Can a Heart Still Break Once its Stopped Beating?

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Can a Heart Still Break Once its Stopped Beating?

-Written from the perspective of Victor Van Dort-

"Oh Victoria....." I moaned, holding the pale blue flower as delicately as I knew how. "Do forgive me."

I was sitting on a stone, alone in a god-forsaken forest, where my breath came out in cold clouds and my voice faded into echoes.

My tie was crooked I decided, and began to fidget with it, stroking its faint periwinkle silkiness, and I put away the flower into my suit.

I sighed with disappointment as I realized I began to tug at my tie, which I do when anxiety ails me.

I dropped my arms to my sides hopelessly and stood up.

I glanced at my hand, which felt a bit heavier and something shone around my middle finger. Walking farther away from the entrance to the forest, I rose my arm to eye level and saw a glimmer of gold in the moonlight.

"Ah," The ring. "You are meant to be on Victoria's finger, not mine." I laughed softly.

Several shadow-like crows flapped by noisily and I stared after them. They were so lucky. So free.

They weren't required to wed.

"How I do wish it were that simple... The vows, the vows are simple... Yet I am much too clumsy to even- Oof!" My foot caught a root and I fell awkwardly onto a log.

I brushed myself off, frowning down at a tear in a knee of my trousers. I lied my face in my hands and sighed. "Oh, its no use. Victoria will never truly love me for who I am... It's not my fault that my courage is very faint. And that I'm timid..." I shivered instinctually and looked around, my concious kicking in. "...and afraid of the dark...!"


My parents' and the Everglots' song was in my head once again about how everything must go perfect-According to plan.

I spoke with a sarcastic tone; "And who would've guessed that the Van Dort groom had ruined the wedding rehearsal...! Ugh." I was primped and primed for the PRACTICE and I had completely blown that! "Imagine the shame on Father and Mother at the real marriage..."

I continued to walk down a thin gravel path, stopping shortly only to kick a chunk of ice frozen over a tuft of grass.

A few linked cold breezes blew across my face, making me shiver-this time from the cold.

And that bride lady... Her chilling eyes and blue skin, her wedding dress and one boney arm and leg... She had long, wavy indigo hair and had chased me swiftly through similar woods. "Followed me like a phantom; she seemed like a, a..." the last words were no more than a whisper.

"Like a corpse."

The mysterious corpse bride had a icy, whispy, blood-chilling voice, and her touch was even more so: lifeless, cold. Dead.

Treacherous feelings swept me off my feet as the scene played over and over in my head.

I could still feel stiff blue hands grasp my shoulders...

I heard the crows cawing madly in a swarm...

The wind that was really a voice hissed into my ear... "You may kiss the bride." and my pale, living lips met her pink dead ones.

I shook my head. "That was only a dream, Victor. Not to worry..."

"You may kiss the bride..."

My heart stopped beating for a moment, striking a thought.

I grasped my head and shook it furiously. "Wake up, wake up. Wake up...!"

I opened my eyes conveniently to skeleton faces and uncurled my ears to old timer's music, feeling the cold of death, and I wondered:

Can a heart still break once its stopped beating...?

Corpse Bride & all related characters, soundtracks, and titles: (c) Tim Burton

Story: IrkenZim123

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