HTSCF CH 035 All of your pieces...

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In a small studio apartment, two men were busy discussing something while a youth sipped on his milk tea and listened in. The men were considering adding a gender change option to their VR game ADAS.

Why had they never thought about it before? Because they were the types to play as their gender and never saw the appeal of playing the opposite sex, much less consider a gender change.

"It's not hard," Azazel said.

"But what about those that are married?"

"Weren't you planning to allow gay marriage in-game?"

Elior had been considering it. ADAS was a worldwide game and most people were very accepting of same-sex marriage these days. Looking at Jun, then looking at his cousin, he considered something else. "... What about multiple marriages?"


That would make their game more appealing. After all, what made ADAS stand out was that it was ideal for MMORPG and online dating. The forbidden romance between demons and saints, the infinite ways to strengthen an avatar with various gear, skills, and player skill, the very real pain and pleasure... What was adding a gender change or multiple marriage option?

"We have to limit multiple marriages though. Don't want too much chaos and drama."

"3 then?"

"3 is good."

Jun thought, 'Not the number 3 again!'

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Just convincing those two was enough to earn him 50%? Sometimes he didn't understand how the system mathed.

The men continued to discuss and Jun kept watching and listening to them. How long were 15 years? It didn't feel that long when he was in the training room learning aikido, which kept him distracted and relieved him of all his pent-up frustrations. Only when he entered this world and found himself alone for just a day did all of the repressed emotions pour out. It was nice to see Azazel and Elior again...

"What's wrong!?" Azazel asked when he looked over. Jun wasn't crying but his face was dark and gloomy, appearing on the verge of tears, quite unlike his usual self.

"The—the milk tea just tastes so good..."

"... Ha." Azazel tried not to laugh and rubbed Jun's head with familiar intimacy. "Well, don't cry or it'll taste salty."

Elior, always the more unreserved one and had been controlling himself pretty well so far, leaned over and licked up an unshed tear from the corner of Jun's eye, startling him into a blush. Were 15 years enough to revert him into a virgin? After all the crazy sex in the last world, he didn't think it possible. Then again, Fei Lan was a virgin.

"Cute." Elior caressed Jun's cheek. "Can I kiss you?"

Asking for permission? That was a first. "Mm."

The kiss was very light, soft, and brief, so unlike what Elior would usually do. When he finished, he parted with a lingering kiss on Jun's forehead. "Hmm, sweet."

Azazel leaned down to kiss Jun's cheeks and eyelids, then his lips. Though he wanted to do more, he stopped himself. With some regret, he returned to playing with the youth's hair. Jun was still 17, not yet an adult. Even if it felt like they had known each other for years, they only just met.

There was still plenty of time in the day, but Azazel and Elior left after a few more minutes. They had work to do and left all their materials back at the hotel. No matter, they planned to visit Jun again tomorrow.

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