eight | the one with the kiss

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TODAY COULD BE THE DAY to erase the occurrence that shouldn't have ... occurred. The next time Mint went grocery shopping, it was exactly two days later because she realized her head had been quite the mess she hadn't checked everything off her shopping list. She changed grocery stores, a little farther than the usual. But sacrifices had to be made for the security of a person's saneness.

   Although Mingi was still a neighbour—that didn't miraculously change yet. Mint hadn't sat to give thorough deliberation to it, promising she'd at some point. If this proved a little more than suffocating, a little more than her wearied self could grapple with, she would go ahead and bring Hwa into it. Not that it would be new under the sun to involve her cousin—he was always involved. Even now as he didn't know who'd moved in recently.

   Cousin Hwa was sure to take action, one way or another, although it was possible his methods might have become somewhat antiquated. Her cousin was busy regaining redemption from the Chois. Who knew what took place over the course of time to the compunctious mind.

   This time, Mint wasn't going to shirk from fear. Not only because she didn't have enough cleverness or smarts to carry it out, but that Mint believed it was placing her opposition in the catbird seat. How many shots was one coward supposed to get? She'd fed Mingi enough, and had resolved two nights ago it was about time she force-fed some to herself. Pull the rug right from underneath Mingi while he was almost completely certain he still had an upper hand.

   "You're rather antsy for someone who doesn't care," Yeosang said. Stormy grey eyes regarded her, his fingers worked around screwing and unscrewing the bottle cap of his water. He hadn't touched his coffee which was also in front of him. In her mind, Mint had sketched the image of a gun pointed to her temple—the best explanation she could give to the effect this elusive man had on her. Yeosang came knocking twenty minutes prior and Mint had welcomed him in, offered him some coffee. Along the way he got comfortable enough to decide he wanted to raid her fridge. Yeosang hadn't left his spot by the breakfast bar ever since.

   "Nobody said anything about caring," Mint said, a short moment after sifting through the contents of her head for an offhanded time where she might have made a slipup and brought up caring. Mint found none.

   Yeosang raised his head to square his gaze with her own locked on him. They looked indignant and he thought she was getting riled up. "But that's not what we want."

   "I don't know, Yeosang." Mint dropped her angry stare, growing indecisive.

   The past few days of really getting to know her had acquainted Yeosang to the fact that uncertainty was her prime characteristic. He wondered if she was aware of what she lived with. Yeosang also wondered if it hadn't been inborn but secured over a course of building an attraction towards someone who came a long way about embracing his own prime characteristic. In Mingi's case, he was most likely born with it. He'd known him that long, hence why he figured he could understand Mint, relate—although not from the same viewpoint. But in the actual way of it, there couldn't be much of a difference between a friend and an admirer and Mint has gotten to endure from those two perspectives.

   Mingi wanted to have his cake and eat it. The best of both worlds. So it didn't seem to matter if attaining those selfish feats had their repercussions, the way said repercussions effectuated more on other people than it did him.

   How long had it been going for? Yeosang was always curious, part of his reason for engaging Mint Park that night. When he had asked her, and she told him since college, in that instant his heart went out to her.

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