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It was 1:00 A.M. but despite that, you continued to make your way to your good friend Joseph's house. The night air was fresh, cool, and had a hint of summer trouble. You smiled and picked up the pace. By the time you made it to Joseph's house, it was already 1:20. You hopped the fence into his backyard garden, dodging fireflies. There it was, a trellis leading all the way up to his second-story bedroom's window.
"Come on. You can do this, you've done this a million times before," you sigh, trying to reassure yourself that you'd be fine.
No matter how many times you climbed that trellis, it still scared you a bit. You grabbed onto the makeshift ladder, pushing aside leaves from the flowers twining around the sturdy wood, and began to climb. When you reached the top, you tapped on the window lightly. Joseph was at the window quicker than you expected. Of course he was awake, both of your sleep schedules were f*cked.
"Y/N, what're you doing here?" He questioned.
He was wearing a black tank top and some sweatpants. A most likely empty can of Coca Cola sat on his bedside table, next to an analogue clock that read 1:27 A.M.
"You wanna go out? It's a beautiful night," you inquired.
You tried to hide the excitement in your eyes, but alas, he picked up on it faster than you were able to conceal.
"Let me get ready real quick! You can't just give me no warning like that, give me some time to get dolled up, and I'll be down shortly."
You agreed, and made your way back down to the safety of the ground. You and Joseph had been friends for as long as you could remember. Some of your earliest memories included pushing him off of a swing set because he wouldn't let you have a turn. People would always assume you were two dating, which annoyed you a little. Two people can be close without being a couple, right? You chuckled, and stopped reminiscing. After having been on an app called, "Wattpad," for about twenty minutes, Joseph came climbing down as well. You were amazed that the trellis could hold both of your weights, one after another.
"Hey, you've gotten better at eyeliner," you stated, genuinely impressed. It wasn't anything fancy, just a little, smoky liner. It did however make his eyes look more mysterious than before. They were still as approachable as ever though. He had on the same tank top as before, but now layered with a faux-leather jacket and a few chains. On his legs were some deep blue-washed jeans, and some classic Converse shoes. You could see a few warn-away doodles on the soles of them, which made you smile. His hair was still as unruly as ever. You both hopped over the fence out of his backyard, and walked over to a nearby streetlamp.
"Alright, so where're we going?" he asked excitedly, with mild anticipation.
"To the nearest Quick Trip" you state with a smile.
"Race you there!" he said and then quickly raced away.
"Hey! That's not fair!" you yell. You immediately took off after him. However, it was to no avail. Joseph was in such insanely good shape, you could never hope to beat him. You arrived at the Quick Trip a solid minute after he did.
"Slow-poke," he jested with a smirk.
"Hah, ha, you...hhh, ah," you gasped while at the same time trying to catch your breath, "You...ah, ha...cheated!"
"Oh well, the past is in the past," he said, smugly, "Now what do you want from QT?"
"Your mom," you say, and you guys both laugh.
You walk into the Quick Trip, and while you head straight to the snack foods, Joseph makes a little run to the slushies. You grab two bags of Doritos and some Slim Jims, before walking down to the taquitos. You grab two steak ones. Content with your snack choices, you go to find Joseph.
"I had a genius idea," he says while holding one blue raspberry and one orange slushie. (In the biggest sizes available, of course.) He sprints over to the freezers, and grabs one Papillon Monster Energy and one Ultra Fiesta Monster.
"Woah, I see where you're going with this," you smile.
"But of course, my dear Y/N. Only the finest of liquor for thee," he winks. You two chuckle and head for the checkout. He pays for the drinks, and you pay for the snacks. That's how it's been since middle school, and it's a tradition you thoroughly enjoy.
"Shall we head to our usual spot then?" you question.
He nods his head in response. By the time you make it there, it's 2:15 A.M. Your, "spot," as you two call it, is an area down in the creek inside a big pipe. To get there, you have to walk down to a park by your house, and walk through some forested area. Once you hop down a few rocks and over some water, you're home free. As you two sit down with your, "nutritious bounty," you ask Joseph if he would like to listen to something. He responds with a yes, as you knew he would. You search up Bleed Magic by I Don't know How But They Found Me and place your phone a little into the pipe. Music soon swells through the creek, the pipe acting like a speaker because of it's echo. By the time you rolled through the ads, Joseph was already ready to work his magic. You munch on a taquito as he pops open the lids of each slushie, and pours one Monster into each.
"Which one do you want?" he asks, referring to the concoction of goodness in front of you. You point to the orange and Papillon slushie mix. Soon, you're both hopped up on adrenaline, sugar, caffeine, and pure vibes. Joseph pours the last of his bag of Doritos into his mouth.
"Ow, I got cheese dust in my eye!" he says with obvious contempt for the now empty bag resting in the pipe. You burst out laughing, you couldn't help yourself. Joseph gets a little taken aback by your laughter at his misery. He starts scootching towards you, with a small pout resting on his lips, when all of a sudden, he yells, "Hey! There's frogs!"
You turn and look frantically, when you see it. On the side of a rock partially in the water...frogs! You turn back to Joseph excitedly, only to see him creeping up to the numerous frogs already. He pounces, and..."I caught one!" He says happily. He carefully steps back over to you, prepared to show you the tiny thing-of-beauty. However, when he opens his hands to give you a peek, it leaps out at him.
"Oh no!" he says as the creature lands on his shirt. After a mild freak out on Joseph's part, you calmly pick the frog up off of him.
"That's not fair, how come it's so much more comfortable on you than me?" Joseph asks while pouting like earlier.
"Maybe because I didn't snatch it off of a rock where it was chilling..." you say with a small smile. After you put the frog back, you notice that you've both finished your chips and taquitos. (Joseph was shoving the last of the Slim Jims into his jacket pockets.) You picked up your phone to check the time, and read 4:00 A.M. Faint spots of light could be seen glowing through the canopy above. You grabbed Joseph's arm, and you two quickly jogged back out of the creek and to the playground nearby. After climbing up onto the rope web you both sat down (Joseph nearly falling off while doing so...) and watched the sun rise. You took the last few sips of your Monster slushie and sighed contentedly.
"Oh sh*t," Joseph suddenly says, "I've gotta get back home or my grandma'll kill me!"
He hurriedly climbs down and starts running home.
"BY Y/N, I HAD FUN," he screams back at you before turning a corner, making you unable to see him anymore.
"I had better get home soon as well," you chuckle to yourself.
Tonight was a nice night and with Joseph by your side, there would be plenty more where that came from...
AN: Thank you so much for reading my first fanfiction! This idea hit me like a truck in the middle of the night. Safe to say, I got zero sleep. It's a oneshot for now, but maybe I'll add more parts later. (Don't get your hopes up though.) Anyways, thanks again. Let me know what you thought of it.

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