A Griffin girl!? :O ch3

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New character pronouns!

Jazzy: she/they

Creak! Moros heard the door early in the morning. Hanako was coming from the bathroom to their room. The sounds of Hanako unpacking things traveled to Moros's ear. "I should go help them unpack." Moros thought to them self. They got out of bed. "Hanako? Are you unpacking?" Hanako quickly looked around the room for the cloth. She hurried to tie it around her ears. Moros opened the door. "Hey Moros! Good morning!"

"Hi Hanako. Are you still unpacking? I can help you!"

"No no! Im ok. Should I make breakfast? I read about this new fruit and it should be close by!"

"Actually I was wondering if we could go to the forest. I want you to teach me more about plants and herbs and other things!"

"Oh! Of course! I can even teach you how to tie a basket."

Moros smiled sweetly. They went to their room to pack a tent, some tools, food, and clothes. After they both packed some things they met near the kitchen. Moros was carrying a big bag. "What's all that for? I'm sure we don't need to much!"

"I'm just prepared. You can go wait outside! I'll be right out."

"What did you want to do? I can help you-"

"NO! Uhm. No thank you. Just go ahead and wait."

"Ok then. Take your time!"

Moros scurried to Hanako's room. They stuffed all of Hanako's things into a bag, secretly. Then they went outside to meet Hanako. "Another big bag? What's the big deal?"

"No reason!" Hanako started to feel suspicious. They went to the edge of town and into the bushes. "What should we find first?" Hannako flipped to a page with herbs around the area and handed the book to Moros. They thought for a minute. "How about this one! Crimson glove." "Ooh I like your thinking!" They both took out some baskets and walked deeper into the forest. "Look! I see some over there." Hannako pointed. She started to walk over. Moros pulled her back. "Woah! Your unusually strong. Maybe im just weak!" He giggled. "Sorry! But aren't the best herbs usually deeper into the middle of the woods? Let's go!" "Well that might be true but we should-" Moros pulled Hanako before she could finish her sentence.

    After a few hours their baskets were full. "This should be more than enough for a stew! Let's start heading home." Moros grabbed Hanako's hand. "Actually I was thinking we should stay. I've had this whole thing planned out!"

"Oh.. tell me more!"

"Well I was wondering if we could camp and travel to new areas. I actually packed all your stuff while you were waiting outside, heh."

"All my stuff? Geez, you really are prepared! I don't see why not. If you have everything that's great!"

They both started to set up camp. When they finished they settled down. "Should we look for more herbs tomorrow?" Moros asked. "Yea but we don't have any baskets... oh! This is a perfect opportunity to teach you how to make baskets. Let's go find some cogon grass. Maybe we could find a pond!" They decided to take a walk before the sunset. "It sure is pretty during the sunset." Hannako stared at all the flowers. Their shade of color changed. Moros stared at a squirrel.

"The sunset makes everything pretty."

"Maybe tonight we could get some moon water! Is it a full moon?"

"I'm not sure. If it is then we definitely will!"

Just then something quickly dashed behind them and caught Moros's eye. "Oh! I think that flower is-" Moros put their hand over Hanako's mouth. "What was that?" They looked every direction. Hanako pulled their hand down. "It's nothing. Maybe a squirrel. Don't scare me!" The creature dashed again. This time it landed on a tree branch. The creature was just about the size of Hannako. It spread out its wings, it had feathery ears, it's tail flowed from side to side like a calm wave. They could only see a shadow of the figure of the creature and it's gold, glowing eyes. Hanako trembled. "What.. is... that?" "I don't know..." Moros tried to step closer. The creature hopped down from the tree and hid behind it. "Nows my chance. You stay here, Hanako. I'll catch it and see what it is." Hanako nodded and took a step back. Moros snuck over slowly to the creature. They waited for the perfect moment. Moros took one more step and stepped on a twig. The creature heard it's crunch and turned it's head around. Moros panicked, grabbed the stick, and pounced onto the creature! It screeched. Hanako covered their eyes. Moros had the stick to the creatures throat. Then they heard a girl's voice. "Hey! Whats your problem?" Hanako walked over. "A person? Who are you!"

"I'm Jazzy! Who are you guys?"

"I'm Hanako. This is Moros."

"Ok.. do you mind taking that stick away from my THROAT!"

Moros slowly took the stick away and stepped back. Jazzy got up.

"Thanks. Why did you attack me for no reason!?"

"We thought you were a monster! You were spreading your wings out and swinging your tail. I felt the need to make sure you weren't gonna hurt Hanako!"

"Why would I want to hurt anyone!? I was spreading my wings because I was stretching! It's been a long day for me and griffins have to stretch too."

"Oh your a Griffin! But you look like a human too?"

"Well we have two forms. This form where we look like a human but with griffin parts. And another form where we are full on griffins."

"That's really cool! I should go write this down. I haven't read about griffins yet!"

"Huh? What's up with her?"

"She doesn't go out much. Anyways why are you here? I never see griffins around this area."

"Oh. I'm lost. Do you know where we are?"

"Well yea but I don't think the town nearby likes other creatures. Their full of just humans."

"I'll take you to our campsite! We have lots of crimson glove to make a stew."

They all walked to the campsite. Hanako took out her medium cauldron and boiled some water from a nearby pond over a fire. He put in some seasonings that they crushed before and the juice of crimson gloves to make a nice soup flavor. "Let's wait for the soup to boil in the tent. That Moros set up." They both went inside except for Jazzy. Hanako flipped through some pages of creatures and showed them to Moros. Minutes later they heard a big splash. They rushed outside and saw Jazzy standing near the pot. "What did you do?" Hanako asked. "I spiced up the soup." They all peeked in the pot. There were pieces of meat. "Where did you get this meat!?" Moros asked. "From one of those things that waddle around and squawk. It wandered here."

"You mean a chicken? Did it have feathers?"

"Well it was bald but I guess it was like a chicken."

"Close enough."

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