Chapter 3

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" Babe, we gotta go, are you done ? "

" I'm just making some final adjustments honey. You can go and get the car started first. "

" Alright. I'll be waiting in the car for you. "

Yoohyeon looked in the mirror one last time before buttoning her casual black silk blazer up. She locked the door and gate to her house before riding shotgun with Minji. They blasted music out loud, rolling the windows down with the convertible roof opened. They were jamming to chill hits. While Yoohyeon was violently swaying her hands and grooving to the music, the driver had to concentrate, but swaying her body was the least she could do to entertain the younger one and soak in the latter's playlist. When they had reached Yoohyeon's parents place, Yoohyeon couldn't help but feel more nervous than she already was. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest and it was beating that loudly, that Minji could hear it. Minji was genuinely shocked and placed her hand on Yoohyeon's heart.

" Babe, are you okay ? "

" It's too scary, I think I'm going to have a panic attack. "

" Honey ? "

Yoohyeon looks up, eyes meeting her lovers, Minji holds Yoohyeon's hand as she continues.

" Okay, look at me, breathe in for four seconds and breathe out for four seconds. "

So Yoohyeon does as she is told and follows Minji's lead when she counts. When she had finally calmed down, Minji let Yoohyeon guide her to her parent's house. After knocking, the door creaks open. At the sight of her beloved daughter, the tall man grabbed the taller of the two and squashed her in his embrace.

" Oh my daughter, I've missed you. "

" I missed you too dad. Erm where's...where's omma ? "

" She's in the kitchen preparing some food. Come in. "

" I hope you don't mind, I brought someone with me. "

" Yeah sure, everyone is welcomed. "

Minji smiled and bowed, introducing herself formally to Yoohyeon's dad.

" Sorry to bother you. "

" Not at all my dear, come on in. "

" Thank you sir. "

" Just call me Mr Kim, or uncle, I don't mind. "

" Alright. "

Hesitantly, each step she took, she took it with caution. Her mother was stirring something in a pot, her head was looking in the pot to see if she had burnt anything. However, her head immediately jerked up when she smelled that unfamiliar familiarity. She didn't even need to look back to know who it was. But just in case, she asked, nonchalantly, trying to hide her relief,

" Is that you, my daughter ? "

" It is indeed I, mother. "

Her mother dropped the spoon in the pot and turned around to hug her daughter. The warmth of her mother's embrace just made her melt. She missed this, she hasn't felt this, for so long.

" Omma, I miss you. "

" I missed you too, my child. "

They stayed like that for a while, in the comfort of the mother daughter duo's embrace.

" Mom, if you don't let go, you're going to burn that pot of curry. "

" Oh right. "

She untangled herself from Yoohyeon's arms and scrambled back to the stove. Meanwhile, MInji was sitting awkwardly with Yoohyeon's dad.

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