Chapter 3 - Part 2

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She managed to put the appointment with Dr. Reed off for an entire week. That Friday afternoon, after her early morning shift, she headed to his office feeling anxious.

His receptionist greeted her with a warm smile, but it did nothing to thaw the cold fear inside her. She fidgeted with a magazine while she waited for the doctor to call her.

It felt like forever before the door opened and Dr. Reed stepped into the reception room where she was waiting.

"Miss Benson, are you ready?" His eyes and smile were welcoming.

She nodded and followed him into the office. He closed the door and, while she sat down on the double leather sofa, he lowered himself into the chair across from her.

"It's good to see you again," he murmured, opening his notebook.

She resented how he scribbled things she couldn't read while she talked about her innermost thoughts.

Every time she wanted to bolt, she remembered how she had promised Charlie she would stick it out. Deep down she knew there might be some truth to what he said, but it still didn't make this any easier.

"I know we've covered quite a bit of your childhood and you mentioned the death of your friend Dylan." He spoke conversationally as he appeared to read through the notes, but at the mention of Dylan, she felt a tremble.

His eyes lifted to hers and she shifted in the chair, feeling so uncomfortable with the rawness opening inside of her. She didn't want to go there. She curled her hands into fists beside her as she rode the emotion.

"I know you told me he committed suicide, but we never spoke in depth about it."

She nodded, unable to find her voice. No. She didn't want to go back, she didn't want to remember. Unlike Charlie, she believed going back would just make her guilt more unbearable.

"I think it would be best to talk about how he died." His eyes held hers, as if he were trying to read what was unspoken.

She crossed her legs, trying to find some comfort in where she sat, but nothing seemed to work.

"Jessica?" Dr. Reed interrupted.

She didn't want to talk about it. She didn't want to remember it. If there was one night she could erase completely, that night was it.

"Yes," she said, feeling breathless, like her heart was thumping against her ribcage.

"Would you like to start?"

She stared at him, feeling more resentful by the second. He was pushing the subject of Dylan and that night. Her guilt stemmed from that night, so it made sense for him to believe that in making her talk about what happened it would help her work through some of her issues. But knowing that didn't make it any easier to actually do.

She gripped her hands tighter as she thought back to that night. It felt like she was standing on the edge of an abyss about to throw herself off without anyone or anything to stop her fall.

"I was home that night." Her voice was steady, unlike how she felt on the inside. It had started like any other night.

"Earlier that day I saw the Shaw brothers: Karsyn, Myles and Dylan. Dylan was subdued, but that was nothing out of the ordinary, and I didn't think anything of it. Karsyn and Myles were hyped to go out clubbing with their friends, but I didn't want to go."

"Is there a reason why you didn't?"

She shrugged. "It was important for Karsyn to have time alone with his friends, and I felt no need to tag along. We'd made plans for the following day."

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