Here comes the sun

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Surprisingly, I hadn't woken up late

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Surprisingly, I hadn't woken up late. In fact, I was up before anyone else. So, I decided that I would start on my chores so I could get done earlier.

Just before I left the house, I turned my head towards the guest bedroom, seeing the door cracked open.

Softly, I moved forward and opened the door. Daryl was laying on his side, his back towards the door. I saw them.

I know I shouldn't have. But, I saw them.

Just as I was about to close the door, I heard him shuffle and turn to look at me.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were awake." I said, my face getting red at the thought of being caught, Daryl chuckled so softly I barely even heard it.

"Can't sleep." He replied.

"Neither can I. Help me?" Daryl nodded and I walked out, heading straight for the garden. I put the hat back on my head as well as the gloves.

The sun hadn't quite come up yet, hiding from the dangers of the world just as I wished I had.

We had more crops this time around.

It was getting colder out so these would most likely be the last for the season. I would have to start going on more runs to find different seeds for the spring.

"Looks good." A voice said, causing me to jump.

"You have to stop doing that." I teased, watching Daryl come in through the gate.

"Nah, its good to be jumpy. At leas' you'll be prepared." Daryl informed. I didn't reply, getting down to pick some potatoes as he grabbed some tomatoes.

"When do you wanna learn to hunt?" Daryl asked, breaking the silence between us.

"Whenever you want. Preferably when you're fully healed." I teased, sending him a look.

"Yeah, yeah."

It was silent again. All you could hear were the birds chirping and the wind rustling the leaves.

When I looked up, I saw the sun rising, hitting Daryl's face as he picked the crops from their plants. His eyes were what really caught my own. It's hard to see his blue eyes with the dirt and his hair covering them.

But when the sun hit them just right, they were beautiful.

Daryl looked up at me, catching my stare which I brushed off by standing and turning towards the sun.

I figured he would keep picking until I heard the dirt move around and his body standing next to mine.

"It's still pretty." I hummed. Daryl turned to look at me.

"Jus' a sun." Daryl shrugged.

"Maybe, but it's still the sun. It still comes up every morning and falls every night. It doesn't run from the dead or get hungry. It's still the sun."

Daryl and I were silent once again, we kept our eyes on the sun. Finally, I closed my eyes and listened to the birds, felt the wind and felt the sweat start to drip down my face.

I suddenly remembered the heaviness of my bag and smiled gently. I grabbed the item as well as a new film and placed it in there, grabbing the attention of Daryl from beside me.

"What are you doin?" I shushed him and pressed record. Capturing the sunset and the trees that covered it ever so slightly.

"Day 70." I stated, moving the camera over to show the garden. Then, I moved it to Daryl who sent me an odd look.

"And I'm with the handsome Daryl Dixon." I teased, Daryl rolled his eyes, the smallest of smiles on his face as he tried to push the camera away.

"He's going to teach me how to hunt and track and I'm going to teach him..." I moved my face from the camera.

"What am I teaching you again?"

"I'll tell you later, get that camera out of my face." Daryl said, teasingly shoving the camera away. I laughed slightly before ending the video and turning to see Hershel standing in the window, staring out towards the sunset as we just were.

Staring at us.

"What do you dream about?" Daryl asked finally. My head jerked away from Hershel to look at Daryl once again.


"Your night terrors. What are they about?" I could feel the sweat staring to form on my palms as my heartbeat quickened.

"A lot of things. Nothing that matters."

"Your scars. What are they from?" Asking him a question that would make him feel the same way mine did. He froze, not expecting me to ask that.

"A lot of things. Nothing that matters."

After Daryl and I had finished gardening we went our separate ways. For some reason, after the questions we had asked each other it hadn't gotten awkward, we just worked in silence.

A good silence.

A comfortable silence.

I had a feeling I knew where the scars were from, and I knew he had a feeling about what my dreams were about. We had both seen a side of the other that we wouldn't willingly show anyone.

But sometimes, after the sun sets you need someone to help you light the way.

Sorry this is a short chapter. It's a filler mostly. I wanted to have a scene with Daryl that was a little more personal.


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