"What Does Love Mean?"

395 9 3

  ¡Fluff! Ya munchkins, yes their will be lemon, but those
Will be future AUs bc these boys are still minors, anyway enjoy!

3rd Person POV
Where the h!ll is Monistu and Monjiro, they're supposed to be here! Inosuke thought kicking rocks below the tall man's feet. "Sorry Inosuke, we grabbed some food for the movie at mine!" Tanjiro yelled to the older. The two walked over to the boar man, caring 4 bags in each hand, "can you grab at least one of my bags, Inosuke?" Zenistu, the oldest, asked looking up at him. "Fine, you Crybaby!" The younger yelled, taking 2 bags from both hands of the elder. Zenistu was the oldest with Inosuke behind him and then Tanjiro behind the two. They got to the youngest's house and headed towards his room. "Tanjiro, make sure you clean up after you three eat!" The youngest's mother yelled towards the three boys. They headed into the room and sat down, Inosuke, Zenistu, Tanjiro were sat in that formation. Tanjiro turned on the movie 'The Conjuring' and Zenistu yelled the younger, "You said we were watching a funny movie!". Zenistu, though being the oldest, was very afraid of basically everything. "Oh, shut up, crybaby." The younger said, punching the older. They all sat down again and watched the scary movie, through the middle of the movie Zenistu grabbed Inosuke's arm. "Huh, GET OFF ME!!" The younger yelled, smacking the back of the older's head. He then looked at the face of the older and felt, pity. His face was scrunched up, eyes closed, nails digging into the jacket Inosuke was wearing, and small tears streaming down his face. The younger then started petting the older, slowly having him fall asleep on the arm of Inosuke. "What the h!ll is Monistu doing?" Inosuke asked the younger on the opposite side of the older, "That's called cuddling, Inosuke, that's basically love." The younger said to Inosuke, staring directly into his eyes. "What does love mean?" Inosuke asked Tanjiro, confused as ever, flustered as well. "Well it means like uh, hold up, lemme get my dictionary," Tanjiro said, getting up and ignoring the movie's screams in the background. "Why the h!ll do you have a dictionary in your room!?" The older yelled towards the younger.  Tanjiro didn't listen, he grabbed this book, and then sat back down in his spot. He looked at the part of the book labeled 'L' and under 'o' , then ' ov'. Many words showed up but Tanjiro found what he was looking for, "It says here",Tanjiro went on, "an intense feeling of deep affection." The boy said, looking at Inosuke. "Oh, well, I guess, WAIT WITH MONISTU, NO!!" The older one yelled, "Fine, jeez".
                                              "Not yet at least

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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