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As the purple haired female was shaking a bit, she stood up and talked nervously "I-I need to go to the restroom for a sec.." She headed to the restroom as the bakusquad looked at her until she gets inside the restroom. The pink female stood up and followed the purple haired female. before going to the restroom, she looked at the boys. The boys then nodded and looked back at the purple haired male that was standing next to the blonde.

The pink female headed inside the restroom. hearing Jirou crying insde one of the stall. Min got worried for her, She spoke up a little "Jirou...?" She said as she held her hands together. "Can you come out here...?" 

The sobbing purple haired female then came out, wiping her tears away as she sniffled. She slowly walked towards the pink female. Mina was frowning and hugged Jirou. The purple haired female couldn't hold it in any longer and hugged the pink female back as tears were running down her cheeks. small sobs was then heard. 

"It'll be alright, Ji" She patted Jirou's head from behind as she comforts her. "We are here for you, okay?" She reassured the purple haired female and smiled as she continues to hug her.

The purple haired female nodded as she continued to cry. "Thank you..." She mumbled, that mina couldn't hear. But mina continued smiling. Jirou was grateful to have mina and the rest of the bakusquad.


Bakugo groaned as he glared at the purple haired male. Shinsou took a small glare at bakugo 

"What is this bitch glaring at me at?" He thought as he looked away, looking at Kaminari's direction. He lightly clicked his tongue as he started to act. he gave kaminari a wide yet fake smile "hey" he spoke to kaminari. The blonde with lightning strike on his hair, smiled and blushed a little, while the other three boys glared at the purple haired male.

"Tch, what are you doing here. extra?" Bakugo squinted at Shinsou. As shinsou was eyeing at Kaminari. His Irises moved to the corner of his eyes. 

"Just here to see Kyou, I've missed her dearly" Shinsou said

Bakugo didn't believed him "Fucking asshole" He thought

"Oh? are you two close friends?" Kaminari asked out of curiosity

"More like--" Shinsou was cut off by someone, It was a blonde haired male with blue eyes with an annoying voice tone, The boys knew who's annoying tone would that be. It was monoma.

Monoma is a blonde haired male with so called periwinkle blue, his pupils white as he has a lazy looking eyes. He's usually a loud, mocking and sarcastic person. Yet he gets along with 2B.

 "Shinsou!" Monoma shouted as he entered the ramen shop.

As he walks towards the purple haired male, he spotted bakugo. "Ah, The Angry Pomeranian from class 2A,I bet your getting ramen because You guys are worried for our "friendly" training with 2B!" He snickered like a psychopath. 

"You done, 2B Nerd?" Bakugo squinted his eyes and scoffed.

"Whatever, anyways. Shinsou. I was looking for you, we have some... business to do" Monoma soon frowed and wrapped his arms. The purple haired male then rolled his eyes and headed out first. as the blonde followed behind.

"Fucking Idiots" He groaned. Bakugo then looked at Kaminari who was staring at the entrance of the shop "Oi, Dunceface" 

"He's so cute" Kaminari thought in his head as he was soon after snapped out of reality "Huh- I- What..?" He looked around and looked back at bakugo "oh, yes?"

"What do you mean "Oh, yes? FUCKING NERD" he facepalmed 

As the girls headed out the restroom, Jirou who's eyes were slightly red along with her nose as she sniffled a little. Mina's hand was placed on to Jirou's shoulder as she patted her a long the way to the table. They then sat at the table, with their original spots. 

Bakugo glared at Kaminari one last time, Kaminari being confused as ever as he looks at Sero who's lightly shaking his head as he had a poker face. 

As the girls had finally sat down, there ramen had gotten a little bit cold yet they didn't mind. 

"Well, Bros... Shall we eat?" The red hair spoke up

The rest of the boys and mina except Jirou and Bakugo nodded

They started picking their chopstick up, before eating they prayed to kami sama before eating.

Slurping was then heard as they enjoyed their ramen. Jirou who's eating slowly, she took her time. While the three condiments AKA Sero, Kaminari and Kirishima was slurping their ramen, They really did enjoyed the food they recieved. They finished first. Kaminari and Kirishima asking for seconds as mina laughed at them, "Well aren't you two hungry?" She said as she ate as well.

Bakugo who was eating his ramen, He couldn't help but move his irises by the corner of his eye. He saw Jirou eating slowly, which he understood and lets her take her time. After all she did care for her even a little. 

After a while everyone finished while Jirou was about to. They all chitchatted and didn't spoke about the incident earlier. Not until a blonde dork spoke up.

"Say, Jirou. What happened earlier?" Kaminari asked

Bakugo yet again face palmed from frustration. "I swear to fucking god, I'm going to kill this, Idiot" He mumbled

Jirou lifted her head and swallowed the last bits of soup "Nothing in particular" Which she responded. She placed the bowl down and picked the glass of water up.. He looked at Kaminari then drank some water. As she was finished, she looked at bakugo, who's palm was placed on his chin as he had a poker face. He groaned and stood up as he placed his hands in his pockets.

It was their cue to leave the shop. They all stood up except Kaminari and Jirou. "Thank you for the meal" Kirishima spoke up as he smiled.

Jirou grabbed her phone from her pocket as she looked at the time. Her eyes widen a little as she saw the time. '5:56PM' It's been 2 hours since class has ended. She immediately grabbed her bag and headed off before talking to anyone.

"Eh? Jir-" Kaminari spoke yet he was cut off by The pink female, Mina. "Wait, Kaminari. I think it's already time for her to leave" She said

Kaminari just nodded as he stood up. "Thanks for the meal" He spoke.

They then left the ramen shop as they all chitchatted more.


Special mention to ABiont! Thank you so much for waiting for my updates and commenting on my work, I really appreciate it a lot!😭❤️ Thank you for making my day, Ilysm!!❤️

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