lala scofield-burrows

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lala scofield-burows = Is who your prespective will be of . lala has just turned 18 and is leading a mafia as her boss is in prison. she has 2 brothers with one being on death row and the other a hard working bussiness men that dosen't stop. she was quite confused when she found out he had robbed a bank armed with a gun because she knew he had plenty of money to put him atleast middle class so its not like he didnt have any money and he had a court case on monday in a couple days and the bus gos out on the wensday to which ever priosn hes sent to she was done with this life but she knew if she handed herself in now she wouldnt see her brothers again and she just couldn't deal with that she loved them to much after all she put them through they still stayed by her side and even pretected her when necessary. but she suddenly got into deeper thoughts and realised what's best to do for everyone in this situation.

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