Come back to me

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Patrick held on tightly to the reins of the horse as he lead the rescue party through the Nether forest. Kane and Ciara had joined the rescue team which now had seven members, not an army but all very skilled warriors. Patrick prayed that they weren't going to be too late.

Patrick yanked back on the rein, causing the black horse to come to a stop. He heard the others come to a stop as well and Lyria land next to them. The had come to the end of the forest and just past it was Entity's castle. Where Entity had Azura, Patrick hoped.

"What did you see from up there Lyria" Hilda asked looking down at the windbreaker.

"The walls are guarded by spiders' and vexs' and I saw a few strays walking around the walls but the back seems to be mostly unguarded, but it has so many lava pools and lava falls it would be almost impossible to get through" Lyria explained points at the building.

"The back it is our best option" Kane said. "But will need someone to scout the way first."

"I can do it" everyone whipped around to see a familiar purple hellhound stand next to the horses.

"Ria!?" Kane yelled at his fifth-teen year old daughter.

"I can scout the way I'm fast and small" Ria explained ignoring her father.

"Absolutely not! Why are you here!" Kane whispered yelled at her furiously.

"Dad please, I can help!" Ria shifted back into her human form.

"Kane she might be our best bet" Ciara said standing next to her niece, that was exactly her height.

"You can't be serious right now Ciara! She's a child! A child that needs to go home, now." Kane's voice left off a don't argue with me tone.

"Kane, Ciara's right Ria's the only one who can get through the lava pools without being hurt! She's a hellhound, lava can't hurt her!" Stella said, looking at Kane with hopeful eyes.

Kane was silent, and looked around to see if anyone was on his side. But he found that he was the only one thinking this was a terrible thing. Kane looked back Ria who was now standing right in front of him, her tail down but ears high up with hope.

"Daddy please let me help you guys" Ria asked again with a softer tone and her famous puppy eyes. Kane was silent staring at his baby girl, before he pulled her into a hug.

"Fine, but at the first sign of trouble you call for me and I'll come" Kane said in defeat.

Ria pressed herself against the the ground as she crawled around the lava pools and falls in her hood form. She lifted her snout sniffing the air for any spiders or vexs. None so far. Ria wouldn't understand why Entity had an a castle in the Nether with an army that wasn't lava nor fire proof.

Ria looked behind her and saw her father and aunt and all their friends watching her as she crawled through. Ria focused back at the task on paw, continued to crawl through the lava pit. Ria finally had made it to the other side with only a few mistakes of getting to close to the edge and falling into the lava, but she was fine.

She flicked her head to the side, signaling the others to take that path she did. One by one they crossed the lava pit until the only one left to cross was Kane. Ria watched her father carefully as he slowly began to cross the pits.

Ria's ears perked up at a quiet crack she heard. Ria began to search for the cause of the noise, taking her eyes off of Kane. She stood up on all four of her paws, sniffing the air again. Another crack, but louder and Ria could tell where it was coming from this time.

"DAD!" Ria cried out as the thin path the Netherbane captain was on broke. Ria jolted forwarded attempting to catch her father from the fall, but it was too late and she was too far away.

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