Sketch Fantasy

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"Time for bed!" Her mother called.

But, what sleep would there be? With a book filled with live sketches, how could you stay awake?


She has been working on a group of people, making them know eachother and love eachother.

There was more girls then boys, but that didn't matter to the little girl.

Everything was real to her.

"Nearly done, just gotta erase this, add that, add some detail-"

"Time for bed!"

She closed her book, the pencil left inside. Unfourtuantly, the book wasn't closed all the way to keep the sketches locked in.

"Goodnight, sleep tight." Her mother said, kissing her on the forehead.

The girl slowly drifted off into her dreams, and thats when the fun began. The book sparkled and gave a low "Poof!" noise, and the book slowly opened.

"I-is it safe to go out?" Asked a sketch.

All the sketches whispered quietly among themselves, hoping they could come out of the book.

A girl walked out as brave as she could be and said "It's safe guys, come on!" That certain sketch was named Keylan, just another person with ears and a fluffy tail.

A bunch of original characters came out..

Tie, Shane, Pink, Sil, Bircastle, Sar, Kamilico, and many more! Some where animals, some were humans, some were half the same thing!

"Woah, let's get going guys before she wakes up!" Tie cried.

"Don't go so fast Tie," Keylan said, stopping her. "We gotta examine the house first."

As soon as the sketches left the little girl's room, another one came out, a villian.

"Finally, out of that cramped book filled with those idiotic sketches, once I kill my creator I will rule all!" The villian said, strongly. Then he left.

Shane picked up a pair of scissors and dropped them to examine them.

"Guys check this out! It's awesome!" Shane said, calling the others over.

The others were so caught up with it, that they didn't notice the cut up sketches. Pink looked up at the tiny cries for help and slowly walking toward them, picking up a pin for her weapon.

"What's wrong?"

"Were old sketches, unwanted, we need help, please help us!"

"I-I'm sorry there isn't anything I can do to save you. You're paper.."

Pink ripped the sketches to shreds with her pin of death, happy that the annoying voices didn't stay in her sketched brain.

The sketches spread, looking at other things, but Keylan (the sketch in charge) called them to a doggy door.

"Right here is a doggy door." Said Keylan.

"Obviously!" Sar called out. Then Bircastle cupped Sar's mouth.

Keylan gave Bircastle and Sar a death glare, and they both started to cooperate with the meeting. This must have been important because Keylan was never serious, nor' was anyone else.

"We will push this open and go out to see the world!" Keylan screamed.

Everyone else screamed in excitement. They have never seen the world outside this home, this was gonna be good.

Everyone got trampled by a disturbance coming, kinda like when a human expieriences an earthquake.

"DOG!" Kamilico warned. Everyone spread like a wildfire, trying to avoid the gigantic dog trying to kill them. Everyone quickly followed the dog out the small dog door. Fourtuantly everyone made it out without taking damage.

Keylan held her chest and said "Thank you Kamilico for warning us and getting us out alive.

Sky jumped on Shane from the shock and Pink glared. "Why are you so afraid? it's just a dog."

"A DOG THAT ALMOST KILLED US!" Tie included, everyone started to bicker and fight but luckily Keylan stopped it quickly enough before a sketch got crumbled or ripped to shreds.

"Just up there is the city, we have to make it out there alive, all of us!", Keylan said." Without taking damage because that will slow our travel." Keylan smirked at Pink and Pink frowned.

The sketches' travel went fast, which was really weird, for sketches that was kinda odd. Fourtuantly everyone got there without taking damage, even Pink.

While the sketches were still wandering about in the city, the villian was up to no good. He looked for any weapons that could kill someone. Even scissors could work.

"Where are the weapons in this house?! They can't even make them visible!"

The villian climbed up a table and jumped to the stove, there it was. A sharp fork.

"This will be perfect! All I need is some yarn and rope and I'll be done!" The villian laughed evily like a 'MWHAHAHAHAAH' thing.

While that villian was doing that the others walked along the sidewalk, being careful that no one stepped on them or ran over them.

Sky and Shane traveled rooftop, but being careful to travel alongside the group. But on rooftop.

The travel was long and tiring, the city is filled with wonderous things, but none of the sketches could know what that feels like.

"This is boring, let's go to a store or something." Sil said tiredly.

Everyone agreed and they walked to a nearby place where a broadway show was being held, everyone was being sneeky and snook in, they sat at a place where they could not get hurt.

The back row.

No one minded being in that place, no one cared, they just wanted to be safe. After all the sketches could relax from their never-ending journey.

That was a bad idea.

Meanwhile at the little girl's house the villian was ready to pounce and kill her. He slowly covered her mouth with tape. (Which took some time) Then he dug the rusty fork into her- DEAR GOD WHO CAN NARRARATE THIS PART... Anyways! He dug the rusty fork into her leg, moving it up her leg then down. Blood rushed from the wounds and the little girl screamed, well tried to. Then he just stabbed her, the fork was strong indeed, and he was proud of it. As soon as he killed the girl he ran outdoors, leaving evidence behind. And sadly the villian got killed by a human.

The sketches traveled home, and started to talk about their creator.

"I mean..What if she's dead or what if she has forgotten about us?!" Keylan said.

"Calm down Key, it's no big deal.." Tie said, Tie was sure their owner was alive.

But she was wrong.

As soon as they arrived at the house everyone gasped at the sight of 3 dead people.

The little girl and her parents.


Anyways, everyone started to cry but others were brave. Hours later there were there were 3 graves. Everyone mourned over the little girl's death. Some stayed strong. But it was sad though.

Keylan, Tie, Shane, and Pink dragged over some roses for the little girl and her parents.

"It's so sad though..." Said Shane.

Sky freaked out and started to cry on Shane's shoulder then Shane ran around screaming "GET OFF ME GET OFF ME!!"


Well all of the sketches brought their book outside and walked off to live somewhere in the forest.

Everyone was happy.

Even the cat that ate the villian.

The end c:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2013 ⏰

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