Letters and Gifts

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BTS were always on the move now, constantly packing and unpacking. Their daily routine consisted of traveling, practicing, eating and catching up on sleep. For those who couldn't sleep easily, they were hard at work crating tracks and scribbling lyrics on a notepad. 

In the last two weeks, they had been to Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand and the Philippines. whenever they stepped on stage and performed, they felt so full, their eyes were full of love for Army and from Army. They felt truly happy to the point where they questioned if they really deserved this happiness but when the fireworks went off and it was time for them to step off stage they felt empty. They felt the presence of army missing, their tired state didn't help either. For some of them that feeling was the worst because there was too much space to be filled which meant that their thoughts would occupy the emptiness. 

For some of the Japan was an interesting visit. Some of them being Dawa. The reason being that in Tokyo they also held a fansign after the concert the next day. There were a few reasons, one being that he hadn't had much time to practice his Japanese so he only got bits and pieces of conversations with fans. Another being that most of the fans gave him the same present without an explaination, not that he needed it. Some of them even came with letters. 

"Oh, thank you." Dawa smiled gingerly as he took the envelope that read ZERO in fancy letters. This was his first time receiving a letter from a fan. He opened it quickly to read it and he was pleased that it was written in Korean since he couldn't read in Japanese. 


What kind of name is that? You'ed think an Idol would choose a better name than ZERO. But then again, I guess that just goes to show how unfit you are to be an Idol. And frankly it suits you quiet well. It implies that you are nothing. 

I'm writing this because I want you do know that we Army may support BTS but we don't support you. You're nothing but a cold bully. You're bringing the rest of them down with your rude attitude, so it'd be better if you just left BTS for good-

Dawa looked up after realizing what kind of letter this was but the person who gave him the letter had already moved on. He received more letters but after reading three of them which basically covered the same grounds as the first he just quietly accepted them and put in a pile. He was next to Taehyung and he was the first member so the pile was away from Taehyung because Dawa didn't want him to read it. 

As the fans kept coming, they gave Dawa a small box that was wrapped up. Dawa slowly opened it to see black coals and he quickly hid it because again he didn't want Taehyung or the other members to see it. Some of these boxes came with notes. 

'You're not even korean!'

'u suck' 

'get lost'


By then, he was used to it and learned to accept it. He knew about the rumors and videos about him. He understood that no matter his intentions, they would never like him. He was beyond the point of hurt. 'I wish I couldn't feel. I really wish I could switch off having to feel things like this.' And at some point he just stopped pitying himself and just went through the motion. Taehyung watched him turn almost robotic. 

Soon enough, the event was over and in his day pack, Dawa had about 20 hate letters and 16 boxes of coal. Most of the fans didn't even bother talking to him. But of course there were exceptions. 

"H-hi Dawa!" A little girl about 10 greeted him and he instantly thought of Essie causing him to smile. 

"Hi! Would you like me to sign?" She nodded her head smiling revealing a dimple. 

"What your name?"

"My name? Oh it's uh Sora! You're so cool, someday, I wanna be just like you. Do you think I can become like you?"

"Of course." Dawa cheered. "Can you sing me something?" 

Sora sang a chorus of one of their songs and he clapped smiling proudly. "I'm your number one fan!" 

The after almost 30 minutes of seeing and meeting fans who were not interested in him another person came to him with a smile on her face. She handed him a snow owl plushie. 

"I hope you like this, I thought long and had about it. I choose a snow owl because they're quiet and pretty, they're sharp which I thought represented you well!" 


Currently, the boys were getting settled in their new hotel room. They were split into three groups in three different hotel rooms. Dawa was with Namjoon and Yoongi. He still hadn't told them about the coal and letters because well, he didn't feel like he needed to. 

They wee in Australia and in about an hour and a half, they would head to the venue to rehearse and make sure everything was working correctly. As soon as Dawa saw the bed he dropped his day bag and went on the bed falling asleep as quickly as he fell on the bed. 


Yoongi was walking to their bathroom only to stub his toe on Dawa backpack. He winced trying to not make noise since Dawa was asleep. 

"The hell is in this bag anyway?" He grumbled. Namjoon was   on the couch watching as Yoongi opened Dawa's bag and dumped out the contents. 

When all the envelopes were scattered and on the ground and all the boxes on the ground as well Namjoon got up. "What's in it?" 


"In all of them."


Namjoon opened a letter and upon reading the first three sentences he crumbled it up. Cursing under his breath. 

"Why does he keep these things to himself?" 

Yoongi read another and then marched to the bed where Dawa rested, anger evident in his steps. But Namjoon stopped him from waking the sleeping member up. 

"He should rest hyung. We can talk about it when he's awake." 

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