Types of witches

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Traditional or folk witch:

A traditional witch typically practices the folk magic of his or her ancestors or of the people in the nearby geographic area. Often they take a historical approach they're using magical practices and beliefs that were around long before Wicca existed and they may have access to a wealth of information about spells, charms, talisman, and herbal brews that date back centuries. You'll find that those who practice traditional witchcraft or folk magic are usually pretty knowledgeable about the spirits of land and place in their area as well as customs and folklore of their religion. Many traditional witches use a blend of old beliefs and practices combined with modern tools and ideas.

Hedge or green witches

The hedge witch of old usually practiced alone and lived magically day to day performing simple domestic actions that were infused with magical ideas and intentions. These practices are sometimes referred to as green craft and are highly influenced by rural customs and folk magic similar to kitchen witchcraft hedge witchery often focuses on the hearth and home as the center of magical activity and the place where a hedge witchcraft is on the interaction with the natural world and that often expands outside the kitchen.

A hedge witch typically spends time working on herbal magic and might cultivate related skills like herbal knowledge or aromatherapy. A hedge witch doesn't just have jars of plants she probably grew and gathered them herself, harvested them and hung them up to dry. She most likely has experimented with them to see how useful they are, and keept track of the results for future reference.

Gardnerian or alexandrine wiccan

In traditional Wicca which is one of many form of modern witchcraft Gardnerian and alexandrine practitioners can trace their lineage back in an unbroken line. Although not all witches are Wiccans these two forms of British witchcraft are oathbound traditions which means that those who are initiated into them must keep their knowledge secret.

Gardnerian Wiccans are witches whose tradition can be traced back to Gerald gardener the founder of the modern Wiccan religion which went public in the 1950s those who identify as alexandrine Wiccans have a lineage that goes to Alex sanders one of gardeners earliest initiates founded in the 1960s, alexandrine Wicca is typically a blend of ceremonial magic with heavy gardnerian influences

Eclectic witch

Eclectic witchcraft is an all-purpose term applied to witchcraft traditions that don't fit into a specific category often because that are a blend of magical beliefs and practices from different areas, although some eclectic witches identify as neowiccans there are plenty of non Wiccans eclectic witches out there using the parts of different magical traditions that resonates with them the most.

Kitchen witches

Kitchen witchcraft is a new name applied to an old set of customs if the kitchen is heart of every home if the kitchen is the heart of every home, it's the perfect place to make some magic. In kitchen witchcraft, meal prep becomes a magical activity. A kitchen witch might have a stovetop or countertop altar, there are probably fresh herbs in jars and pots, and magical practices are incorporated into recipes and cooking. When you take the time to prepare a meal from scratch, it helps to make it a sacred act, and your family will appreciate the work and energy you share with them. By changing the way you see food preparation and consumption, you can craft practical magic at the stove, in your oven, and at the cutting board.

Ceremonial Witch
In ceremonial witchcraft, also called ceremonial magic or high magic, the practitioner often uses specific rituals and invocations to call upon the spirit world. Ceremonial witchcraft uses as its base a blend of older occult teachings like Thelema, Enochian magic, and Kabbalah. Although information on ceremonial magic often seems to be limited, this is due in part to the need for secrecy within the community. In fact, many people who practice ceremonial witchcraft don't identify with the word witch at all.

Hereditary Witch
There are numerous hereditary traditions of witchcraft, but by "hereditary" we don't mean that the practices and customs are biologically inherited. These are typically small, familial traditions in which beliefs, rituals, and and other knowledge is handed down from one generation to the next, sometimes from mother to daughter, or father to son, and outsiders are rarely included—even those who marry into the family. It's hard to guess how many hereditary witches there are, because the information is generally kept within the family and not shared with the general public.

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