chapter 5 Slender pov

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I am furious with that old man. How dare he enter that child's home when I'm around. I'll just kill him I thought. I looked again at the old man and recognized the wild look in his eyes what the hell is Jeffery doing? Shouldn't he be getting another victim right now, not messing eith the child?  I kept thinking and I didn't realize Smile was at my feet till he started making a ruckus.

I never teleported so deep into the woods that fast before. And I left just in time to see Y/N come out to see what was wrong. When I saw she found no traces of me I slowly came back to see Jeff had dropped his old form and see Y/N cower. I wanted to kill jeff right then and there but I didn't  and shot my Tendrils out and yanked Jeffery through the window

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