Humble Beginnings

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*Beep Beep Beep Be-* 


Ah yes, the sound of a shattering alarm clock at 6am. Music, to no ones ears. You groaned, knowing you gotta get up and get ready for the big day. It had to probably be the biggest thing to ever happen in your life, ever. Since one of the biggest things was that you were finally moving out of your parents house and getting one of the most discreet jobs ever.

Did I mention the job had explained little to no information on what you'd be doing or where you'd even be going??? No? Then your off to a good start already. All the job flyer said was something about "tired of living at home and making little to no money? Then this job is perfect for you! Call this number now and get the opportunity of a life time!" Which you did and were surprisingly hired immediately. 

(Y/N) POV - 

I got up and threw on the outfit I had left out the night before considering everything else had already been packed away. I grabbed my backpack, phone, wallet, and I'd say keys but I don't need em where I'm headed. 

(If your curious as to what's in the backpack, then here ya go - A change of clothes for at least 2-3 days, phone charger, bathroom/ personal supplies, snacks, water, and whatever you do to keep busy.)

I made my way to the kitchen and threw a few Eggo waffles in the toaster when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. 

"Morin Dear, you go to bed at a good time." My mom asked from the kitchen table with a coffee in hand. 

"Uhhhhh suuuuuure." I said smiling awkwardly I grabbed my plate of waffles and took a seat. (If 3am counts as a good bed time then you were killin it.)

She shook her head and sighed. "This is a big day for you ya know? I've never seen you so excited for a job before." 

I just nodded and scarfed down my waffles not wanting to be late for the plane. (well, that's what the lady on the phone told you.)

(Time skip to the airport)

I hurried out of the car and said my finally goodbyes to my family before I rushed into the airport, straight to the front desk. 

"Hello there! What can I do for you?" The cheerful lady asked. 

"Hi there I was told to come to the front and tell you some code I get from my new boss. It's RGB1987 code 9." I said and the ladies eyes widened.

"You know what your getting into, right?" She asked a bit concerned, "You just seem like such a sweet person that I couldn't see you getting into this kind of business."

I gave a confused look, what's she mean by 'couldn't see me getting into this kind of business'??? "To be honest, I don't even know what it is." I said flat out and somehow, her eyes got even bigger. 

"They didn't tell you? Maybe I'm not even suppose to tell you, well then, good luck out there." She said with a slightly forced smile as she gestured to a pilot who was politely waiting at the end of the hall for me.

I raised a brow and said a quick thanks before following the pilot out to a small old plane. I quickly jumped in and leaned back to relax a bit before we'd reach our mystery destination.

(Many Hours later)

I yawned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I woke to the sight of the clear blue sky that was starting to turn a beautiful shade of orange. The pilot turned and smiled. "I see your finally awake! Did you get enough sleep?" He asked politely as he turned back to face the sky. 

I nodded and looked out the side window, "So, how much longer before we get there?" I asked watching the farm land zip by. 

"Not too much longer, You slept for most of this trip." He said keeping his eyes on the sky. 

My eyes widened, "What do you mean this trip?" I asked not knowing there was more.

He let out a deep guttural chuckle, "They really didn't tell you much, but you sure musta jumped on the opportunity to move out as soon as possible!" I rolled my eyes and sighed as I wondered what could possibly be next.

(A Couple more boring hours later.)

The airport came into sight and we soon landed. I almost kissed the ground, being so high up in the air for so long really starts to get to you.

"Alrighty then, just head on over to the bus station and tell em to take you to Teufort. Oh! Make sure you tell em the same code you told the Lady at the airport." He said happily, waving you off.

He didn't seem like such a bad guy, but you really wished someone would tell you something about this new secretive job of yours. So far it's been a series of passwords and codes to get from point A to point B. Still, it wasn't that unbearable, at least you still had your backpack full of snacks and water.

While I sat and waited for the bus, I ate some of my favorite snacks and downed a bottle of water. I pulled out my phone and was going to text my friends to let em know where I was but I got absolutely nothing for cell service so I opted to playing some fun mobile games to pass time.

As the boredom started to settle in, I could hear the faint whir of a bus coming down the dirt road. I sat up and watched as an old gray bus pull up to the stop, I stood up and walked on, making sure to tell them the code and place I needed to go before taking a seat towards the very back. When I caught the eyes of a little old lady watching me. 

I looked at her and she smiled, "Oh my! I'm sorry if I was starring deary, you just remind me so much of my granddaughter, Sahara. She works at the café in Teufort, I'm paying her a quick visit before I go on my trip with my loving husband Wilbur. Blah blah blah-" The old lady was now rambling to you about her whole life story, like how she met her husband and where she grew up. I was honestly starting to fall asleep when the bus driver yelled out. "Welcome to Teufort!" Swinging the door open.

I got up and helped the old lady, Gladys, down the stairs and before i could go into town, the bus driver caught me and said, "Watch for an old cargo van, that will take you to your final destination." I thanked him and headed into town. 

(A/N) {Well may as well cap the first chapter off here huh? I tried to skip past a majority of boring parts but always keep in mind, sometimes the beginning of the story isn't as spectacular as the next. Until we met again!}

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