in my eyes, he sighs with sadness and moves his hand. "Look dimples, you dont have to be scared of me. I'm not gonna do anything to you." He comments at my fear, I nod ever so slightly.

Once class over and two other of my classes I have finished, I had an hour break.

I see Harry walking towards me, I try to cover up my smile. "Hay can we talk" he asked very softly, My smile removes off my face and I nod.

He takes me to the library,  I was nervous for what he had to say. He takes me to the back of the library where no one ever goes and holds me close to him.

I stood there frozen as his breath touch my neck, I wrap my arms around his neck as he picks me up by my thighs.

I rest my forehead against his while I smile, he smiles back and starts to speak, "look Bella, about yesterday... I wasn't thinking and just kisses you. I'm sorry if I freaked you out, I just can't stay away from you." He said while taking breaks to take breaths in between words.

I trace my finger across his lips and giggled softly, "it's ok, I kinda liked it anyway" I say, a smirk comes across Harry's face.

He kisses me once more, I hold tight on his hair
As I kiss him passionately. I hate to admit it, but I love him.

He pulls back from the kiss as he rests his forehead on mine, he takes a second to breathe before speaking. "This is something that I haven't felt in years, I-I have-" he cuts himself off. I knew what he was trying to say, "I do too." I say, his eyes shoot up at me and he smiles so big that I haven't seen before.

Harry spins me around with excitement, "I thought you would never feel the same, cause I'm... me" he said, his smile slowly fading away.

I hold his cheek as he looks up at me, I took a good look into his eyes and his facial features to make sure I'm doing the right thing. I am, "you are an amazing person Harry, I just had to get through the bad boy that is blocking the true you." I say, his lips meeting mine once more.

He puts me down, and we walk out of the library and pretend nothing happened, this is between me and him.


Once the day in school was over and I was walking back to my dorm, I get a harsh grab on my wrist. I turn around to find a figure with a hoodie on there head, he tried pulling me out of campus grounds and somewhere else.

I tried getting out of his grip, but there was no use until I hear a voice in the distance saying, "get the fuck off her you dick!."

It was Harry, once he reached our point he beat the fuck out of that man and he took my hand so we could run to my dorm.

Once we got there I opened the door and we went inside, we took off our shoes and I sat on the bed. Harry walks towards me after locking the door and held up my wrist in his face to see a dark rash that the man left.

I look up at Harry as he's furious about this, I pull my wrist back and I pull Harry on the bed.
I tried calming him down as he wanted to punch something or someone, he looks at me as I place a small kiss on his lips.

His anger turned into happiness once I kissed him, "it's fine Harry, I promise. It hurts a little but I'm fine." I smile, he nods and takes his jacket off to put it on the chair.

He lays down next to me on the bed while comforting me, i never thought Harry would turn like this.

We talked for hours, Harry talked about random things that made me laugh. I didn't want to be scared of him, but I still am. The fright has to do with him in the past, and my father.

Harry's POV

Me and Bella talked for hours, her laugh made my heart explode. She really cares about me, or so I think she does. I just don't want this to end up like my last relationship years ago, that's the reason I became this way, a horrible person.

I couldn't get the rash off my mind, I needed to find the jerk who did that to her and beat the shit out of him once more.

Hours kept flying by as me and Bella bond, she was perfect in my eyes. She's not like the other girls, she's shy, innocent, proper, respectful, tough when she needs to be, and doesn't want to get with guys. And I love those things about her.

I wanted to ask her if she would like to try a relationship between me and her, but I doubt she'll say yes. She's the type of girl who doesn't want to rush into things, I could tell that the kiss was to much for her.

I just wanted us to be more than it already is, between us is not friends, and not in a relationship, more like in between those.

Before we even knew it, it was 2 in the morning and we had school the next day. "Harry?" She said, I give her my attention as she continues, "could you stay with me tonight I'm scared to sleep my myself after what happened." Bella asked, I smirk at her as I nod.

I get up from the bed, "did you want me to sleep on the couch?" I ask as I stretch a little, she shook her head. I stood there confused, "than where do you want me to sleep" I chuckle, "next to me." She said with a smile on her face, I was shocked by her request. I nod and told her I just needed to use the restroom.

I washed my face and dried it with the towel thats hung up by the sink, I walk out to find Bella all cozy in bed. I laughed at how cute she is, I hop in bed next to her and left a little space between us so she wouldn't get to uncomfortable by me.

She looked fussy and pulled me closer to her, she rested her head on my chest and her hand on my stomach. I had shivers down my spin.

Before I knew it she was sleeping and I was still wide awake, I kept thinking about her and couldn't stop. I met her like a week ago and I have feelings.

I slowly drifted off to sleep with the thought of her next to me safe and sound. I don't want her to walk out of my life, not anymore.

Hay luvs Stacy here
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All the love S. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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