The Beginning of the End

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There were rules on everything, even love. Like for starters you shouldn't fall in love with a man who is seven years older than you or if that man is also your Grandmaster and general. Yet here Azura was, standing in a war meeting, unable to take her eyes off her general. Even with his helmet engaged Azura found him attractive, the way he spoke with such confidence and hope, how he inspired even crimes with his words to join the Frostbourne army. It truly amazed her.

"Azura are you listening?" Patrick stern voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Yes Sire and I fear that the eltra crops may not be able to provide a head on attack it such a small field, with our numbers so low" Azura explained, folding her hands behind her back as all the attention in the room was drawn to her.

"If you could not provide a attack then what can the Elytra corps do for this battle, we need all the men we can get if we want this to be the end battle we hope for" Patrick leaned forward, pressing his hands against the table to hold him up. His eyes stayed on Azura, as she hoped the dim lighting would help hide her blush.

"While a head on attack would not be the wises if I were able to sneak my men behind the Nether army we could catch them by surprise, giving my men the advantage they would need with our small numbers" Azura explained, she pulled a hand from behind her back and gestured to the map.

"They say it is supposed to snow tomorrow, which means dark cloud, the airships, if we could get them high enough could hide behind the clouds for cover" Hilda offered.

"It is... while the cloud will provide camouflage for the airships I fear my men will have difficult times flying through the snow, but we can try" Azura stared at the map on the table.

"Good, everyone understands the plan then?" Patrick address the rest of the Councilmembers.

"Yes sir."

"We will be ready."

"Let's end this!"

"Of course Sire" Azura said, looking up from the map at Patrick.

"Come on Azura! Why can't I come!" Lyria yelled at Azura, who wore emotionless expression.

"I've said it once and I'll say it again, this isn't a scouting mission nor is this going to be on an opened field" Azura explained to her apprentice again, "besides if I were to not return I'm going to need someone to take my role as lead scientist and I trust you with that role Lyria."

Azura put a hand on the young scientist shoulder, causing the pink haired girl's shoulders to dropped in surrender. Azura let a small smile from on her face as she pulled Lyria into a hug. Lyria quickly responded by wrapping her arms around her mentor and squeezing tightly.

"Promise me something will you?" Lyria whispered, leaning her head against Azura's shoulder.

"Yes?" Azura asked looking down at Lyria.

"Tell Patrick how you feel before you leave, just in case" Lyria looked up at Azura with a determined look in her eyes.

Azura fell quiet, before a sigh escape her lips before she could stop it. Of course it would come to this, Lyria had always been looking for an excuse to get Azura to admit her feelings to the general. Azura shook her head with a soft chuckle.

"Fine, I promise" Azura said earning a smile from Lyria.

"About time!"

Now Azura stood outside of Patrick's office door, scared. Most people in Frostbourne called her the fearless flyer for many different reasons. But one of those reasons is because she had never been afraid to put a angry Patrick back in his place while most people won't even come near him. Yet here Azura was standing outside his office door, he wasn't even having a tantrum and she was terrified.

Azura had never had too much luck with love, it was either they weren't interested or they just wanted to use her. And the worse part is that each time Azura gave it her all, gave them all her love and attention but they never stayed. Now Azura's damaged heart had decided to try it again.

Azura sighed and dropped her confession note on the ground. She used the tip of her boot to slid it underneath the door. Azura put her hands in her lad coat pockets, they'd be leaving soon, she must get ready.

Azura leaned back on the stone railing of the balcony, that overlooked Frostbourne. The sun was down and clouds had covered the stars but it had yet to start snowing. Azura was using a stone to sharpen one of her blades, and thinking about different battle strategies for men to use for this fight, that she hadn't noticed Patrick come onto the balcony.

Azura flicked her blade back into its holder for now and tossed the stone over the balcony. She looked up, and almost jumped off the balcony when she say the general standing there staring at her. At least she amused he was staring at her, his helmet was engaged.

"S-Sire! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Azura set her hand against her chest, feeling it racing.

"Slience Azura" his voice was stone cold, and Azura couldn't find the will to take her eyes off the ground.

"This is yours correct?" Patrick held out the letter she had slid up his door. But what stung Azura's heart was it hadn't even been opened.

"Yes Sire" Azura forced out of her dry throat.

"Azura this is not even slightly appropriate, I am not only seven years older than you but I'm also your general and grandmaster" Patrick didn't raise his voice, but Azura swore that it felt like he did. Azura had been standing there pitifully, staring at the ground and also trying to stop the tears from escaping her eyes.

"Azura I cannot except this and I do not want anything like this to happen again do you understand me" Patrick asked, as he held the letter out to her.

"Yes Sire, I apologize for my actions" Azura finally looked up at him, she could slightly see his eyes through the blue tinted glass. They stared at her cold and expressionless, Azura looked down at the note in his hand.

"Just throw it away" she said, before she turned her back to him and hoped over the railing and took to the skies. Thousand of tears running down her face. Her heart had been tore apart again.

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