The Little Road

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I tripped and stumbled down the road laughing, he glanced into my eyes for half a second then looked away as if I didn't notice. The ground was old, with still the same orange gravel that stained our sneakers every time. Trees rustled and created a shelter of leaves over the path we were walking, with the occasional strip of sunlight beaming through the exposed places.

He smiles and punches my shoulder. I jump with excitement without him noticing. "Race you to the gate!" he yells whilst sprinting down the narrow track. The sound of his shoes hitting the ground is in time with my heartbeat as I sprint after him. As he's about ten metres away from the gate I slow down because I already know he's won. He's the fastest person I know. I reckon he secretly wishes he could be in the Olympics but he'd never say it.

Matt gestures me through the gate and I flick him in the face as I walk past. The open field; it was so quiet and peaceful with grass up to my shoulders and a beautiful lake around the centre. You could hear the faint sound of trickling water each time a frog jumped. I settle myself within the tall grass and attempt to hide from Matt.

I've always loved coming here with him. With the lake and the hot sun, the tall grass and no parents, it's really the best place to be, especially with him. I'm about twenty metres in the grass and I hear laughter in the distance coming closer and closer. I duck down, a figure flies past and then stops. It was Matt of course and he knows I'm here. He creeps up really slowly and steps on a stick just to create the suspense. To my surprise he tackles me from behind and wrestles me until he pins me to the ground. For a single moment we're silent, then we burst out in laughter, separating, then lie in the grass.

He rolls over and asks, "Why are you here? , with me I mean..."
I pause, "Why wouldn't I be?" I say, rather loudly,
"I don't's just-"
"It's okay, c'mon lets go swimming!" I wanted to change the subject because Matt needed it. If he kept going he'd be a mess and I don't like seeing him that way.
I skipped through the grass and Matt followed, no more than two steps behind me. When we reached the lake I noticed something odd. A dark figure seemed to drift around the lake, searching for something...Matt didn't notice it and instead he jumped into the lake, causing the shadow to dive into the trees and hide. I shrugged and jumped into the lake with Matt and we swam about with no worries at all.

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