My Irish Merical (niall horan fan fic)

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Shaiann's POV:

"Please stop!" I yell at my boyfriend, he grabs my arm.

"Your hurting me, let go!" I scream again, trying to get away.

"Shut your dirty mouth!" he screams in my face.

We keep walking, him squeezing my arm, and me almost bursting into tears.

"I'm breaking up with you Tyler, now let me go!" I scream in his face.

"You dirty tramp! No no no, we are not breaking up okay? You understand whore? Your stuck with me!" he says winking and smiling his evil smile.

We keep walking on the busy street. Going were ever Tyler was taking me. I wish I could run, just keep running, get away from him, but he still has a tight grip on my arm. I looked to my left, noticing a man in a hat and sunglasses, he kept staring over at us. I wish he could help me, but I don't think he will, its none of his businesses.

"Help me please!" I mouth to him, trying not to let Tyler know.

Just as I mouth it, he comes running over to us, stopping Tyler.

"Hey I don't know who the hell you are, or why the hell your treating this beautiful, wonderful, amazing, girl like this! She would be better off with me so back off!" he screams at Tyler.

I look over to see Tyler looking angry and confused. "Wait what? This is my girlfriend so you need to back off!" He screams back.

"Does she even want to be with a punk like you? Go ahead ask her what she wants!"

"Babe, don't you want to be with me?" Tyler asks.

"No!!!!" I scream in his face.

He pushes me into the mystery man. "Fine be with this low life. I don't need you, I can have any girl in a heart beat!" He yells.

"You may get any girl, but you won't get her." the mystery man says holding me in his arms, making sure I'm not in any harm.

"Why would any guy want her?" Tyler screams pointing at me.

Nialls POV:

"Why wouldn't a guy want her? She is beautiful and amazing." I scream back. I wish this guy would just leave he is a low life!

"I'm out of her. Screw you guys!" he says leaving me with a mystery girl.

"Hey are you okay? Are you hurt at all?" I ask her, staring into her hazel eyes. You can get lost in her eyes.

"Ya, I'm fine. Thank you, really thanks." she says, in her american accent. Aw it was so cute. I was already falling for her......

"What are you doing with a guy like that?" I ask her, not knowing what else to say. Her lips or little, but perfect.

"Um, I don't really know. I'm confused when it comes to guys." Her hair falls perfectly around her shoulders.

"Hey, do you need help with... umm anything?" All I know is don't want her to leave.

"Ya, just my clothes are at his house." She I sent wearing any makeup, natural beauty. Not a fake Barbie.

"Its okay, I will get you new clothes." I say, trying to keep her with me as long as I can.

"No, I can't ask you to do that." Does she not know who I am?

"Its fine... Ummm I'm niall."

"Wait from one direction, I thought your voice was familiar, sorry I didn't realize. I'm Shaiann." She is so cute.

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