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Three diaper company trucks line up to be inspected by the entrance guard. Each one of the truck drivers identified themselves by saying a phrase and showing their worker IDs to the guard. The gruff guard scan the ID verification, satisfied; he let them pass inside the edifice where they park their vehicles designedly infront of a dome.

"Just on time." A man with white hair and line tattoo all over his face and body said, leaning on a wall while crossing his arms in a relax manner. The drivers and their co-partner come to greet their supervisor, Akaza. Presenting the content of the truck, the workers started to inspect the goods in making sure everything is in order. Akaza smirk pleasantly, holding a torn diaper that contained a bag of cocaine. "Good job, boys." Tossed over the diaper filled cocaine to one of the worker, the tattooed man walk around between the three trucks to inspect his underlings, making sure that the amount of cocaine is exactly as written.

As he was watching them scaling the drugs, Akaza notice a pair of eyes watching him from the building office behind him. He give a quick nod of acknowledgement toward the man who was watching him from above before getting back to his work. He have to make a written report-in which he dislike doing-and present it to his boss because the man is a nitpicky person when it comes to his goods. Usually he'll let Gyokko do the report but that crybaby is currently with Tengu doing another job that their boss assigned them.
Few hours after settling down the latest cocaine transfer, Akaza somehow manage to finish his report with the help of Daki-who told him to buy Starbucks if he want her help- and is now entering the main office building with neatly stacked papers in his hand.

"Yo Nakime. Is Kibutsuji-sama inside?" He flail his report infront of the silent woman. "Got the report for him."

The woman with her eyes cover by her bangs and lips refuse to speak to anyone except for work reason, silently nod. She press a mic button near her, "Muzan-sama. Akaza is here." There was a sound of tapping and paper rustling on the other side of the mic. "Bring the report in. He doesn't need to enter."

Nakime didn't say anything more, she stare at Akaza's hand with her covered eyes quietly. The man just shrugged, left his report on the secretary's table and left the office. Akaza check his phone, replying to some messages from his girlfriend, realising the time it currently is.

It was almost 7.00 p.m., the time where their lord will usually go home. Lately Muzan release a notification that he wish that everyone will refrain from contacting him after 5p.m. in fear that their 'crime' smell will stick to him. Akaza snorted at that sentiment, or perhaps its not sentiment but sensitivity.

Because before marriage, Muzan never had that problem.
"Dada!" Cheery voice popped up as soon as Muzan open the door.

Cat-like crimson pupils stare at him in excitement, bouncing up and down with those chubby feet, greeting his father happily as his father is putting his shoes neatly on the shoe rack.

The 5'8" (179cm) raven hair man chuckles, he stepped out from the genkan, slipping on his house slipper and carrying his happy son on his arms. Slightly bouncing his son on his arms as he walk further inside the house.

"Where's mama?" As the boy play and nibbling on his hair, he pointed on the kitchen with his chubby finger. "Cook!"

Muzan nuzzle his face on his son's adorable cheeks, unable to contain himself when the boy is just too adorable! The boy who looks like miniature version of his wife giggle loudly for being tickled.
While peppering kisses on his son's cheeks, Muzan open the kitchen's shoji to reveal his wife currently stirring the pot while humming a folklore song.

Tanjiro turn around, a smile on her sweet face. "Welcome home, papa." He release his breath that he didn't realize he was holding. The small burgundy hair woman tilt her head in confusion.

"What's wrong?" "Its nothing." Watching her husband suddenly being nervous, Tanjiro wanted to question more but their son, Asahi, saved his father's ass by grumbling that he's hungry in which Tanjiro turned all her attention toward her now crying son.

She motion Muzan to sit the hungry boy on the high chair specifically made for him. For his food, she fill a bowl with miso soup, another bowl is rice topped with a pickled radish and a small plate of katsu. "Uwah!" Asahi eyes sparkles jovially, his happy aura radiate so much that Muzan can't help but break a wide smile.

He really is a copy of his mother.

While Tanjiro is preparing food for him and her, Muzan sit beside the burgundy hair boy. "He got hungry quicker than usual." Tanjiro sigh, "Asahi didn't eat his snacks after playing just now, he goes to sleep until 6.30 p.m." Muzan hum, his son is quite the big eater. Maybe its because his mother told him if he eat alot he will grow strong.
Being able to hid his 'crime' smell makes him quite happy and proud of himself. Usually after a successful drug delivery, Tanjiro always manage to sniff out his activities for the day, resulting in her being upset for a couple of days.

Its not like Tanjiro doesn't know about Muzan being a drug lord, oh she knows very well since she met him for the first time when he was working. But that doesn't mean that she is alright with Muzan affiliation being the pure ray of sunshine she is. And to make it worse, Tanjiro can't exactly pretend to be ignorant because her ability to smell is far extraordinary to the point she can even know what Muzan is doing just by smelling him.
But today, somehow Muzan manage to get rid of any of his superficial crime smell and get to see his lovely wife's happy face after a productive day at work.

'It seems that avoiding my lieutenants before going home can lessen the smell effect.' musing to himself while washing his face, Muzan felt better that he is getting good at hiding his works from his wife. But still, she did catch onto something albeit a bit cautious on trying to approach the subject (because Tanjiro doesn't like to question him if there's no evidence).

He was thinking to himself of a improvement to hid the smells when Tanjiro came in the bathroom to brush her teeth beside him. Muzan hands are automatic to react when her plump butt are in sight. "Ah!" She yelp, playfully swatting her husband's hand away. "You pervert." She giggle.
"Sorry. Men instinct reaction." He winked. Tanjiro blow raspberry at him. "You're in a good mood. Something happened?"

Muzan panicked a little but keep his composure, he can't afford to waste his effort. "What? Is it so strange to see me being happy?"

The burgundy hair woman raise her eyebrows while gurgling water, finish brushing her teeth when she hopped on the counter before speaking further. "No I'm happy to see you being more positive! Its just that..." She trailed her fingers along his muscular chest, leaning forward to his ear, whispering. "I'm happy the smell isn't strong as usual."

And Muzan take that as a small victory.

Genkan- the front entrance of japanese home designed to place shoes and seperate the house from the entrance.
Katsu- fried chicken cutlet

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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