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Jordi was always a bit of a romantic but you wouldn't have him any other way.
You receive a text from Joey early one afternoon. Overload were in the studio today so you didn't really expect Jordi back for a few more hours.
The text reads, "Y/N, come to the hospital! Something's happened."
You get your mobile and car keys and sprint to your car. You get in a drive to the hospital, tears brimming your eyes. Once you get there you see Ryan waiting outside for you. He takes you to a room, explaining that Jordi had gone to get lunch but was in an accident on the way back to the studio.

You burst into tears not knowing what he's gonna be like on the other side of the door as you walk up to his room. His band members are sitting outside, holding each other as they cry.

You walk in to see a cut, bruised and plastered Jordi, hooked up to machines left, right and center, unconscious and pale. You put your hand on his check trying to hold back the tears threatening to escape. That's when you realize that he's ice cold. You know what this means, he's gone and you never got to say goodbye.

You climb onto the bed careful of where he lay. You stroke his hair with your hand and repeatedly kiss his cheek apologising over and over. You look over to the table to see an envelope addressed to you.

You open it, it reads:
"Dear y/n
If you're reading this then I'm not here anymore and I didn't say goodbye. I'm sorry I never came home to you again, I want you to be strong and live your life. Forget about me and find someone that will make you happy.
You always made be happy, you deserve the same, even if its not with Me. I want you to make sure the boys carry on as well.

Like I said, live your life, forget about me but remember that however far apart we may seem that I'll always be by your side. I'll watch out for you babe. Don't be sad, celebrate what we had. Like all love stories ours should die with us but I want you to continue. I'll be waiting for you.

I wanted to marry you Y/N. I never got round to asking you, when you get home go into my drawer. You'll find a ring, do what you want with it. Its yours now.

I love you and always will, take care. This isn't goodbye, its a see you later
All my love forever
Jordi xx"

You burst into tears again. Hours later you go home with the boys as you invite them over to celebrate Jordi an this life and you didn't want to be alone if truth be known. You get the note and lay it on his pillow, you go into his drawer and pull a box out of it, inside was a gold ring with an emerald in the center. You slip it onto your finger and whisper "yes babe i will marry you".

You walk into your living room and that's when the boys see your ring, knowing it was the ring Jordi was going to use to propose to you with. You all burst into teats and spend the night reliving some funny memories you had of your Prince charming.

Jordi Whitworth imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now