Chapter 2:Worse

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Today was different.It seemed calm at first, but then it gotta a LOT worse.I woke up in a cold sweat, frantically searching the room for any skeletons or that kind of spooky monsters, but there wasn't. I was safe, for now.
         Drowsiness rushed over me, weaking some movements I made getting out of bed.I groaned and stretched out my back."What the heck was that dream?"I groaned.I put on my clothes and did a few pushups and chairspins.After that scenario I strolled to get some breakfast at the lobby.
       When I reached the lobby, the girl was there smiling and blushing at me, but I pretended not to notice.One thing i noticed after my scenario was that things went very downhill to the point where i thought i was becoming schzenopic.I gathered breakfast up and a cup of coffee.The breakfast was a golden brown egg,tender and crispy, alongside with froot loops.
             The sun shown down its color for sure today, and the yellow light flustering in the lobby would almost seem like a photoshopped image.Splashes from the pool were heard, along with children laughing and conversating, playing thier little game.The sounds delighted me and made the experience more enjoyable than ever.
             While I was there I decided to text a close friend of mine, Anthony, who knew about the trip.

Henry:Morning bro.

Anthony:Ayyyyyy jus woke up


Anthony:Hows da trip.

Henry:At the marriot hote rn
(See picture)

Anthony:Cool, eating my breakfast rn.

Henry:Hope everything is going well

Anthony:Same with you over there.

Henry:Can I say something.
Henry:I think one of the staff likes me.:/


Henry:Yup, shes looking all stargazing at me shes getting yelled at from her boss!XD
(See picture)

Henry:Anyway I had a very very weird dream last night.

Anthony:Tell me everything.
       Oh I remembered everything way too vividly.There was everything in front of me like a hallucination.Must be apart of schzeropina."Stop saying that!"I told myself. Play along with everything.The sky was purple, and brief lightning flashes struck.I ran again but there was something else.The train wreck from the news last night.The hurdle of metal and mass towered over me like a giant.I began running before it even slammed at my station, not looking back.The weird thing was that  rotting decomposing skeletons, all mumified, were rising.I screamed and ran faster.The sky began to rain heavily and every drop sizzled against my skin.I cried a shriek of utter pain when the drops slammed on my skin.Blood oozed from my wounds, and I realized this was ACID rain.A deadly voice boomed from the sky."ONE....MORE....DAY...."
            I sat up in my car, drowsy and sleepy.I cleared my eyes." I driving?"A truck horn blasted my ears apart as I realize that I was coming to a deadly fate.Unless....I did something.I gripped the car wheel and steadied myself."Breathe"I repeated.At the last second I heaved the wheel left with all my might, skidding the car inches away from the truck and the car slammed against the metal fence, then regaining control of the road.
Heavy breathing escaped my chest and I was sweating a waterfall.I was shaking for my head to my toe."Did I just do that?"I questioned.I did.Someone is trying to kill me.
The road felt longer as I drove many more miles along it.I cant feel myself breathe.I knew I was paranoid but what could I do?I passed several states, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Michigan. The radio continued the barrage of newscasts but it didnt feel as amusing as before.I had a feeling I was being tracked down by whoever this man was, but I knew for a fact that was guy was human.
           After  the incident of what had happened today I got the feeling that I had turned insane from all the hallucinations but im not sure this was.I was driving the car ready to find a location of slumber when I saw a man in the back of my seat.I ignored and tried to send it away, because at the time I thought I was going insane.Hands grabbed my face and smashed my head against the wheel, knocking me unconscious. I dont know how long I was out, but it was until morning.

         Last nights dream.....

Help! A girl in blue pants and yellow hair appeared in front of me .Wasn't that the girl from the hotel I thought? She was running from something behind her, a sinister void lay behind her.I trailed along side her, trying to keep my movement.She was stammering and trying to keep her breath, but she collapsed and  fell  to the ground.I came to her aid and did my best to calm her.She wasnt moving, but she was breathing."Everything is going to be ok"I calmed."Everything will be..."She spat out blood on my forehead and then stopped breathing.Dead, I dont know why....Laughter roared from the hallway."You'll know what happened in real life to what happened to her..."
The daily news.
Death to a teen girl, Amanda Jones.She was killed in her sleep but no intruders were in the house at the time.She was 16.
                                                End of chapter 2....

Author's Note
Hey guys, its the author here, Sorry I didn't do an author note for the first chapter because I was VERY busy.I hope you like this story so far and on how the suspense is begining to build.Yup, Things are starting to get intense in chapter 3 because I'm getting everything planned in my head.Dont worry, im beginning to work soon so ill begin soon!-Neondfy

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