Chapter 1 - The Big Fight OwO 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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Owen walked into the robotics room, he was conjuring up ideas of the slurs he could call any gays he encountered.  It was then that he saw his enemy, Jaric.  Jaric was pro-gay and Owen was anti-gay.  The bash of their ideologies made for a great dislike of each other.

Owen was feeling tough on this fine Tuesday, so he approached Jaric looking for a fight.

"Jaric," Owen growled with an angered face.

Jaric's eyes shot up to meet the short male who stood beside him.  "Owen?" He answered.

"I'm gonna beat your fucking ass." The smaller man mumbled, afraid of any of the teachers hearing his aggressive words.

"What?" Jaric said loudly, he assumed Owen was joking since he was at a major disadvantage due to his small stature.

Owen's orbs filled with rage.  He threw a punch at Jaric's face.  The larger man blocked the attack easily, standing up so he could beat the smaller man to a pulp.

Owen threw another punch, Jaric blocked it once more and narrowly slammed Owen into the school's old fragile monitors.  Jaric then forced the little man into a choke-hold, blush crept across Owen's chubby, furious face.  "YOU WANT THE FUCKIN' SMOKE!" Owen exclaimed, sore from being man-handled by the much larger boy.

"You're in a headlock!" A voice from the crowd announced. 

Jaric then pushed Owen down to the floor, he slid a bit on his way down from his lack of muscle mass.  The larger man strolled away, he concluded that the fight was over.

The epic fight was then over, the aftermath wasn't pretty.  Many chairs were out of place and some tables were as well. 

Owen got up from the floor, silently sobbing to himself.  He exited the room, then the school.  He sat on the concrete outside. 

He didn't say it out loud, but he deeply regretted his actions towards Jaric.  Owen was embarrassed and more than that he felt sad about hurting his one true love.

That's right, Owen was secretly in love with Jaric.  All his homophobia came from pushing away his feelings for the other man.

A teacher soon came outside and found him, she brought him to the office where he saw him again. Jaric.

Owen hid his face in his hands desperately trying to hide the pink blush that crept across his face.  Tears crept into his eyes, he felt like Jaric hated him now, so he'd never have a chance to be lovers with him.

The teacher who brought Owen there left the room, leaving Owen and Jaric alone to wait for the scary principal.

Owen took all the courage left inside of him and used it to utter some last words to Jaric.


"What?!" Jaric's tone of voice made it easy to figure out just how pissed he was.

Owen gazed into Jaric's gorgeous eyes, his expression was saying "please give me one more chance."

Jaric sighed. "What do you need Owen?"

Owen's eyes brimmed with tears, "I-I-I'm s-s-sorry" he whispered, afraid of Jaric's reaction.  "I need you Jaric..."

The bigger male gave the smaller boy a confused stare.

"P-P-Please?" Owen pleaded.

Jaric sighed again, "Come to my house at 8 p.m., do not be late."

Time passed, the two boys spoke to the principal.  Owen was sent home and began preparing for his date with Jaric.


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