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Remnant, it is a world full of many stories, myths, and legends scattered across time. Once covered in darkness, it was ruled by beasts known as The Creatures of Grimm; beings that embody all the destructive and cruel nature that reside in all life.                                                         With the grimm wanting to destroy Humanity and all their creations, humans were almost facing extinction if it wasn't for their most valued resource known as Dust. With this concentrated energy, they were able to wield natures wrath in hand and turn the tides. Now being able to fight the grimm, they were able to send them back into the darkness. 

Many don't  know the exact origins of Dust, there have been many stories that have been told about its creation. However one story while long forgotten, has been around for as long as Dust has.                                                                                                                                                                                               A story of a time in Remnants past where there were beings capable of harnessing natures power but they were neither humans or even faunus, but Spirits that were the physical manifestation of the aura that resides in all life in nature. That includes anything from the largest oaks of the forest, the elements that shape the lands and seas, to even the beasts that rule the wilds. These creatures went by many names they are known for their most common ones; The Creatures of Fable or Fae for short.                                                                                                                      While like the Grimm came in different shapes and sizes, the Fae were natural enemies to their sinister cousins yet neutral neighbors to their brothers known as mankind. While Fae have a natural curiosity towards faunus, they kept their distance from man and their kingdoms. Specifically their metals due to them being lethal to Fae. Mankind seeing them as no threat kept a respectful distance as well. Fae didn't bother them and they didn't bother the Fae. For a time this mutual relationship worked well for the two species, sadly it didn't last long when one Fae came power.

A young Phoenix named Typhon was a Fae known for his magic being so powerful, that he was able to take down a herd of Goliaths like a hawk hunting mice. This gained him a large following among his kind, but this wasn't enough for him. He wanted to rule over not just the Fae but all of the other kingdoms as well.                                                                                                                                    When the kingdoms leaders refused to step down, he became so furious that he waged war on any who opposed him. Unaware that his desire for having all the kingdoms, left so much chaos and destruction in his path that hordes grimm had followed. He was destroying all life on Remnant, but no one was brave enough to take a stand against him and his armies.                      His reign lasted for 3 years until one Fae would challenge him for his throne; his sister Korre

Aided by four human maidens gifted with vast magical powers that not even the Fae possessed, Korre was able to defeat her brother and capture both him and his army. When the battle was finally over, young Korre could only see what little left of life there was left on the land that she once called home. Her own kind responsible for it.                                                                                            As both an apology to the kingdoms and punishment to Typhon's followers, she stripped them of their magical energy before scattering it across the land. Their magic given to humanity, concentrated into a crystalized form so they can use it. "From the ashes of their actions, use this Dust to ignite a fire bright enough to be the beacon of hope needed to light the path for your new and better future." she said to the leaders of the kingdoms, she then looked to the four Maidens. Thankful for their help, she gave them a gift as well.

"When I had lost my family you four became mine, Which is why I feel ashamed. While some of my people didn't follow my brother they didn't stand up to him either. Therefore we are as much at fault as my brother." She said looking away ashamed.                                                                

She then looked at her brother, bound in iron chains before looking back to them. "which is why just a gift is not enough to do right by you, but instead a pact of both a promise and in honor to you four." As Korre finished her speech, she then spread out her wings and began to cast an enchanment. "From now on The maidens magic shall be tied to the Fae's blood , body, and soul. For as long as their magic lives, we shall defend everything they stand for. Starting with the punishment of my brother as a seal to bind our contract." She then used her remaining energy to strip Typhon of not only his magic but also the one thing she knew a phoenix took pride in, His immortality. Then with the remaining Fae took her brother and vanished into the mountains, never to be seen again.

Its unknown where the Fae have gone to. These days their existence is seen as nothing but an old fairytale, but maybe there could be fact found in fiction. Maybe there is some truth behind this myth.                                                                                                                                                                                 If that's the case, then what more can be found in this story?

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