oh lamanburg

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once stood a tale of friendship and loyalty when teriony stood in place. Five brave soles sought for freedom, Victory had been in place.  there loyalty an friendship had provailed. What to be of these brave soles that fought back, where shall they now call home?  They banned together through greater though worse, they worked hard to make a place of triumph and victory. For now a new contery shall stand place. an oversight a asuntion had been made, witch came to be there greatest mistake. An election had held between great evil and the solider who founded the country. they fought back because friendship and loyalty would all ways provail? No, Evil had won. Exile had been brought upon thoughs who had fought to make this great land. After all traces of the founder and solider had been sealed away. A new nation had been born  in retaliation, a powerful Ali was also made. A spy a friend had also been placed. the danger was great but loyalty was greater. Then a war was planned to put everything right. A flag of evil a flag of hate had been standing in the spot of a flag of friendship, loyalty, of persavailenc. Had the evil been scarred of the rebellion  that is sought to be near. A festival has been planned to save the evils dieing contery and turn back the people to his side to the wrong side. A festival of evil had been masked as a festival of change. It was now, the group knew it was time. The spy that had been trusted to both sides, at times conflicted he knew what was right he knew he needed to fight. For the spy had been friends till the very end with the one who fought for freedom. These three plus one more had fought to bring justice for the contery they had made, they shall not let this man this evil  man ruin what they had stared. Filled with rage not the same the man who once stood, he who created the contery had changed not quite for better or for worse. Dancing on the lines of good and evil he who made this place this wonderful place questioned if what they were to do was right, but it doesn't matter, everything had all ready came into place. Driven mad by the evil one, he who created this contery and had fought for it had convinced himself destruction was the way. His thinking was out if place for everyone who stabbed him in the back he now planned to do the same. A new plan he had placed making an Ali of the tiront who denied them freedom in the first. the one who had begon the great contery  now would have the means to destroy it, all for one simple trade. The other had been his right hand man, had no choice but to back out of the new plan and break the loyalty, for his friend had been driven mad. The one who had fought for the contery simply had to much hope, that the place he once knew could be saved from the evil and all will go back as before. The one who has now been driven mad made the trade with the tiront who once stood in his way. The day the dreadful day of October,16 is the day that all would go up in flames. The people had arrived to celebrate to nights end, every streamer and decorateion in its place. Second thoughts had been in the air wondering if this was right the one who had been driven mad thought seeing all his friends once again. He who had been driven mad desieded to bring this upon the spy and the one who once fought for the contery they said it was all up to him, Unstatifed with there dishion the one who been driven mad gives this choice to the spy. what shall dishion will he make? With 4 simple words the deshion shall be made but there's no telling what he should choose. As the spy stood at the stage also being the one who planned this event for he finally made the dishion, he had finally started his speech but shall it end with the 4 word that would make this contery this beautiful contery go up in flames? He had finally said "let the festival begin" theses where the words the four simple words that would being down this great place. But before the one who was driven mad could set fire he quickly realized something had not been right. The spy had been traped, for the evil the great evil had planned it all. It was never an festival for it was an exicuteion. The first Ali they had made the one who helped them in the beginning had betrayed them for he only cares of himself. The once Ali has done the deed he killed his once friend he had killed the spy. Knowing only things where to get worse the one who had been drive mad ran to set off the bomb, but was unable to find it. Tired of the oprshion another had stood up, by doing this she was going to be cursed to suffer the same fate as the spy once stood. Now even more insane he had stood as well now not afraid of being seen. He spoke of the injustices the evil one has made so that she could get away. The spy, the former Ali, the one who has once fought for freedom, and insane one had all met up at there second contery. teshions were high but the level of betrayal and anger was higher. The former solider chalnged the betrayer to a dual with no weapon only power.  In love with the caious the insane one had not stoped them, the betrayer had won and all was done. After the betrayer and insane won had met up and agreed next chance  would be the conterys last, now was the time to sit and wait. In evil ones nation all most nobody remained, but three souls including the evil himself. One of these souls had realized he was only being abused he had been done, he made the move and killed the evil one then joining the rebellion. For now had it been time to finally put the evil one at rest it was now time for the rebellion to rise. The evil one knowing he is soon to be done unlists the help of the tiront, he has now made a trade one simple book only the evil one had known what is within that was for the means to stop the rebellion. The war was set every piece was now in it's place for the war was now placed on the fateful day of November, 16. The two conterys where ready to fight, but what if things did not go right? The insane one had blatantly said if they had not won the contery would come to the end like it was to had been planned on that day exactly one month ago. It was now time the solider who fought to take back what was his, so he charged ahead into a battle. Fighting to the top of towers raining arrows from above the battle has gone on and on. the evil one not even showing up, both armies realized what needs to happen. They come together now and teamed up, for now the evil one shall run out of luck both armies corner him and now to do what needs to be done. The insane one orders the solider to finally once and for all end this dreadful man but before the deed was for filled the evil one dies all on own. The contery had finally been taken back all was well all was right. Now all was done! Celebrateion filled the air the spy has now been put in charge of the great nation that stood there, but nobody had noticed the insane one had slipped away. What was planned on the day that fateful day of October has now reawaked. Filled with insanity he walk to the where the bomb decnator lays, even though they had won it was all the same to the man the insane man. As once said a deal was made between the betrayer and the one who is been driven insane it was now time to put the real plan to play. One man had found the insane and watched him say his last words on the fateful day "it was never ment to be" he said. Never. ment. to.be. He pushed the botton and all went in flames. The place that was loved and home to many finally met it's end. Destroying what the insane one had build it finally set him free so he asked the person who watched him push the botten to let him go, and so he did what he was told and killed the insane one.  finally in death he can let go, he can get what he all ways wanted he can now be free. But the betrayer was still not done being against the government they all fought again. Being challenged by some of  the best of the best and one of most dangerous creatures of the land, shall they provail? will the nations people meet there end? Having the battle been done nobody has truly won, the betrayer and the tiront fell back to where they had come. The people of the once great nation left with out a place to stay, After days of work they finally recovered. Though thick and thin through loyalty and betrayal they will provail. no matter what has been done nor what has been said lamanburg will always be our one ture land

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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