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At cafeteria

Jungkook where is your little fangirl Jimin said

I don't know she should be here jungkook said

Why are you so curious about her Jimin Jin said

I just heard a lot about her so I want to meet her Jimin said

Don't she is coming yoongi said

Taehyung oppa~~~jieun comes to their table

They all sighed

stop calling me that tae said coldly

Why Oppa jieun said and kept her hand on tae shoulder

Before Taehyung say something another voice stopped him

Keep your hands to yourself ...

They see y/n standing there with an angry face

Y/n pov**

I entered the cafeteria and went to my friends but stop after hearing a girl's voice

Taehyung Oppa she said and went to them
Did she just call my tae Oppa

Who is she to call him like that

Stop calling me that the man who was back facing me said I guess he is tae
His voice is so deep a smile appears on my lips

Why Oppa she said kept her hand on his shoulder
That's it's I lost my patience and said angrily little loud

Keep your hands to yourself
And walk to them

Y/n pov end "**

Who are you to say that jieun said
Looking angrily at y/n

And Who are you y/n questioned

Me I'm Choi jieun daughter of Mr. Choi one of the director members of this university jieun scoff

I said who are you not who's the daughter you are y/n questioned
Smirking at her 😏

Unnie she is the one who bullied me eunjin said

Oh.. she is with you tsk.. tsk... I asked the wrong question y/n said
Shaking her head

What do you mean jieun asked confused

I mean girls like you only know to use your parent's name and nothing without your parents y/n said smirking 😏

Jieun pissed off

Who dare you bitch** jieun said angrily

I didn't ask about yourself y/n said casually looking at her

They all laugh at y/n word

Jieun look at them angrily

Look at yourself y/n you can't even stand jieun beauty eujin said smirking

Your right I can't stand her plastic beauty and don't even want to y/n said sadly and wipe off her fake tears

Everyone in canteen laugh

You....jieun said angrily

Stop it jieun, you want to embarrass yourself more Jennie

I will see how you both will get good remark (the point at rose and Jennie) and you(the point at y/n) just see what I will do to you jieun said

I will be waiting y/n said

And don't come near my people

Jieun Strom from there with eunjin

They all laugh loudly

That was hilarious Jimin said laughing tears forming in his eyes

Y/n turn and look at Taehyung and stood there frozen

Tae stare at y/n without blinking

Y/n in mind **
He is tae, Y/n you are dead

How could you be so stupid


Tae in mind

So she is y/n, she looks familiar

Why whenever I see her. My heartbeat rapidly...

They all stop laughing at seeing Taehyung and y/n are looking at each

Ahem..** ahem***

Yoongi clears his throat

They both come to their sense

What happen y/n yoongi asked smirking at her 😏

Nothing .. y/n said

Why are you at her hyung jungkook asked

She is the one whom I talked about morning tae said

That crazy person Lisa asked

Who is crazy, he is the one crazy y/n looking at tae

You are the one walking on the road not even seeing where you are going not me tae said

Stop scolding me like you are my father y/n said hand crossed over her chest

Stop both of you jungkook said
Y/n turn to jk

Kookie...~~~ y/n said go near him

Not again y/n leave me jk said showing his hand to stop her

Stop bothering him y/n Jimin said

Y/n look at him confused

I'm Jimin Jimin said extended his hand

Y/n and shake his hand

So troubling him, he cried on phone call Jimin said

Hyung ..jk shout

Y/n let out a chuckle

So you want me to stop y/n asked smirk at him 😏

Yes ..Jimin said smiling.

Ollu Bangaram ...chu ..chu... Om kavali .mmm..chepu ...chepu.

Y/n says in a baby voice while quizzing Jimin cheeks

All chuckle at her and shake their heads and Jennie sees at her confused for her behavior and rose to get jealous and for Taehyung, he had a little smile at her cuteness

Jimin freed himself from her

Kookie you're right she is crazy Jimin said

Serves you right jk said

Y/n sit between Jin and yoongi

They finish here lunch and get back to their works

 WAITING FOR  YOU....... (Kth ff) (Taehyung ×reader)Where stories live. Discover now