Memories Disguised As Speeches

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(A/N: Oh my god, the pic I chose for this chapter is PERFECT for it!

But where's Cheif Benja? 🥺

*sigh* At least 99% of the characters are here tho.

Ok, moving on............)


(Namaari's POV)

"Mmmm. Where has this congee been all my life? Raya, Namaari, Sisu, you guys really should've taken me here before."

"Sorrrrry, Ba." Raya looks sheepish. "Concider this my apology to that."

"Well, apology accepted."

"Anyone up for another round of congee."

"Of course! Just notch down the spice a little."

"Caaaan do Tong."

"Ahhum, Boun is it? Your congee is really good."

"Awh, thanks Cheif. Takes a lot of practice, I can't count how many times I've burnt pots of it."

Something lightly taps my shoulder.

"Yes, Sisu?"

"Y'know what else you get at weddings? Speeches!"

"Oh man, no, I am NOT giving a speech. Last time I did that shit hit the fan FAST."

"Well, then, could I give a speech?"

"Be my guest, I'm not gonna stop ya."

"Okay, uhh..... Hey, guys, excuse me, hi."

Her attempts to raise her voice don't seem to be working, so I rap my spoon against my empty bowl until everyone is quiet.

"Thank you, Namaari. Soooooooo, um, heyyy, Sisu here, obviously, giving a speech under these really finely made paper lanterns. Seriously, these are so good, who made these? Raise your hand if you did."

Boun's sister, a girl at around fifteen or sixteen with a high ponytail and similar complection to Boun, raises her hand.

"You? I owe you a high five girl, those are awesome. Okay, now, where was I? Oh yeah, that's right, making a speech about these two, amazing women that I call my best friends.

See, Raya  and I go waaaaay back to a dingy old shipwreck in the middle of nowhere, AKA, Tail's ENORMOUS desert. It got preeetty crazy from there. And when NAMAARI entered the picture, things got even CRAZIER."

She continues, tactfully omitting the events before the Druun caused Armageddon.

"And they still continue to be crazy. Do I care? No, no I don't. Life wouldn't be the same without these gals.

So, I guess all I'm tryna say is, Raya, Namaari, I love you guys both to pieces, and, I really, really, reeeeeeeeally hope you guys have many years of being a married couple.

Thank you, goodnight!"

With that, she plonks back down, crossing her legs.

Everyone, including Raya and I break out into applause.

"Thank you, thank you, awh, you guys are too kind."

"Hey, Sisu," says Raya as the applause dies down. "For an ad lib that was pretty good."

"Thanks, making up speeches when you're in deperate need of one is easy peasy."

"Not for me!"

"Or me!"

"Tell us your secret!" Raya and I say in unison. 

"Well, I just tend to, y'know, latch onto an idea and let it sprout."

"Do you need a watering can for it?"

Sisu bursts out laughing, thumping her fist on the table.

"Good one 'maari." Raya wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"Well, what can I say, I learnt from the,"- I motion to her dad- " 'best' joketeller in town." I use my fingers to make air quotes on the word best.

"Yeah, good thing he didn't open with a joke." 

We share a private giggle, hands over our mouths to conceal our spluttering.


"Think we should start heading home now?" I chuck the last of the flattest rocks on the shore we could find, sighing as it sinks into the clear orange and light blue lake, reflecting the sunset.

"Yeah, sure."

I take her hand. She lets it go limp as I swing it back and forth. Her hands then leave for my waist, and I slip mine under the back of her neck covered by her long hair. We kiss, slowly drawing each other into a hug. 

"Raya, Namaari? Do you mind if I borrow Tuk Tuk for a ride home?"

"Oh, no, no, no at all. Go for it Ba."

Tuk Tuk rubs his nose against Raya's legs. She hugs his head carefully as she can, in a more of a "See you again soon," gesture than a "Goodbye."

Cheif Benja mounts Tuk Tuk, and after a quick wave, rolls away. 

Raya waves back until he's just a tiny dot on the horizon. 

I untie Serlot, and feed him a few well-done shrimps that I swiped from Boun. 

"Huh, kinda tempted to tie a couple ribbons and a Just Married sign on his tail," I joke.

"Har har." She climbs on behind me, holding on to my waist. 

I make a clicking sound with my tounge, and Serlot begins to race off. My hands cling to the reins, and Serlots paws thumpo against the ground, a light breeze running through our hair.

Every now and then, I turn to look at Raya, her head resting against my neck and her eyes closed. More relaxed than asleep, truly feeling the moment.

My dep'la, my dragon nerd, my former friend, my enemy, my friend, my lover.

And now my wife. 

My mother was wrong. Raya, and her, my, friends, are all I need.


(A/N: Speaking of mothers.......

Y'know how I said we might be seeing the story from a different POV later on a bit before this? Well, that's gonna happen next chapter.

Who's it gonna be? You'll hafta wait and see! 

Hint: It's somebodys mother, who isn't dead.

Also, yes, before any of you ask, the majority of this chapter takes place on Boun's boat, the Shrimpourium!🦐)

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