PART ONE~Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Alex Russo hurried down the stairs of Tribeca Prep. She had just spotted her best friend, Harper Evans, and couldn't wait to tell her the news. She approached Harper, waving a piece of paper in the air. “Check it out!” she shouted happily. “I got an F on my Spanish midterm!”

Harper was puzzled. “Why are you so happy about it?” she asked.

Alex smiled. “Because Riley got an F, too.

That means he's been paying as much attention to me as much I've been to him.” She let out a big sigh, as an image of her crush flashed through her mind. “Failing in Spanish is hard work,” she said dramatically.

Again,Harper was confused by her friend's reaction. “How's failing in Spanish hard work?”

Alex gave Harper a serious look and tried to explain. Sometimes her best friend had troubles catching on what Alex was trying to tell her.

“Everyday I show up late so he'll definitely notice me. Then, I 'forgot' my textbook, so we had to share one. And finally, I let the teacher catch us passing notes so she keeps us both after class,” Alex said.

Harper nodded sympathetically . “That is hard work. You must be exhausted,” she said.

Just then, Riley walked up to them.

“Hey, Alex,' Riley said casually. “A buch of us are going to this cool restaurant, Medium Rare, on Friday night,” he said. “Wanna come?”

Alex pretended to know the restaurant well, even though she had never heard of it before in her life. After all, she did live in the New York City, and she didn't want Riley to think that she wasn't hip to the coolest places to hang out. “Oh, sure,” she said with a smile. “Medium Rare. I go there all the time.”

“But its new,” Riley pointed out. “Friday is the opening night.”

Uh-oh, Alex thought. She quickly corrected herself. “Oh, Medium Rare,” she said with a laugh.” I thought Medium Roar. You know, like, bigger than a kitten, and smaller than a lion, you know- like a cougar. Anyway, it's out by the zoo.” She gave Riley a confident smile.

He smiled back and turned to Harper.

“You can come too,” he said politely.

“Well, I might as well,” Harper shrugged, “since my best friend never took me to Medium Roar,” she said with a huff. Harper once again missed the whole thing and bought Alex's convoluted story.

  After agreeing to meet the girls at Medium Rare on Friday night, Riley walked off, leaving them to discuss what had just occured.

  "Look at that," Alex commented. "All those hours I didn't spend on studying totally paid off."

  But Harper was berely paying attention. She was distracted by the boy coming toward them. "Oh no! Here comes your brother," she said to Alex. "I think he's coming over here. Oh, he's so cute. I never know what to say to him."

   Though Alex could not, for the life of her, understand the crush Harper had on her older brother, Justin, she tried to help. "Uh, just talk about current events. He loves current events," she suggested.

   "Hey guys," Justin said cheerfully.

   "Alex failed in her Spanish midterm!" Harper blurted out.

  Justin looked over at Alex in amusement.  Alex yuned to glare at her friend. "Not that current!"

Oh, great, Alex thought to herself. If justin tells Mom and Dad about this, I'm definately not going to Medium Rare on friday night. Or anywhere else for that matter! Even though Alex, her brother Justin and her younger brother Max had wizard powers that they inherited from thier dad, there was still some things that Alex couldn't pull off. Sure, sometimes she could log onto her wizard computer and make a store appear right infront of her, or clone herself so she could be in two places at once. But convincing her parents that failing is not a big deal? So not possible.

  I hope Justin keeps jis big mouth shut, Alex thought. If not, I'm going to have to come up with a plan, and fast!


This was the first chapter of Part One. Next chapter very soon! Please vote for me and comment your reviews. Tap the follow button! Bye.. XX


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