Chapter One

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"How did we even accumulate this much debt?!" You exclaimed

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"How did we even accumulate this much debt?!" You exclaimed. Paper sprawled all over your mahogany wooden desk each one with a higher debt than the last. This is millions upon millions

You let out a stressed groan raking your fingers through you luscious afro, "I-I can fix this ... right how hard could it to be to get out of a mountain of debt." letting out a unsure chuckle.


That was months ago your lavish lifestyle was snuffed right from under you. First your trade deals fell through, second you had to sell all of treasures to make sure your people ate and lastly the one that stung the most out of everything everyone lost faith in you.

Currently floating on your back side in the pool the only thing that didn't get sold in your now empty castle. "Look at me some poor pathetic goddess. Queen of the sea my ass." You say as you chugged the bottle of red wine. "I don't think your some poor pathetic goddess."

Hearing the sudden voice you turn over in the pool splashing a ton of water in the process, to be met the man known as 'Lord of the Sea' Poseidon. "What are you doing here?" You questioned. "For you of course." as he took a squat near the edge. Swimming over to him, "Why to mock me?" You sneered through your teeth getting out of the pool.

Setting the glass bottle on the floor you grabbed the edge preparing to exit, "Let me help you." He said extending a hand out. Smacking his hand away, "I got it." Sadly you did not have it due to the fact the alcohol settled into your system. Instead of the normal graceful exit you rolled out onto the pool landing flat on your back breathless while Poseidon watched awkwardly. My sweet queen I promise I'm going to make everything better

"Was it really that bad to take my hand for help?" He asked. "Yes." using your powers your rigged the water out of your hair letting it revert back to the afro that covered your eyes. Standing to your feet you dust off the wet clothing you, "Now why are you really here?" You questioned but got nothing in response.

He was just standing there taking in the sight of you. Kind of hard to focus when shes standing here and I can partically see all of her most intimate parts. Those sweet curves she has.

"I know you hear me talking to you." You say stomping your foot. The action caused a giant wave to splash across his face, "Im sorry ... right I was here to invite you to dinner." He replies wiping the water droplets off his face. "No." You say walking off, "You can let your self out."

"What?! Why?!" He exclaimed. "We have no business to discuss and I do not want your pity." You retort. He gently grabs your arm while you snatch it away, "Its not pity I genuinely want to check on your well being." Snatching your arm out of his grasp, "No what you want is to have sex with me. And what better time to do it then when I'm at my lowest." You gritted.

"That would be nice but, I want you to give yourself to me attempting to sleep with such a beauty in this way is beneath me. I just want to check in with you and shower you with the treatment you deserve." He replied. You furrowed your brows, "Will there be alcohol?" You questioned. "Of course I have your favorites already prepared for you." Rolling your eyes at his words, "Fine I'll be there at 8 now goodbye Poseidon." You say leaving. Our very first date of many.


You knocked on the door of the luxurious castle as you slightly fixed your dress. You were in a dark blue halter topped dressed that hugged every inch of your curves with a pair of matching heels. Fuck am I doing this isn't a date.

The extravagant door opens revealing Poseidon on the other ended dressed in a very expensive blue suit. Damn .. I mean fuck him hes awful just like his brothers. "You look beautiful but thats to be expected." He says stepping to the side to let you in.

You slowly enter while he closes the door behind you while his eyes went straight to your ass. It looks so good I just want to take a bite out of it. He places a hand on the small spot of your back leading you to the dinning area. "Watch your hands." You sneered. "And have you kill me in my own house I don't want to die like that." He chuckled.

Entering the grand dinning room he pulls out your chair allowing you to sit before him, "Thank you." You say. Maybe this wont be so bad.

"Its nothing I'd do this for you everyday if you'll allow me to." He says sitting across from you. "No." As if it was on cue servants walked out holding silver platters that held a variety of food and your favorite red wine. "Feed the queen of the sea." He stated casually.

Servants spring into action as they placed a plate in front of you along with a glass of wine and added a napkin to your lap. You took the glass in your hand swishing the red liquid around before bringing it to your lips. Taking a sip you let out a satisfying sigh, "You really went all out huh?" You questioned finishing your glass.

A servant refills it, "I'd do anything for you." He said. "Cut the bullshit its so beneath you. Tell me why I'm really here." You retort. You slowly slip the wine while he let out a small chuckle,"I cant keep anything from you."

"Laughing like that makes you look insane but continue." You say. "Insanely in love with you but you're right. I have a proposition for an agreement if you will."  He raved. "And what is it?" You inquired. "I want you to be my bride."  You choked on your drink, "What?!"

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