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"You know what you've done right?" She asks, turning towards me.

I sit back in my seat, not taking her seriously. "have I done something?" I ask in return. I could almost see smoke coming out of her ears.

"Are you not taking this seriously? The school could've been burned down." She snaps, throwing her chair back as she violently stands up.

"Ok? Then let the school burn. It's not like anyone likes this hell-hole." I say as she comes around to my side of the table.

She groans, pulling me out of my seat, standing me up next to her. "Jacob. I understand things are hard at home, your dad isn't well, your mom.... I know, ok? But lighting things on fire in the science lab is not ok." Ms. Andrews says, writing a note presumably for my dad. I flinch at the mention of my mom, going unnoticed by Ms. Andrews.

"Ms. Andrews. I know running this school is hard and I'm making it harder so just kick me out already. It'll make this easier for everyone." I sigh, taking the note from her hand.

"I'm not letting you off that easily. You're an extraordinary person, you just need some help." I roll my eyes at her trying to leave the office before she can continue. "I'm serious Jacob. Just try." She practically pleads.

"I won't be doing that. Thanks though." I tip my hat to her before exiting her office and leaving the school.

On my exceptionally long walk back to the apartment, I think. I think about my mom, wherever she is. I think about my dad and how much he's lost. I think about Ms. Andrews and how I'm so rude to her while she's just trying to help. Why? Why am I like this? Couldn't I just try? I guess I really can't. Once I get home, I crash down on the couch, trying to fall asleep.

"Jacob? Is that you? "Could you h-help me" My dad calls out from his room.

"Yes father." I get up from the couch, walking towards the back of the house to help him. "Jacob..." When I enter the room I watch my dad fall off his bed, distress written across his face. "FATHER! Are you ok?" I ask running to his side. He doesn't respond, his body is frozen to the touch. I check the thermostat, noticing how freezing truly is in the room. It must be his fever again. I turn him over but I again get no response. I check if he's breathing but I can't hear anything.

I scream, running into the kitchen grabbing the landline to call 911. It rings 3 times before someone picks up. "Hel-" She starts.

"please help me." I cry, cutting off the lady who answered. "My dad. He has leukemia and I think he just fainted, please come quick."

"Alright the paramedics are on their way, calm down ok?" I whimper, slamming the phone down. See what you've done now. You killed your dad. If you hadn't gotten in trouble you could've saved him in time. I try to drown out the voices in my head but fail. You really did a number on this one. Good job. Your mom probably knew this was going to happen. That's why she left you. I scream as the paramedics violently knock on the door.

"PARAMEDICS OPEN UP!" I run to the door, opening it for them quickly. They must have run up the 23 flights of stairs as they are panting and sweating.

"H-he's in the back room, to the right." That's all I'm able to get out before I feel myself getting lightheaded. I walk over to the couch sitting down. I see the paramedics rush my dad out on a stretcher. The last one out smiles and mouths it's going to be ok before closing the door behind him.


It isn't.

Nothing about this is ok.

Once I'm feeling less dizzy I go back over to the kitchen to call the only person I've ever trusted, Ms. Andrews. She was best friends with my mom in high school so when my mom left, she kinda assumed the role of motherly figure in my life.

"Hello?" She answers, her heavenly voice coursing through my ears calming me down.

"... my dad...I don't think he's going to make it." My cheeks are already tear stained so I try to hold in my tears, hoping I'll have some remaining dignity after this call.

"Oh Jacob, I'm so sorry. Do you want to come stay here?" She asks kindly, though I can tell she's trying not to cry as well.

"No, I'll be ok. Besides, the home phone is the only number they can contact me on." I say kindly.

"Ok, I'll bring you some food tomorrow, stay safe Jacob. Good night." I can hear her sad smile through the phone.

"Good night Ms. Andrews." I end the call, going back to the couch. I pull out my homework not knowing what else to do. After about an hour or so I get a call. I run to the phone panicking about whatever news I was about to receive.

"Is this the son of Mark Williams?" A voice asks.

"Yes, that's me." I say nervously.

"I'm so sorry, I regret to inform you that your father didn't make it." He says dolefully. I sink the floor completely dazed.

My dad was dead.

My dad was dead.

"Ok." I end the call not wanting to hear anymore. You see what you've done now? You killed the last person who cared about you. The voices are back. You really think Ms. Andrews cares about you? She's just an unlucky teacher who got stuck with you. No one cares about you. No one even wants you here. I slowly make my way to the deck that looks down into the street. You should jump. No one will even care. You have nothing left to live for. I let the tears fall freely down my face as I step closer to the edge of the balcony. Go. Jump. End your misery. I take one last step before free falling off the 23rd floor of our apartment building. The air rushing through my hair, adrenaline running through my body. If I wasn't about to die it would almost be enjoyable.


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