Chapter 2

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Outside, the lights blend in a blur of fantastic collage against the night sky as the sleek and shining Porsche cruises the expressway. Chloe feels the party mode building as she nears the downtown core. Of course it helps that she’s already downed a tumbler of Jack Daniels before leaving home to help release the party girl.

She steers the sports car up to the entrance of the nightclub and carefully hops the curb. The sidewalk is crowded with smokers and people waiting in line to get in, but Chloe doesn’t care what they think about her illegal parking. She slips stylishly from her car, legs first, and with a sweet smile, Chloe flirts with one of the bouncers. She runs her hands down his chest and then, slips a couple of twenties into his hand. “You’ll watch my car and dance with me later won’t you, Sam?”

He smiles big and leans into the attention. “You’re a bad girl, Chloe.”

“I might be. And you like that.” She kisses him lightly as the crowd waiting croons behind her.

He shakes his head in mock disgust, but his smile says how much he loves the treatment. With a nod, he points at the entrance as one of the other bouncers opens the block line to let her through, and Chloe quickly disappears inside.

Almost instantly, her confident walk turns to a swagger at the thunder of bass moving the entire club. Chloe’s dressed in sexy black with a hugging skirt and sleeveless top. The look is simple, but very accentuating.

She finds her girlfriends already lined at the bar and as she joins them Chloe motions to the bartender - an attractive girl about her own age - and instantly, shot glasses are lined and tequila is poured. Six young, attractive women pick up their shooters and the male attention in the club is instantly drawn to them.

“One, two, three!” The tequila is downed in unison, and followed by a round of squeals by the girls and a unified thud as the glasses hit the bar, now empty.

Then, Alex quickly motions for another round.

The shots are lined again, and singing loudly to the song playing in the club, all three girls down another round of tequila.

The girls go from the dance floor, to the VIP lounge, to the roof patio. Most of Chloe’s friends flirt shamelessly, especially Alex, who is the opposite of Chloe in that manner. Alex reads all the celebrity magazines and works hard on her nuances, stance and outfits. She’s girly and it matters to her that boys pay attention, while Chloe actually finds it annoying.

Chloe tolerates conversation with a few of the VIP male patrons. She feels obligated by the fact that they’ve bought most of the drinks for the evening, mostly due to Alex and her devoted attention to them. The VIP patrons are big spenders and often, older men with some money and a Peter Pan syndrome. Alex and her friends love these guys who fawn and pay. Chloe doesn’t. And there’s never an inclination on her part - drunk, high or otherwise - to ever consider entertaining one outside the club.

One of them begs Chloe for her phone number and she plays along. Playing hard to get is one thing. Usually they get the message, pack up their still intact ego and look for easier pickings. But being obviously disinterested will never do to remain popular here. So, she gives out a fake phone number and excuses herself to the ladies room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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