new mission

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"Where are we going dad?" I asked. "The place that you and your brother knows real well. You're going home." Elias said. "Wait like right now?" I asked. "Yes Logan, right now. Get yourselves, and your dog's ready to go." Elias said. We nodded and want to go get ready. "I wonder if things got really bad if dad is sending us out there." I said. "It probably did. We're almost just as good as the legend Ghost. I wish that we could become Ghost." Hesh said. "Yeah, same here." I said as I rubbed Riley's ears.

We got ready. I got Riley ready and I saw that Hesh is having trouble with Ghost. "You need some help? Riley did the same sack thing that Ghost is doing." I said. "What did you do to get him from fighting you?" Hesh asked. "I gave him a piece of my lunch and I talked to him and I grabbed his ear lightly and he quit fighting me." I said. "I'll give it a try." Hesh said. Ghost finally gave up the fight and let Hesh put the equipment on.

"Wow, they must be really smart if they get what they want." Hesh said. "Yup. Let's go do the mission. Riley come." I said. We walked to our mission. "Logan sync onto Riley." Hesh said. I synced onto Riley and the video camera turned on. "Ok, we'll have our dogs attack the federation. Go ahead and attack him." Hesh said as he got Ghost ready.

We killed the remaining Federation and moved up. "Welcome home. Will at least what's left of it." Hesh said. We walked inside the house. "Hey look at this. Didn't think I'll see them again." I said as I grabbed my two collectible knives still in its packages. "Well, you might as well as open them. There's no way that those things will be worth anything in the future." Hesh said. "You have a point." I said as I opened them and I gave one to Hesh.

"Are you sure Logan?" Hesh asked. "Yes, I'm sure Hesh. I know I was mean when I got these but now it's different. I want to give one to you." I said. Hesh hugged me. "Thank you Logan." Hesh said as he let go of me. "You're welcome. Let's get going onto the mission." I said as I walked to the edge and jumped. "Holy shit." Hesh said.

"Watch your step here." Hesh said as the ground shooked. "Whoa, take a look at that." I said as I saw the church falls from the edge. I walked over to Riley and petted him. "It's alright Riley it's just a little tumor is all." I said. "Sync onto Riley again, we have to sneak up on the two Federation and attack them." Hesh said. "What about Ghost?" I asked.

"The video camera isn't working." Hesh said. "Oh." I said as I synced on Riley. "Wait for the other one to separate." Hesh said. I made Riley wait. "Now." Hesh said. Riley broke the guy's neck. "We're moving up." Hesh said. "Good boy Riley." I said. Riley wagged his tail. Ghost saw another Federation and attacked him. "Good boy Ghost." Hesh said.

"Ok, sync on him again." Hesh said. I synced on him again. "Keep him covered in the grass." Hesh said as I kept Riley in the grass. "Attacked the from behind." He said. Riley attacked and killed the guy. "Checkpoint reached" Hesh said. "See that guy on the trailer, zoom in on him." Hesh said. I zoomed in on him. "We have a new person joining us. His name is Sam Clearwater. He was working with Elias Walker." Rorke said.

The Federation cheered. Then, a guy in a mask came onto the trailer and the Federation threw him on the ground. "Well, we meet again...Ajax." Rorke said. He looked at Sam and said "Watch and learn kid." "See that guys mask? He's a Ghost." Hesh said. "Rorke? What happened to you?" Ajax asked.

"You tell me where are the Ghost." Rorke said. "Rorke, you know, I'm not telling a god damn thing to you." Ajax said. "Will isn't that sad." Rorke said as he pointed his handgun at him. Ajax leaned into the gun. Rorke shot the gun and it clicked because it was empty. He laughs. "You thought I was going to make it on you uh Ajax. Will not in a long shot, me and you have to a long time to make up. Take him away." Rorke said.

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