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*Daniel came back to school after 3 weeks of coma, while Yeon in coma for a week, and she have been receiving treatment for 3 weeks. She still goes to the therapy in weekend. Yeon came back to school a week later than Daniel.*

Yeon walked to the classroom while fidgeting with her hands. Her palms felt sweaty and her heart beating fast.

As she slide open the door, her gaze only casted on her shoes. She stepped quietly inside the noisy class. She just wanted to get to her seat.

Daniel was the first to noticed her walking inside using back door. "Yeon! You are back!" Daniel exclaimed in excitement. His call attracted others' attentions. They turned their head to see Yeon walking with her gaze downward. She didn't respond to Daniel at all.

Daniel, Zack, Mira, Zoe and Jay immediately hug the smaller girl. Yeon was startled, but she did expect a group hug. She knew her friends were good. She brave herself to look up to see their faces.

"Yeon? Are you okay? Why do you look pale?" Daniel asked in worry tone.

"Is anything hurting?" Mira took a hold of her hand.

Yeon more or less could guess what they were asking based on their worried faces. She took a deep breath before hold out his phone to show a text on Note app. She already prepared several text of explainations for her friends.

I'm became deaf. They said it was because of the head trauma.

The information made them all stood there in disbelief. What?

Yeon tucked her hair behind her ears to show them her pink hearing aids. She just shrugged in aloof manner. The phase where she was in denial have passed, she already accepted the new her.

"But...then...can you hear us with the hearing aids on?" Zack asked her. He immediately slap himself as soon as the words were spoken. He brought out his phone and typed the question.

Yeon read his question and showed him a text on her phone.


Not really. But I could hear some muffled voices like they are mixed(?) together

Daniel's face look pissed. Same goes with Zack's. Scratch that. Everyone have anger towards that one particular boy. Yeon noticed they were angry and could guess for what.

Don't be mad at Jiho because I turned like this. It was the consequence of my own action. Okay? I don't blame him. I already accepted myself.

Jay calmly hug Yeon. His hand was patting her head while the other circled her waist. Don't know if that hug was to cheer up Yeon, or for him to stop himself from murdering Jiho.

The happy mood from earlier have been replaced by dispirited mood. It was no joke someone suddenly changed drastically like this. It must have been hard and painful.

Mira and Zoe couldn't hold their tears in, and just hugged Yeon. "You are an angel Yeon." Mira kissed her cheek. Yeon didn't hear her words, but she snuggled deeper in the girls' embraces. It is so warm...

For the whole day, Daniel and the others were observing Yeon. In the first glance, Yeon looked like nothing have changed. But, they noticed Yeon was not smiling  much anymore. She always in dazed, staring into nothing. Only when her friends came to her, she have a cheery and smiling expression.

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