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The gun is trembling in his hand as his face becomes stained with tears.

"J-Jordan...I'm so sorry b-but I have to do this." He struggles to spit out the words. What is he doing? I panic and before I can turn and run or stop anything from happening the bullet has entered my skin. At first I feel like I'm standing for about ten minutes feeling nothing except confusion, but I realise that the ten minutes was only a quarter second. The impact sends me flying onto my back and then the pain of the thing ripping through my body causes me to scream and clench my fists. The shock doesn't allow me to move anymore than this. A face comes into view and it doesn't belong to Matt. The unfamiliar hands grab me by the shoulders and shake me vigorously. I can't hear what they're saying but they're yelling. The bulky arms swoop me up into them and I'm being carried. I see Matt in the distance, he's running, sprinting, towards us but he can't catch up and he always catches up. His face is bruised and stained with tears but he is still running. The pain and shock becomes too much for me to handle and my body refuses to work. My vision goes in and out before completely going black.
I gasp. The room is bright and the walls look like blue curtains. The ceiling is blotchy and old with miraculous orange areas. My eyes open wider and I regain feeling in my hands. I tap the brick-like bed loudly, hoping someone will come and help me. I am unable to move anything apart from my face and hands until I wiggle my toes and regain feeling in my arms and legs. It takes half an hour for my body to be completely working-ish again, but I don't stand or sit up. A man approaches me. He has a white hospital mask on and his eyes are a bright blue but his eyebrows are a definite black, nearly covering his entire face. I notice every time he moves his eyebrows because they cover such a majority of his face.

"Now, blink please. 8 times." he commands. I obey without fail.
"Can you move yet?" he asks lazily,
"Yeah," I say while sitting up and wiggling my fingers. A headache forms when I sit up. He observes my face but I notice he looks me up and down before I realise I'm completely naked under nothing but a thin hospital dress.
"Excuse me?" I say, but he just laughs and sits down to take off his mask. His mouth is disgusting, surrounded by an unkept beard and filled with grotty teeth.
"Darling, sweetie Jordan," he says in a controlling tone,"You're going to have to get used to me," I look at him in confusion but he just laughs again," You're father? He's in Europe and he doesn't care. And Matt? I couldn't care less, he's probably left the country!" there's that laugh again. I scream for help but my scream is overpowered by more laughter. He presses his dirty finger to my lips,"Shhh honey, no ones going to hear you and don't be scared of me sweetheart, be scared of that woman after you," I remember the shadow woman. "I've seen her." I say with confidence,
"Oh the little honey thinks she's all brave and ready?" this makes me back up a bit with fear. His laugh fills my ears yet again. "Where am I!?!!" I yell at him, I don't wait for him to answer," Who are you?!"
"You can call me Kash, how about that? Oh and you're in a town about a hundred and eighty miles from your home and this is my little recovery room...Do you like the flowers?" He laughs and points to a vase of drooping dead flowers. I let out a giggle but hide it as soon as I notice.
"See it's not that bad?" He stares at me while I glare back.

Matts POV:
I shot my best friend. She's dead. She's never coming back. What have I done. My face is still covered with tears as the rocks under my feet scratch me every time I take a step. My family is gone. I'm never seeing them again. The gun still dangles casually out of my pocket. It doesn't matter. I'm still in the middle of the bush and I'm never coming out again. I don't know who the man was and it bothers me. He swooped in faster than I could run. I tried to catch him but they disappeared into the darkness of the night and she saw me. We caught eye-contact, only for half a second before she blacked out but she knows I didn't want to do it. She has to know. I didn't want to shoot her but I had to. Otherwise that thing would have killed her later and I couldn't live knowing that she was just going to die. I planned to leave her. I wanted to die so that I didn't have to live with the loss of her but when I saw her face I realised that she couldn't live, even with the short amount of time, without me. So I killed her. The trees hang down over this narrow path and it reminds me of the bush walks Jordan and I would take. She would always skip along side me and we'd be laughing, there didn't need to be a reason. Her scared voice still dawns on me from her last moments. I want her to be alive but I know that she had no hope at all. She's gone now and she's not going to come back. There's footsteps in the distance.
"They were saying he went into the bush at about the same time as Jordan entered the bush..." They were the voices of the local policemen. They were looking for Jordan and I. I'm going to prison if I don't run. I'm going to prison. I run far into the bushes instead, not looking back once, Jordan's voice haunts me again the tears return in my eyes. I'm never escaping this life.

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