Part Two: MISSION: Rescue Tony Stark

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Three months later.

"Explosions recorded in a remote location in Gulmira," came the voice of one of the many men handling a computer in the control room you were currently in.

Looking over to Colonel Rhodes, you asked, "Tony?"

"It's definitely something he would do."

That was all it took for you to be sent off to be geared up. And soon after, flying over the desert towards the location of the explosions.

The pilot's voice was altered and loud as he spoke through the headsets you all wore, still having to shout to be heard over the thunderous sounds of the whirring blades overhead.

"Witnesses say that they saw a large object shoot out of the explosion and crashland."

"That doesn't sound like anything he would make."

"We should search 'round that area," you said, looking over to your Colonel, "He might have rigged something to get him out. He might be nearby."

You got a simple not in return.

"You heard the Seargent, Jameson. Take us around the whole area."

"Yes, Colonel."

The more you peered down at the hot sand as you scanned for the missing man, the more your eyes would start to burn and warp thanks to the sun bouncing off of the dunes and the waves upon them.

And yet, you pushed through, rubbing at your eyes when need be.

Just trying to find even a speck that could be, or could lead to, Tony Stark.

Until it happened.

A speck.

Far off, into the distance.

"Eyes in Stark!" you yelled, still leaning out of the open door, "Due north."

"What?" Rhodey asked urgently, coming closer to peer over your shoulder.

"We sure that's him?" the pilot asked.

"He's not wearing the right stuff to be out here. Also, I think he's covered in blood."

The pilot nodded.

"Changing course due north. We're bringing him home."

As you flew overhead, you watched as the man screamed in joy, waving for the choppers to stop. Jogging after them for a few seconds, before he fell to his knees, a peace sign raised into the air as your chopper came to a land.

"He's got something glowing on his chest," you said in the meantime, looking over to Rhodey," He usually have that?"

He shook his head, a relieved look pulling at his face at finally finding his friend, "No, he does not."

"How was the 'Fun-Vee'?"

The billionaire only gave a weak chuckle at that. Relief swam across his own face. Your Colonel's hand came to rest on his shoulder as he crouched down to Tony's level.

"Next time, you ride with me, okay?"

As he pulled the man into a hug, you reached with one hand into one of your many pouches, retrieving your canteen water bottle. Still aiming your gun like you were trained to do before handing the bottle to the dehydrated man.

Tony gasped roughly after downing the liquid, some shining droplets of it clinging to his dirty facial hair, "Thank you," he spoke coarsely with a nod.

"Glad you're safe, sir."

"So am I. I'd really like to head home now."

"You won't hear a 'no' from me," Rhodey said, waving over to the chopper.

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