The Story... -_-

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A/N: Before I start, I just want to let you know that this story is set in modern day Berk. As in, all the characters are Berkian residents, including myself.

Annnd...there may be a few, teeny, weeny, hints of Junny in this as well (as in, JackXSunny).

So, anyway, let's go! ^-^


Hiccup looked over at her, sketching another dragon. To him, she looked abosolutely beautiful.

The way her eyebrows creased as she concentrated.

The way her chocolate brown eyes never left the paper.

The way her hazlenut brown hair fell in front of her face.

Honestly, to Hiccup. she looked so perfect sitting there (A/N: See what I did durr?? XD), sketching away like there's no tomorrow.

This girl, that Hiccup was paying so much attention to, was Sunny Chrysanthemum.

Yes, that was her real name. Well, her really name was 'Sunshine Chrysanthemum', but she insisted that she went by Sunny.

The reason Hiccup was paying so much attention to her was because...he liked her. 'Nuff said. Why? He did not know, there was just something about her that made him feel so right.

Hiccup was going to spend the rest of the day just admiring Sunny from afar, when something, or someone, came up behind him and said:

"Soooo...ya plannin' on telling her yet?"

The poor Nordic teen nearly jumped out of his skin, and turned around to glare at the owner of the voice, who happened to be his best friend.

"Jack! You didn't half give me a heart attack!" Hiccup snapped. All Jack did was smirk.

"Well? You didn't answer my question," Jack answered innocently.

Hiccup sighed and turned back to Sunny. She had finished her dragon drawing now and had started another drawing, this time, listening to music.

"Uh...well...I dunno. I need more time," Hiccup said quietly, causing Jack to sigh in fustration.

"But, Hiccup! That's just it! You always say you need more time, but you never act upon that! If you're not careful, I'll take her for myself," Jack stated, making Hiccup turn to him in horror.

"You wouldn't!"

"Why not? She's a babe."

"I swear to Thor, Jackson Frost Overland, if you lay one of your cold fingers on her beautiful self, I will--"

"Hiccup, chill! I was just playing around! Jeez, you get jealous so easily," Jack chuckled, making Hiccup scoff in annoyance and turn back to Sunny.

Who was now looking at him.

Curse Jack's loud voice! Hiccup swore in his head. Absent-mindedly, he waved awkwardly to her, and she giggled, picked up her stuff and slowly started to approach the two boys.

"Odin! She's coming over! Act normal!" Hiccup urged Jack, making him smirk.

"Hey, I'm acting pretty normal here. You on the other hand..." Jack deliberately trailed off, angering the Nordic male and causing him to slap his arm in annoyance.

"Just...don't say anything that makes me look stupid, alright?!"

"Once again, you usually end up doing that yourself."

"Ooohh..! You are sooooooo annoying!"

"Aww, c'mon Hic. You know you love me really."

"Is now really the best time for this?! Y'know, I think it would be best if you just went because, clearly, CLEARLY, you do not understand the importance of this! She's coming over in a few seconds and I need to tell her something important--!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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