Getting Settled

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(A/N) - {I might change the chapter names to just Chapter 1, 2, 3, etc. just to make it a bit easier to write the chapters, but we'll see what happens.}

"Ah! You must be the new recruit, my name is Miss Pauling and I'll be your guide around 2Fort. If you have any questions feel free to ask at any time." She said, holding a clip board in one hand and a pen in the other. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Pauling but just one question.... What exactly did I sign up for?" I asked still taking in the deserted looking area. 

"Oh dear, did the Administrator really not tell you what we do here?" She asked a bit concerned as I nodded. "Well, to put it in simple terms. This is a team of mercenaries that all have special skill sets and were picked by the administrator to steal intelligence from the enemy team." 

She then went one to explain the whole workings of TF2 and what team you were assigned to.

"So, you're tellin me, I've been hired as a mercenary for a super secretive operation run by a Lady known as the administrator for these two old rich dudes as entertainment?" I asked trying to piece everything together. 

"In other words, yes, you would be correct." She said, not knowing what else to say. 

"Could you give me a minute?" I asked as I paced around, she nodded and walked up ahead a little ways to give me space. 




As I had finally come to terms that the job actually sounded like fun and I literally had no other place to go, I walked up ahead to meet Miss Pauling and explained that I was in.

"What a relief to hear!" She said sighing and mumbled something about not having to kill me, which made me worry..... just a little.

As we started the tour she shook me to both sides of the area, there was the Reliable Excavation Demolition Team also known as RED and the Builders League United Team also known as BLU. She explained that I was selected for the RED Team for the time being but might be moved to the BLU Team in the future. I think one of the weirdest things she explained to me had to be the respawn rooms. Coming back from being killed sounds absolutely crazy, but it seems like this whole place runs on crazy soooo, yeah.

As soon as we had covered the entire area she turned and asked if I would like to be shown my new living quarters.

"Uh, Hell yeah I would! Been carryin this bag around for at least 2 days straight now and I'd really like to take one hell of a nap before I get introduced to the teams." I said with a tired laugh. She nodded and guided me to the RED Base, leading me down a few halls right to the living quarters. 

"So yours will be the one down the hall and to the right, with no symbol on the door and don't worry, it's away from all the guy's rooms. Well, unless you consider the Med Bay as one of the guys rooms, but I made sure the room was 100% sound proof (courtesy of Engineer) so that they can't spy on you." She said smiling. 

"Thanks! I really appreciate it!" I said grabbing my key from her and bounding down the hall way to my room. I unlocked the door and stepped in, noticing I had my own private bathroom. (SCORE!) I noticed that a few of my things were already set up in the room, like my bed, dresser, lamp, cork board, computer desk, and a few other things. I set my bag down next to my bed and flopped down on my bed, taking in the smells from home that still lingered on the sheets. 

*knock knock* "Hey it's Miss Pauling, make sure to contact me when you wake up so I can go over the introductions in the mess hall. I left my name and number on the desk, if your phone don't  have any bars use this." She slid some beeper thing under the door. "Just click that when your ready." I could practically feel her smile through the door as I heard her walk away. 

I sighed as I got comfortable, snuggling up to my orange body pillow and falling fast asleep, wondering what my fellow teammates would be like. 

(Many Hours Pass.)

I wake up, well rested and very curious. I stretched as I got up and walked into the bathroom. Seems like all my makeup and bathroom stuff was laid out very neatly across the counter. I shrugged and washed my face before putting on some makeup to at least look decent. I walked back out and emptied the contents of my backpack onto my bed. I huffed as I walked about, putting things away and setting my desk up the way I like. I made sure to locate all of the outlets before I moved onto the electronics. 

After about an hour of moving things around and putting things away, I was finally satisfied with the way my room looked. 

I grabbed the pager and took a deep breath as I pressed the button. Miss Pauling's voice came through the small speaker. "On my way." I took a seat at my desk and waited patiently for her to show up. 

A couple minutes had passed, when I heard that familiar light knock on my door. I got up and opened the door, Miss Pauling smiled. "You ready to meet your teammates?" She asked. 

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said, chuckling awkwardly as we headed off to the Mess hall. 

(Oh man were you nervous. Why? Cause all Miss Pauling told you is that they came from all parts of the world and were all very skilled mercenaries. You on the other hand, you were defiantly a noob when it came down to it. You only knew the basics when it came to combat.)

Miss Pauling stopped at the mess hall doors. "You ready? Your starting to look a little pale." She said concerned by my worried state.

"Yeah, just a TINY  bit nervous, but I'll be alright." I said, smiling nervously. 

"Trust me, there's nothing to be be nervous about, majority of them are complete morons." She said rolling her eyes, which helped lift my spirits a bit.

With that she swung the Mess hall doors open and I was soon greeted to a few new faces.

(A/N) - {Little shorter than I usually make em but, I wanted to keep you waiting a tad but longer before we get to our main man Medic. Why? Cause I can :> Until we meet again!}

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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