family issues 1: past abuse (old)

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yes, I skipped the lemon because I'm bad at writing them and it just felt awkward with the way it was coming out so just to let you know

You "DID IT" with mothra and she created the egg which now has your two daughters in it

-k back to the story-

You slowly opened your eyes, groaning

Shoto: grmm.... what time is it?

As you looked to your right to pick up your phone, you felt something touching your rib area

You look down with a confused Face but you smile when you realised that dagon was lying right next to you in Ghidorahs arms

You move your hand forward and place it on your sons cheek, making him smile even in his sleep

You look up at ghidorah and you land a kiss on her forehead, you tried to get up from the bed but you feel something pulling you down

You looked down around in all directions to see that not only ghidorah and dagon where With you

But godzilla, mothra, anguirus, rodan and caesar where also in bed with you

Shoto: *sigh* well it looks like im not getting up for a few hours...

- timeskip -

You waited until the perfect moment to escape the clutches of the girls, and luckily that moment came after what felt like hours

You slowly got up out of the bed and stretched before you began to walk out of the room, but you heard some rustling behind you, it was dagon, he was getting a bit fussy again, rolling around and whimpering

You walk back to the girls and take dagon out of Ghidorahs arms and began to make your way downstairs and you started to walk into the kitchen

You walked down the stairs and made it to the living room, you put dagon onto the couch and place a nearby blanket over him to make him more comfortable

You walked into the kitchen but you wasn't alone

???: heyo...

Shoto: hm? Oh hey gigan

You saw gigan wearing her morning gown, except it was worn pretty loose, she sat down next to you and pit her arm around you

Gigan: watcha doin?

Shoto: just getting some milk for dagon

Gigan: cool, hey, you mind making me some coffee? I can't really be bothered right now

Shoto: sure, I was about to make some anyways

Gigan: thanks

After you where done getting some warm milk for your son you walked over to him and placed him on your lap, giving him his bottle

He drank it all pretty quickly

Shoto: heh, you must've been thirsty, huh bud?

He just giggles in response

You put him back on the couch and place the blanket over him again

You heard that the kettle was finished boiling, so you walk back over to gigan and poured her a cup of coffee

Shoto: hey gigan, I wanted to ask you somethin-

Gigan: oh hey!

Shoto: hm? What's up?

Gigan: my drinks a bit too hot, you think you can... ya know... do the thing, with your ice...

Shoto: *sigh* sure...

[Being Rewritten] Living With The kaiju girls (Old)Where stories live. Discover now