Stitched Shape Snippet (Michael Myers x OC)

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(This is a snippet from a Michael x OC story that I am writing :D ))

"Dr. Stevens, the transport is here." A nurse peeked into the doctor's office, giving the news.

Dr. Stevens looked up from his computer and then looked at the clock. "Hm. Alright. Thank you."

The nurse nodded and left. Stevens took a breath before getting up and heading out. The guards who were in charge of institute transport had just handed the patient off to a new set of guards. Stevens arrived, giving the guards the "ok" to bring the patient inside.

"The room is all set and ready for our patient."

The guards nodded and started to bring the patient in. The girl was quiet, but didn't fight. In fact, she was glancing around, familiar with the environment. Stevens made a few notes as he followed. He found it a little sad to see Danielle again. In just four years, her appearance had changed a lot from the little girl he had met the first time. Not only did she have the normal physical changes of a newly developed teenager...but there were the more...intense changes she had. She was pale and the "smile" that the report had mentioned was real. Just like the Joker or Jeffrey Woods, she had a carved smile that was stitched up.

"Such a harsh mark on a pretty face."

Stevens sighed as he looked at her and then got a little nervous. They had entered the wing where Danielle would be staying and Stevens saw that Michael was being taken out of his room. Stevens looked at his watch and realized that it was time for Dr. Loomis to see Michael.

"I completely forgot about Michael's session with Loomis. Keep your guards up." Stevens looked at the guards, who nodded in understanding.

Stevens held his breath, keeping his eyes on Danielle. She seemed to be oblivious at first, but Stevens felt his heart skip a beat when the girl looked up. She looked over and stopped when she saw Michael. She was quiet before a smile spread on her face.


Her voice was sweet and quiet as she looked at the giant of a boy. Michael had been looking at the floor as he was led down the hall, but stopped too. He looked up and over at the girl. The voice that spoke was familiar. He tilted his head as he looked at Danielle. He had no recollection at first...but then it hit him. He'd recognize those beautiful blue eyes anywhere. Even if it had been a few years.

"Danny...?" It was the slightest whisper, but Danille managed to catch it, making her smile more.

"Mikey! You're still here!" Danielle giggled and was delighted to see her friend again. "I missed you. I wanted to write to you more, but Ben wouldn't let me. I hope you aren't mad at me."

Hearing that name reminded Michael of Danielle's family. She had a mother and a step-father who didn't like her. There was a step-sister too, who treated Danielle like crap. Michael felt sorry for Danielle and was glad he could make her smile. Seeing her again definitely made him happier, though his mask hid his features. He was a little surprised by the "smile" she had on her face, but he didn't mind. He actually thought it was interesting.

During the quiet reunion of the two teens, Stevens made some notes. He thought it would be interesting if Dr. Loomis heard how his patient reacted. In his mind, Stevens saw it as a positive reaction.

"This is a good start to your stay, Danielle. Michael has to go though. He still sees Dr. Loomis. Do you remember Dr. Loomis?" Stevens looked at the girl with a curious eye.

"Yeah. I remember him. He's the one who talks funny." Danielle giggled, smiling with amusement.

"Yes. The one who talks funny." Stevens found it funny too. "Well, you and Michael can talk later at dinner. I'll be sure to tell Dr. Loomis that Michael is allowed to come to the cafeteria later. I'm sure you two have a lot to catch up on."

Danielle looked at Dr. Stevens and then looked at Michael. "I can't wait. I really did miss you, Mikey. I never stopped thinking about you."

With that, Dr. Stevens gestured to the guards and they started to lead Danielle on towards her room. Michael's guards started to lead him on too. As Danielle walked by Michael, she managed to reach a hand out despite the cuffs she had on. She grabbed Michael's hand, which would have been seen as a bad thing by normal people. Michael himself was a little stunned by the sudden touch...but he didn't reject it this time. Instead, he returned the gentle squeeze that Danielle gave him. 'I missed you too, Danny.' Michael thought as he was led on to his session with Dr. Loomis.

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