Ch. 4 - Our Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki

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"I wish I had more time..."

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"Niisan!" Tanjiro called to the boy who was in the cave along with Nezuko.

"I got the stuff to make the basket!" He said as he tried looking for Nezuko.

"Hey Niisan where is Nezuko?" Tanjiro asked in a slight panic voice.

Yoriichi looked behind him where the hole was. And Nezuko head popped out from the hole.

"A MOLE?!" Tanjiro gasped. Yoriichi chuckled a bit, then told Tanjiro to give the ingredients to him.

"Wow Niisan, your great at making baskets!" Tanjiro complimented after he saw how well the basket turned out.

"It was nothing" Yoriichi said humbly.

He turned to Nezuko placing the basket sideways so she could get in.

"Nezuko, could you turn smaller so you can fit?" He asked.

Nezuko slowly crawled out of her hole and make herself smaller as she gets inside the basket.

Tanjiro frowned as he watches his sister.

Yoriichi then patted Tanjiro on the back, making Tanjiro caught off guard.

"It's okay, we will turn Nezuko back to human again. This is only temporary" Yoriichi said, assuring Tanjiro.

"Yes Niisan! We will of course!" Tanjiro smiled.

Yoriichi then patted Nezuko's head from the basket, 'Nezuko really grew up, seems like yesterday that she was tiny' Tanjiro thought with a smile as he watches Yoriichi pat Nezuko.

Yoriichi then covered it with a cloth, "come on let's go now." He said as he held out his hand for his brother to take.



"Mt. Sagiri? If you want to do to Mt. Sagiri you'll have to cross over that mountains but...the sun is about to set. Are you really heading there with all that luggage? It's dangerous you know." The women asked as she watched the three siblings hand in hand walking.

"We'll be very careful, Thank you very much!" Yoriichi and Tanjiro said in Sync and bowed.

"People have gone missing lately! Try not to lose your way!" She called.

"Hai!" Yoriichi said as they both waved at her.


"Look Niisan, there's a temple over there!" Tanjiro looked at the building up front.

"Let's go there, but I have a feeling there will be a fight." Yoriihi said looking blanking at the light in the house.

"Niisan I think your being to paranoid." Tanjiro sighed as we walked over.

Tanjiro then stopped, sniffing the air.

"I smell blood!"

Yoriichi then quickly ran over to the temple, following behind was Tabjiro and Nezuko.

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