Night dream

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The day was exciting, I think today it was the first day, I can say I touched absolute happiness. Finally we had one of those family days that we all going to remember for the rest of our lifes.

The maknaes were playing like real kids, them role as the naughty and young is played so effortless by them! Is it not the usual that young men always want to be older? Not our kids  they are the eternal maknaes.
I did suffer a bit for Joonie, is it just me that notice how hard his soul cries for Hobi's attention? I wish he would just decide to make a move. I am not sure if Hoseok loves him back, but at least he should try, or at least if Hobi could have a hint! I believe with time he would appreciate every single gesture that Joon has towards him and he would start to reciprocate.

"Min YoonGi, judging others without realising your own cowardice!!!" Yes my eternal roommate occupied: my mind, my actions and my despair. I do work on making my self obvious, just to him, but it looks like everyone else realised except for him. However as Joonie  I was never brave enough to make a clear move.
It is 1am and I can hear a soft knock in the door, Jin is sleeping already and I am trying to put in order, some lyrics crossing my mind this afternoon. My happiness could never look complete without my music: happiness, as sadness, are my greater inspirations as indeed are for the rest of the human beings. I jump of the bed quietly to avoid a second knock that will wake Jinie up. He is always so alert of anything that could happen to the guys.
As I open the door I see a sleepy Jungkook. "What's wrong buddy? " Apparently the guys are being noisy due to the excitement of today events and kookie needs his 9 hours sleep " Please hyung can I sleep between you and Jiniehyung?" "Or I can also go to your room and make sure that those two stop playing around as tomorrow they will be exhausted", I offered. "No hyungie  they seem so happy  everyone is so happy today  I would hate to be the blaster."

As expected Jinie ended up waking up so worry for his baby koo and of course straight away we had to put both beds together. Don't get me wrong, every inch that I can get closer to Jinie is a bless and at the same time torture. We took out the king duvet (as this was not a one time occasion  considering the guys were very young when we all became a family).

Another sleepless night   I thought to myself, Jinie was there within easy reach. Jungkookie had the habit to hug on his sleep as a koala and this time I was his tree. In the other hand Jin is the kind of person that need the touch to tell you that he is there for you. Usually kookie embrace on Jinie so problem sorted, but this time I was his safe spot, I guess.
After 10 minutes I can feel how Jinie is caressing the youngest hair in a sweet gesture. This man is going to suffer a hell when this kids will grow and fly off the nest. He finally falls sleep with his hand on Kooks waist, always searching to ensure that physical contact.
So now he is really close, so much that in a sudden move the young male grabs Jin forearm to get the oldest to sleep back-huging him. I don't know if I can take much more of the proximity, and suddenly I feel Jin long harm reaching my waist, I can feel his 5 fingers intouch with my skin. Looks like the God's lined up to give me a restless night of excitement and panic.
Panic, yes I was panicking  I love Jin, I love him more than anything else in this life, I can't afford to loose him or make it awkward between us and the physical touch with him can easily trigger a reaction in my body, a reaction that I can't fully control. Besides I have Jungkook between us.

Luckily I can hear some steps approaching and slowly getting into the room. "Baby come on hyungie back, I can't sleep without your embrace" It's Jimin, I help him to get Kookie in his back, happy that I will finally survive one more night without exposing my urges.
I am about to separate the beds when I realise that Jinie is right in the middle of both. I rest my leg on my bed to softly push him towards his bed completely, ones he feels my hands on him to make him roll over to the other side, he tightly embrace me and I fall next to my adorable hyung, my love.

I feel like a fraud, he is sleeping he obviously thinks it is kookie in his arms and not me. He comfortably place his head on my chest, his sleep is light and I don't want to move to don't wake him up. I think he is realising something is off. He is kind of sniffing the air,  his beautiful nose so close to my neck. I can also smell a sweet scent delighting now my senses, a unique Jin scent. Suddenly Jin face is outlining a pleasant smile and between his teeth and almost inaudible, a whisper: "yoonie".

My heart is beating so hard and fast in my chest, that I am sure that is what it will finally wake him up. I just can't believe he is so comfortable, knowing he is in my arms. Jinie is now the definition of beauty in my arms, my heart is intoxicated of an overdose of senses.
I can not take it anymore, and I definitely can't take advantage of my Jinie while he sleeps, as much as my soul complains, my  love for him is more important, so to my regret I decide to leave the bed and spend the night on the floor.

I place a soft peck on his forehead and  I attempt to get off the bed, when Jin suddenly holds on tighter to me and exhales a soft: "don't go, stay with me".

I just can't believe what I am hearing, I literally think is my craving for  him that is tricking my hearing and my senses. I hold my breath  I can't think straight  I don't know what to do. I want to stay but I know I must go. After few minutes, that seems hours, I attempt to move away once again.
"Please, I need you tonight" Jin carry on talking through his dream??(what??? "I-need-you-tonight") that's not just something you say sleeping, no, when is making so much sense with the previous request, right? In case if I had any remote doubt Jin slowly start to place soft kisses on my chest, he start moaning on the kisses and as he is getting closer to my neck.
I am lost, I am so lost on the  drunkeness of the moment.

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