CH 45

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The three people in the glasshouse, since Norman brought An Jin into the entertainment area, his sight has been on them. After Norman left, they all fell on An Jin.

"It's so beautiful, well-behaved and quiet. It's no wonder your majesty can move your heart."

"Look, the rest of the mermaids are approaching your majesty's heart fish!"

One person couldn't help but worry: "Should you not bully the new fish! Your majesty's mermaid seems to be This is the first time here."

The person opposite him turned on Zhinao: "If the situation is not right, I will contact the staff immediately and separate them as soon as possible."

After two seconds, the three expressions were slightly flustered: "Why do you fight first? Is it?"

An Jin was also stunned. The mermaids approached him. He was not nervous at all, because he clearly felt the mermaid convey his friendly emotions.

There are five mermaids in total. The golden mermaid swims towards him from the shade of the tree alone, and the remaining four swim from near the highest slide.

The four mermaids met halfway, and then no one wanted to let anyone swim to the front...they started fighting.

"Asshole, I'm in front!"

"I obviously swim faster than you, I want to be in front."

Taking advantage of the two fighting, the later one bypassed them and continued to swim forward, while the other mermaid watched When it arrived, the tail slammed into the water, rushed forward, and pressed the mermaid's tail: "Let me first!"

Their claws and tails all went into battle, and huge waves splashed on the water, accompanied by the roar and quarrel of the mermaid.

An Jin floated in the water and followed the water ups and downs. Because of being frightened, his heartbeat was a little fast.

He was a little confused, why did he suddenly start fighting?

At this time, the golden mermaid came to him, her platinum eyes looked at him quietly.

The golden mermaid's hair and tail are golden, the eyes are platinum, and the facial features are very beautiful, unlike Xiao Yin's playfulness, like a cold beauty.

An Jin shifted his attention to the golden mermaid. After his surprise, he was slightly surprised. He felt a sense of similarity from the golden mermaid, which was completely different from when he saw Xiao Yin.

He knew instinctively that this mermaid with a golden tail, like him, was a fertile mermaid.

This is the information that the memory of inheritance knows. After differentiation, those without fertility are called Teck Mermaid, and those with fertility are called Aisa Mermaid.

He subconsciously glanced at the four mermaids grouped together. They were all Tektronix mermaids just like Xiaoyin gave him.

The golden mermaid raised his hand, removed the pearl hairpin from his hair, and handed it to An Jin. The voice was ethereal and cold, and the tone was very sincere: "For you."

An Jin's gaze fell on the golden mermaid again, and said in a daze: "Thank you," he said with a smile from his experience with Xiao Yin, "this hairpin is very suitable for you, and it looks good when you wear it."

Platinum eyes looked at him intently, and the golden mermaid calmly stated, "You are beautiful. It will look pretty if you wear it."

His expression was too serious, An Jin was a little embarrassed: "I don't like wearing hairpins."

He blinked as he said, curiously asked: "Why are you giving me a gift?"

Golden Mermaid His head was slightly tilted and his expression was as cold as before. After thinking for two seconds, he said: "I want to be close to you, I want you to be happy."

An Jin moved in his heart and thought of the information that the inheritance had told him. So far, the information is all true.

However, the memory of a mermaid is different from adulthood, only he fits the situation, and the rest of the mermaid are different.

Probably it is really related to the genes brought back by the expedition.

The golden mermaid put the hairpin back on his head, An Jin saw his calm face and looked at the four mermaids who were fighting, and couldn't help asking: "They are like this, is it okay?" The

golden mermaid: "It's okay, they just want to rush to you Be courteous, if you don't like it, just let them stop."

An Jin hesitated and decided to give it a try to see his influence on the mermaid.

He looked at the fighting mermaid, and gently persuaded: "Don't fight, you have something to say." The

hair-pulling, the tail-grabbing, the wrist-grabbing... the four mermaids stayed together, and then let go of their hands. , Turned his head and smiled at An Jin, his eyes sparkling.

Two words flashed in An Jin's mind inexplicably: so good.

The dark-green-tailed mermaid caught the blue-tailed mermaid who wanted to step forward, and asked An Jin, "Who do you want to be closest to you?"

An Jin thought of what they had said in the fight, and understood that they were robbing him of a position beside him.

He felt very surprised, looking at the shining clear eyes of the mermaids, he felt like he was the king of children.

After thinking about it, he swam in the middle, and drew a half circle in front of him with his fingers: "Don't fight, you are in front of me if you circle half a circle like this." The

dark green mermaid exclaimed, "You are so smart! "

Cyan Mermaid: "Smart and beautiful."

"Smart, beautiful and gentle."

"Asshole, don't learn what I say, you have learned better than I said, it's too much!"

"Because I am smarter than you." "

! Do you want to fight, bastard!"

An Jin: "..." As if seeing kindergarten children.

"Thank you for your compliment," he first thanked him politely, and then soothed, "what you said is very nice." The

noise was gone, and the mermaid watched his eyes brighten.

The dark green mermaid untied the colorful ribbon from his hair and handed it to An Jin: "Give it to you!" The

cyan mermaid took the ruby ​​card and said: "Give it to you."

Unwilling to be left behind, the other mermaid took off the beautiful decorations on their bodies. To An Jin.

In the glass house, the three people who were worried about the pure-color mermaid being beaten by the group looked at each other.

"My mermaid has the courage, so I dare to grab a fish with your majesty!"

"The solid-color mermaid is so popular with mermaids."

"This is a decision made by a mermaid . It has nothing to do with me. Your majesty is jealous and it has nothing to do with me!"

An Jin looked at it. Looking at the various beautiful hair accessories in front of him, he felt the kindness conveyed by the mermaids. He bent his eyes and said seriously: "Thank you, you look good when you wear them. I'm not used to wearing hair accessories." The

mermaid put on the hair accessories again. At the end, the dark green mermaid turned in a circle, the seaweed-like hair drawn a beautiful arc, and the water droplets it brought out were shining under the shining light.

"What do you think of me, okay to be my partner?" Green eyes looked at An Jin expectantly.

An Jin was shocked, and was about to politely refuse, the dark green mermaid was beaten to his head by the cyan mermaid: "Rival in love, fight one!"

"Rival in love, fight with me first!"

An Jin quickly persuaded: "Don't fight, thank you. Your love," he could feel the mermaid's love for him, straightforward and simple, so he responded directly, "Sorry, I can't be your partner."

He thought about it, and politely introduced himself: "My name is An An, you guys. What's your name?" The

golden mermaid: "Lingling." The

dark green mermaid: "Gu Gu."


After introducing each other, An Jin pointed to the distant slide: "You go and play, don't surround me."

"I." I like to stay by your side."

"Yes, it's very comfortable to be with you!"

An Jin thought for a while: "Then let's play together."

He looked at the high slide, heartbeat and scared, and finally chose the slope first. Play on a slow, medium-height slide.

He soon discovered that he had made the right choice. The scales of the fish were very slippery, sliding from top to bottom, much faster than the slide he used to play.

The wind whizzed past his ears, and all the sights in his field of vision became phantoms, his heart raised high, and before he recovered, he fell into the water.

He plunged into the water, his tail swayed dexterously, turned his head and floated, lifted the hair that was pressed in front of his eyes by the water, and his eyes bend unconsciously.

Only then did the heart recover, and it beat violently.

After the stimulation, he felt extra relaxed, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

The golden mermaid slid behind him, fell into the water and swam to his side, looked at him quietly for two seconds, and concluded: "You like playing this very much."

An Jin nodded and looked towards the highest slide, a little scared but looking forward to it. .

The four mermaids slid down from a height and surrounded him: "An'an, do you want to play?"

An Jin mustered up the courage: "Play, the tallest one!" In the

afternoon, Norman went to the Mermaid Center to pick up the little mermaid and met him at the door. Xie Li, director of the Military Academy, met.

With a slender body and white skin, Xie Liwen gave a military salute to Norman: "Your Majesty."

Norman nodded: "Director Xie." The

two walked into the entertainment center and saw five mermaid heads in the pool in the center. Formed in a circle, his tail patted the water leisurely, it seemed that he was in a very good mood.

"Hmph, my two-legged beast is so stupid. Every time I have to beat me, I know that I will change food."

Gu Gu: "My two-legged beast roars and jumps every night. I feel he might be crazy. Now."

An Jin was a little surprised and curious, and was about to ask about the specific situation. Feeling that he was being watched, he tilted his head to look at the waterfront and saw Norman at a glance.

He changed from floating on his back to vertical floating, and said to his friends: "I'm going home now, and you should go home too."

Ling Ling: "Are you coming tomorrow?" The

other mermaids looked at him with bright eyes. An Jin was aware of their expectations and thought for a while: "Come."

An Jin swam her tail to the shore, and the other mermaids swam with him.

"Wow, it was too cooperative today."

"Is it coming with the solid-color mermaid?"

An Jin arrived at the shore, raised his head, and subconsciously smiled at Norman.

Norman rubbed the top of his hair, leaned over and picked him up, An Jin looked at the other mermaid: "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

An Jin noticed that Gu Gu's breeder was a handsome boy. , Looks about twenty years old, with dark green hair, very flamboyant and trendy.

Lingling's breeder stood not far from Norman and was also in a military uniform, but the standard was slightly different from Norman's.

The people who took the mermaid home found that their family members were very cooperative today, and the process of sending them to the mermaid car was extraordinarily well-behaved. They didn't have to fight as usual.

On the hovering car, Norman asked: "Is An An having fun?"

An Jin's eyes were bright and his head lit: "I know a few friends, have you seen the golden mermaid? His name is Lingling, and Mo The green mermaid..."

Norman listened carefully to the little mermaid's words, his eyes fell on the little mermaid's vivid face, his eyes softened unconsciously.

Sure enough, the little mermaid should be allowed to go out and make friends, the little mermaid is much more lively.

An Jin said happily, inadvertently looking at Norman's eyes, her clear blue eyes flickered slightly, she looked away, her voice became quieter, and she decided: "I have to go tomorrow."

Norman said in a warm voice: "Okay."

He asked the little mermaid what he would like to eat for dinner. The two ordered a good meal on the way, and when they went back, An Jin removed the ingredients first, and then returned to the mermaid room.

While waiting for dinner, An Jin floated in the water, leaning on the big crab, opening the courseware to consolidate the words she recognized in the morning.

The little mermaid lowered his head, and his long and curled eyelashes were like a small fan, fanning from time to time. Norman only felt that every step had swept his heart, and it was tickling to see it.

After a while, he noticed that the little mermaid's fingers suddenly curled up, remembering the little mermaid's sensitive perception, and realizing that he made the little mermaid uncomfortable, so he turned and left the mermaid room.

After An Jin received the chef's three-minute notice to eat, he turned off his brain, sensed Norman's position, made sure he was not nearby, and used his mental power. In the next moment, his tail became his feet.

He didn't remove the scales on his face, it was unnecessary, and it was a waste of mental energy.

His feet were still weak. From the slope at the corner of the pool to the shore, for such a short distance, he walked up for more than a minute.

When he got on the scooter, he clenched the handle, turned his tail back, and planned in his heart. Before going to bed, he should exercise the strength of his feet.

Norman went downstairs and was about to find the little mermaid to have dinner with him, when he saw the little mermaid driving a mermaid car around in the living room.

Seeing Norman, An Jin smiled and ordered the mermaid: "Go to the restaurant." After the

two had dinner, An Jin drove the scooter back to the mermaid room and looked at Norman: "Are you going to be okay tonight?"

Norman: "Live with you."

An Jin looked at him expectantly: "Can you cooperate with me?"

Norman nodded: "Of course."

Back to the mermaid room, An Jin stood on the scooter, and the voice turned on Live the ball.

Norman did not predict that there will be a live broadcast today, but the audience has long set the live broadcast room to be of special concern and will be reminded as soon as the broadcast starts.

After a day of fermentation, Anjin's popularity is even higher, and it is super popular in the entire Star Alliance.

Not only because he is a solid color mermaid, but also has a relationship with Norman.

His Majesty Norman of the Soo Empire is a well-known fighting freak. The people of all stars are very curious about the partner of His Majesty Norman, not to mention that the other party is still a mermaid.

Anjin adjusted the barrage to the smart mode yesterday. Even so, there are still a lot of barrage, scrolling fast, and you can't see the specific content at all.

Suddenly, a very eye-catching colored horizontal bar appeared at the top of the virtual screen, scrolling from left to right, and at the top was a stunning warship model.

This is a gift special effect of the Xinghai platform, a battleship of 10,000 stars, there is a barrage set by the system, or you can edit it yourself.

[The Yanu star audience questioned, is this really not a person pretending to be? 】

This barrage was particularly conspicuous, and the audience was inspired and rewarded.

[Ben Siao said that it is definitely a real mermaid! Ah ah ah, An An is so cute! 】

【Wearing clothes and wearing a tail-like'skirt', standing on the scooter, it really seems to be pretending! 】

【Ah! ! Scream, the fishtail skirt that An An wore was designed by me! Uuuuu, I am complete. ]

Ann would like looked at the barrage, looked up to the Norman, Norman received his hands, went to the other end of the pool, beckoned: "Ann, come here."

[Your Majesty, Wake up! Don't embarrass him if you like him, he is just a little mermaid. 】

【Anonymous whispered, as if he was ignorant...】The

barrage immediately whispered +1 in a row.

However, the next moment, more than five billion viewers were stunned.

I saw the little mermaid's delicate face slightly stretched, with a serious look, his fingers gripped the hand tightly, and then his wrist was gently rotated.

The scooter started steadily, although it was only the slowest speed, but it was also shocking.

Many words such as'ah, wow, heaven' appeared in the barrage immediately. Because of the smart mode, a large number of similar words were excluded, and the barrage displayed almost included all the words expressing surprise.

When the little mermaid stopped the scooter steadily in front of Norman, the barrage stopped for a moment, and then it exploded.

An Jin raised her head and looked at Norman. His blue eyes were shining, and the whole face was written with'please praise'.

Norman's eyes were soft,

and he raised his hand and rubbed the top of An Jin's hair: "An An is really smart, I learned it so soon." An Jin met his deep eyes, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He secretly took a deep breath and calmed his mind. According to what I said before, his eyes were bent, as if he was happy because he was praised.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh so cute! 】

【I announce that I will be the CP powder of Majesty Norman and Pure Color Mermaid from now on! 】

【Your Majesty is so gentle, the little mermaid is so well-behaved and so clever! 】

【I will buy a scooter to teach my mermaid! 】

【Don't buy it, I have just tried it, the car has been scrapped, and the person is still lying down. ]

Norman did what the little mermaid said before, opened the cartoon, picked up the little mermaid, and put the little mermaid into the water.

An Jin leaned on the big crab, watched cartoons intently, and occasionally learned the protagonists of cartoons, clapped hands, or gave thumbs up.

During class, he kept staring at the teacher's long hair, clutching his own hair, his head tilted.

[Cute, he is so smart, he seems to realize that he can tie his hair. ]

At this time, Norman shouted at the shore of the little mermaid, little mermaid swam Norman handed him a blue hair band.

Norman made a demonstration by wrapping his fingers with a hair loop, then pointed at the long hair of the little mermaid, and then at the teacher.

An Jin took the hair rope and returned to the middle of the water, leaning on the crab seat, raising her hand to tie her hair.

He was tied very irregularly, and the hair on the top of his head was messy, but the tails were very strong, tied exactly in accordance with Norman's gestures.

He finished the tie, shook his head, and his hair was steady and not loose.

He then turned his head to look at Norman, with a crooked eyebrow.

Norman was breathing slightly stagnant as he watched, warmly praised: "An An is really smart."

An Jin was satisfied, and turned to look at the animated screen.

Norman swept toward the barrage, and not unexpectedly saw a bunch of praises and confessions to the little mermaid.

Norman's eyes darkened slightly, and suddenly felt that the little mermaid's weekly plan was too long.

It is really hard for him to let so many viewers see the cute appearance of the little mermaid every night.

He raised his eyes, the little mermaid's tail was swinging unconsciously, with a clear smile on his face, and he was obviously in a good mood.

Norman pressed the idea for the little mermaid to speed up the plan, and the little mermaid was happy.

An Jin looked at the barrage from time to time and found that everyone seemed to accept it well, and lamented that he was very smart, but he was not particularly surprised.

What surprised him was that there were a lot of CP fans of him and Norman.

Of course, in addition to this, many people said they couldn't understand Norman, and would actually like mermaids. No matter how smart they are, they are nothing more than pets.

However, as soon as such words appear, they will be answered by the enthusiastic CP fan: Go back to your ancient times and live your life!

An Jin found that those doubtful comments often dared not show up again.

He only found out when he visited Xingwang at night that it was not that he did not dare, but that he was banned as soon as he spoke.

Many people in the post expressed their support for Your Majesty, and said that His Majesty's neat title is very domineering.

When he was about to turn off Zhinao, he inadvertently scanned the entertainment news, and after a flash of dark green light, he looked over and realized that it was Gu Gu's breeder.

It turned out to be a superstar of the Star Alliance.

An Jin: "..." Yelling and dancing, did you practice singing and dancing?

He suddenly felt that the generation gap between mermaid and human beings is infinite.

· The

next day, Norman went to the military base in the morning. The person in charge of the base accompanied Norman to review the latest battleship. After watching the soldiers driving, he warmly invited Norman to drive in person.

Norman directly refused and took the royal guards back to the palace.

The person in charge is very surprised. You must know that Norman is a combat freak. Every time a new battleship is launched, he will inevitably drive and test it himself.

The adjutant next to the person in charge whispered: "I heard that your majesty will return to the palace at noon."

"What do you do when you go back to the palace..." The person in charge understood without asking, his voice stopped, his tone was full of emotion, "I didn't expect one day , Will understand the meaning of the four words Tiehan Tenderness from your Majesty."

Norman returned to the palace, the little mermaid was already waiting in the restaurant, and he hugged the little mermaid onto the seat.

An Jin grabbed the edge of the table with both hands, and said politely: "Thank you."

Norman: "You are welcome, An An," his mouth bends slightly, "I'm very happy."

An Jin turned his head to ignore him and concentrated on eating.

Norman found that the little mermaid was easily shy, and thoughts flashed in his eyes, the little mermaid, perhaps his mind was really mature.

If you don't understand anything, you should not be shy.

His eyes moved slightly, helping the little mermaid pick vegetables, and pour another glass of orange juice.

After dinner, Norman sent the little mermaid to the Mermaid Center entertainment area. There were obviously more people and mermaids in the entertainment area than yesterday.

Norman glanced at the people sitting in the glass room, then looked at the mermaid approaching the little mermaid, and solemnly reminded the little mermaid: "Don't care about strangers."

An Jin nodded, before he was exposed, he could speak interstellar language. He would not speak, let alone take care of others.

After Norman left, the mermaid who kept a certain distance swam to An Jin, the golden mermaid Lingling still in front.

An Jin greeted them with a smile, and introduced herself to a few other strange mermaids.

The new mermaids raised their hands and touched their heads. An Jin saw him and quickly expressed his dislike of hair accessories, which stopped them from trying to give gifts.

Like yesterday, he was about to take the mermaids to the middle of the water, but Lingling refused, her platinum eyes kept looking towards the entrance, her tail wagging anxiously.

An Jin felt that he was in a bad mood, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Rui Rui didn't come today." Lingling said, his voice did not fluctuate and looked a little cold.

An Jin couldn't help being curious: "Who is Rui Rui?"

Ling Ling blinked her beautiful eyes: "Friend."

Gu Gu put a dark green tail and smiled: "Is Ling Ling's quasi-partner."

Ling Ling tilted her head to the side. The face was still cold, but the transparent ear fins were red: "No."

An Jin said in his heart, guessing Rui Rui is Lingling's boyfriend.

Gu Gu said: "Rui Rui will come every day, and did not come yesterday."

An Jin calmed down: "Maybe it's his master... the two-legged beast is busy, so there is no time to send him over."

Ling Ling lowered her head, with long golden eyelashes. Casting a shadow on the face makes it look bad.

An Jin thought for a while, and Wen Sheng said, "I brought something delicious, can you please eat it? You are facing the direction of the entrance, and Ruirui is here, and you can see it right away."

Lingling glanced at the door. Nod.

An Jin noticed the sparkling eyes of the other mermaids, so he also invited them.

He took the mermaid to swim to the shade of the tree on the right, ready to share snacks.

{MTL} ✅I Was Raised After Being a MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now